Friday, September 30, 2016

Can I Get A Whoop Whoop? Bring On The Babies!

Hi, all!

It's Friday again, and that means a lot of things - the weekend is upon us, it's time to get our whoop whoop on again, AND it's the second week of the Artisan blog hop, so there will be some more great eye candy for us today!  

Just a little sneak peek!

I don't know about you, but I'm really excited to see what today's blogger has created.  Jennifer over at CraftSanity is sharing her ideas today, so be sure to hop over there and see what she did with all these beautiful new Artisan prints!

And now, it's time to whoop it up, so let's get started!!


This week I got ahead of the game and finished quilts for two babies due in October!!

This quilt is made from pat of a charm pack of Lucy's Crab Shack, combined with Connecting Threads Quilter's Candy Chambray in Light Denim and Sky.  

Those two colors were the perfect complement for the colors in Lucy's Crab Shack!

I used a pretty linen stripe for the binding, and a giant blue and white check for the backing.  As soon as that baby boy shows up, I'll be sending this one to its new home!

And then later in the month, there's a baby girl due!  I made this quilt with a mini-charm pack of Hello Darling - which seemed totally appropriate for a new baby girl!  

The background is Kona Punch and I used a pretty salmon color solid for the binding.

And in trying to "shop my stash", so to speak, I found this beautiful green print for the back.  A little unexpected, but it works really well with all the prints!

So my quilt-y sewing for this week gives me a jump on gifts for October babies - - - whoop whoop for me!  AND both of these quilts were made completely from stash - which means two more for Sew My Stash 2016!!

Linking up with "Let's Make Baby Quilts" 


And now it's your turn!

What are you whooping it up about this week?

What's making you dance a little happy dance?

Share - we want to dance right along with you -
And it's always more fun to dance with friends!

The party will stay open until midnight Sunday -

Hope to see you there!



This linky list is now closed.

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

I May Have A Scrap Problem... September Progress & October Goals

Hi, all!

It's hard to believe that September is drawing to a close, but it is!  Fall is rushing in, Christmas is eighty-seven days away, and it will soon be quilting season again...  I'm still working on organizing and using up my scraps and hope to get a few more quilts out of them before the end of the year.  How about you?

At the end of August, I had a few goals that I hoped to reach.  My first one was to sew up at least one stadium/picnic quilt using the leftover pieces of t-shirts from all the t-shirt quilts I've been making this summer.  

I'm really happy with the way this one came out!  Since we will be heading to the beach next week, I had the idea to make these into a beach blanket.  This quilt is backed with muslin and has no batting, so it's big (84" square) but not too heavy and can be washed and dried pretty easily.  Scrappy binding used up more of my scraps and finished it off with a little bit of color!

I also wanted to turn this little bit of scrap play into a quilt top... And today, I did!

I'm really liking this - and I hope I can quilt it in a way that really enhances it!  I've got a back made and it's ready to go on the frame, but I don't know if I'll have time to do it before vacation.  At any rate, it will get quilted soon!

I wanted to make 20 more blocks for the string quilt, but that didn't happen.

I wanted to pull fabrics for Lilli's annual quilt, and I did get to that this month.  I also put together a design in Excel for her quilt that I'm really happy with...

She wants a quilt with photographs of her "when she was little" on it, so I'm going to use the mid-size and large blocks on this quilt for photographs.  I think this will be a great scrap buster quilt, which should make a healthy dent in my scrap bins!

And I did sign up for Rachel Hauser's Patchwork from Scrap class - I'm hoping to watch all of it next week while I'm on vacation.  I haven't had time to see much of it yet, but what I've seen, I love!!

I also received a wonderful surprise in September - a box of Latitude scraps from Kate Spain herself!  So part of the month I spent pressing and organizing those scraps so they are ready to be used.  

So that's what happened scrappy around here in September.  In October, I'm going to be working on a memory quilt for a woman whose husband died a year ago, using his ties to make a quilt like this one...

This was such a great pattern, and I think it will make up beautifully with men's ties.  I'll be spending the car ride to the beach and back deconstructing those ties so they are ready to be used.  This one has to be finished by October 30th, so it's the primary goal for the month.

I'll also be working on Lilli's annual quilt, which should eat up a lot of scraps.  I plan to make the smaller blocks as a sort of leader/ender project, so if I have my pieces cut out, I can sew them up as I go.  So the first step is to cut the pieces I need from the scraps I pulled in September.

I'd love to play with the Latitude scraps, too, if I have time.  I've been rolling some designs around in my mind and as soon as I lock on to one, I hope to start working on it.

So that's my progress for September, and my goals for October.  And now it's your turn - what have you been working on?  What are you hoping to do in October?  Link up below and let us know - and if you're not ready to link up, be sure to check out all the other links and cheer them on!  Let's tame that scrap monster together!



This linky list is now closed.

Monday, September 26, 2016

Make-A-List Monday - Anticipation!

Hi, all!

It's Monday again, and I'm anticipating an upcoming trip to the beach - I can't wait!  But there's lots to do before I can dip my toes in the ocean and sit in the sun - and play with my grandkids!!  The first thing on the list is to make a list (something a friend of mine who is a fellow list maker reminded me!) so here goes...

First of all, let's see how last week's list went...

1.  Keep working on the secret projects 
(and post some sneak peeks!)
Done!  I've been sneak-peeking a bunch...

2.  Mail a commission job to Malaysia.
Done - that was quite the experience!  Customs forms are so much fun to fill out...

3.  Meet with a new client on a commission for three t-shirt quilts.
Done!  Apparently t-shirt quilts are my life - but at least they pay the bills!

4.  Make a block for a friend's secret project.

5.  Start working on two baby quilts for October babies!
Both tops are done!

6.  Quilt a few quilts for the quilt ministry.
Done!  I quilted two for the ministry, but forgot to take pictures of them.... of course!

7.  Keep up with any quilt ministry needs that come up.
Done!  It was a little calmer this week...

This quilt went to a woman whose son died unexpectedly...

...and this quilt went to a woman battling lung cancer.

This quilt went to a woman who is dealing with the potential and looming loss of a parent to illness...

...and this quilt went to a woman just diagnosed with breast cancer.

So a pretty productive week!  I did some other stuff too, that I'll show later in the week. And here's what's on my radar for this week...

1.  Quilt and finish the two baby quilts.

2.  Order supplies for the new t-shirt quilt commissions.

3.  Order more batting for the quilt ministry.

4.  Pull together handwork projects for vacation.

5.  Pull together a box of fabric the kids can play with when they want to be "like Nana" on vacation!

6.  Clean up the house so the dog sitter doesn't run away screaming...

7.  Change the oil in the car.

8.  Keep up with any quilt ministry needs that come up.

I'm sure there's more that I need to do, but I'm writing this as I watch the presidential debate and I keep getting distracted.... so this is going to have to do for now!

So now, the question is - - - what are YOU working on this week?



Linking up with "Let's Make Baby Quilts" 
on Michelle's Romantic Tangle!

Friday, September 23, 2016

Can I Get a Whoop Whoop? Fall Into Fall!

Hi, all!

It's the first Friday of fall - can you believe it?  It's hard to imagine it right now here in middle Tennessee, because the temperatures are still in the nineties, but we're all sipping pumpkin spice lattes and pretending fall has arrived!  But cool weather or not, it's time to get our whoop whoop on - are you ready?  I am!  I've got several different things to share today - a couple of my own and a couple of places for you to visit.... so be sure to read all the way through and catch it all!


I finished a pair of t-shirt quilts this week...

This one went to the young daughter of a man who died unexpectedly six months ago.

I really love the sashing, cornerstone, and backing fabric the client picked out!  Even though these are all men's t-shirts, it still looks appropriate for a little girl.  All three of these fabrics came from Connecting Threads.

And this one went to the man's father, using some of the larger t-shirts in the stack.  I used two different shades of Connecting Thread's chambray basics for the background and backing.  It took some heavy-duty math to figure out how to use the different size shirts, but I like the way it came out!

More straight line quilting that shows up really nicely on the chambray backing.  


I also made this really cute Maker Mat, simplifying the pattern being used for the Maker Mat Sew-a-Long to showcase some beautiful Kaffe Fassett fabrics...

And with that, I'll remind you that it's time for the Artisan blog tour to start!  Today's stop on the blog tour is over at Simple Simon and Company - I don't know about you, but I can't wait to see what they have created with these beautiful Kaffe Fassett Artisan fabrics!  So be sure to hop over and check it out.  Remember, this is only the first week of seven - there will be lots of serious eye candy and inspiration!!  And as a bonus - she's having a giveaway!!!

And finally, keep an eye out for an upcoming event that will really help you get your fall on!  My friend Bernie over at Needle and Foot is hosting a Handmade Halloween linkup on Tuesday, October 4th.  You can read more about it by clicking here, but basically it will be a place to link both new and old posts showing handmade Halloween decorations, costumes, and quilts - how fun!  So mark your calendars!

Lots going on this week, and a great start to fall!  So - can I get a whoop whoop?


And now it's your turn!  

What's got you whooping it up this week?

What's making you dance a little happy dance?

Sare - we want to dance right along with you - 
And it's always more fun to dance with friends!

Remember - it doesn't have to be a finish,
just something you're happy about!

The party will stay open until Sunday midnight -
Hope to see you there!



This linky list is now closed.

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

I May Have A Scrap Problem.... Scraps & Bonus Triangles!

Hi, all!

Yes, I may have a scrap problem - - - but I'm working on it!  I had a little fun this afternoon playing with scraps from the special project I'm working on for Westminster Fabrics (you can read more about that here) and I thought I'd share them with you, while they're still in the "in progress" phase!

First of all, I put together this piece that will eventually become a pillow cover...

I'm excited about the way this is looking, but have some plans to take it up another notch!

Then I grabbed up a pile of bonus triangles I made as part of another project for Westminster Fabrics, and started playing with layouts for another pillow cover...

I've still got lots of these little bonus triangles left over, so I thought I'd do a Pinterest search and see what came up.  I found some really cute things...

I LOVE this little block!

And isn't this friendship wreath just adorable?  I really want to give this one a try...

And I think Crazy Mom Quilts' minimalist quilt top is absolutely brilliant!  Zoom in on it so you can see those tiny little bonus triangles in the center of each block...

You can find the original posts for these and more on my Pinterest board, Bonus Triangles!

So that's what I've been working on to tame my scrap monster.  How about you?



Monday, September 19, 2016

Make-A-List Monday - Whew! And I'm Still Alive!

Hi, all!

Wow!  It's Monday again, and I'm happy to say that I survived last week - and not only survived it, but did it in style.  I hope I don't have another week that busy for a while!  Let's see how it all went....

1.  Accept quilts for the quilt show this weekend.
Done! We had a good turnout of both quilts and visitors, and even had some folks show up for a little hands-on block making!

2.  Work with the long-arm repairman to get Grace up and running again!
Done!  It took a bit of doing, but Grace (our BlockRockIt) seems to be feeling much better now!  Good thing, too - we've got lots of tops waiting to be quilted!

3.  Collect and process the fabric donation for the quilt ministry.
Done!  This was what the back of my car looked like, full of fabric and projects...

4.  Make backs for the two t-shirt quilt tops that are completed.
Done - and not only the backs, but I've actually quilted both of them and they have been delivered!

5.  Decide on a quilting design for one of the secret projects.
Done!  I ended up with simple straight line quilting in a fun design.

6.  Spray baste that quilt (if I choose straight line quilting) so it's ready for quilting.
Done!  And I not only spray basted it, but I finished the quilting and binding too!  I can't wait to show it to you!

7.  If time allows, quilt some tops for the quilt ministry.
I didn't get to this, opting instead to quilt the t-shirt quilts, because I have three more t-shirt quilts coming in this week and needed the space!

8.  Keep up with any quilt ministry needs that come up.
Done!  Lots of quilts this week...

This one went to a little 8 year old girl with a brain tumor...

...and this quilt went to a 5-year old girl with leukemia.

This quilt went to a woman who just had surgery for cancer and is facing a long recovery...

...and this quilt went to a woman recovering from pneumonia.

 This quilt went to a gentleman dealing with the end stages of cancer...

...this quilt went to a woman with cancer...

...and this quilt went to a woman dealing with a brain aneurysm.

Whew!  A very busy week - a lot accomplished, but I'm glad to see it in the rear view mirror.  So now let's see what's on tap for this week!

1.  Keep working on the secret projects 
(and post some sneak peeks!)

2.  Mail a commission job to Malaysia.

3.  Meet with a new client on a commission for three t-shirt quilts.

4.  Make a block for a friend's secret project.

5.  Start working on two baby quilts for October babies!

6.  Quilt a few quilts for the quilt ministry.

7.  Keep up with any quilt ministry needs that come up.

I know this list doesn't look much better than last week's list, but it certainly feels better to me!  For one thing, I'm getting to do some sewing and quilting, more than last week, and that's always a relief.  And I'll be finishing some things, which always helps my stress level.  I've got some fun projects rolling around in my head that should come to light this week - fun fun fun!!

And speaking of fun, take a look at this pic of my youngest granddaughter, Emmy.....

My daughter Nancy has started selling LulaRoe clothing, and Emmy was modeling some of the kids' fashions for her.  Look at that pose!  It's a shame she doesn't have any personality....

So that's what my week looks like.  And now the question is - - - what are YOU working on this week?

