Friday, September 2, 2016

Can I Get A Whoop Whoop? Ready for Autumn....

Hi, all!

It's Friday again, and September!!! Where did the summer go?  I hope you're enjoying a last blast on this holiday weekend, but I also hope you'll take some time to do a little whooping with me at the same time.  Let's get started!


First of all, I got to spend several mornings this week here...

...walking in the park!  It's so gorgeous in the early morning, and I've seen tons of squirrels, turkeys, and deer - even a pair of fawns! I hate exercising, but that does make it a little easier....

Tuesday night I got together with my quilting peeps at church for a "Block Party" - we took some of our orphan blocks and a bunch of strings (we're drowning in both, or we were before Tuesday night!) and did this...

A good start on blocks for some quilts that will be going to Louisiana to flood victims later in September!  We had so much fun - eating, laughing, sewing, and then doing it all over again!

I also did a little pattern experimentation this week, 
trying out a bag pattern I found on-line - 
the One Yard Magic Hobo Bag from Lecien Fabrics...

I adjusted the pattern to use multiple fabrics on the outside and added a lining, also made the straps a bit wider.  

And I added this really cool vintage button that my sister found in an antique store!  I just love it - it's almost 2" across!  Probably came off a 1940's vintage coat, if I had to guess.  I love this pattern and I'm sure I'll be using it again, with a few adjustments.  I'm trying to figure out a way to add pockets to the inside.  If you want to try the pattern I started with, you can find it by clicking here. 

And then I spent Thursday doing this...

...quilting six quilts for Stash Builder Box's Heartbuilder program, and I even managed to get binding on two of them before I had to quit for the day!  I'll be taking a better picture once they are all finished and washed, but I'm pretty proud of my accomplishment for Thursday!  

AND - - - I signed up for Rachel Hauser's upcoming class, Patchwork from Scrap!  I'm really excited to learn from Rachel - if you want to find out more about the class, click here!  She's offering a reduced price for registration through September 4th.

So - - - can I get a whoop whoop?


And now it's your turn!

What's got you whooping it up this week?

What's making you dance a little happy dance?

Share - we want to dance right along with you - 
And it's always more fun to dance with friends!

Remember - it doesn't have to be a finish,
just something you're happy about this week.

The party will stay open until Sunday midnight.

Hope to see you there!



This linky list is now closed.


  1. That sounds like a very productive week, Sarah! The trail you've been walking on is beautiful and I imagine it's very peaceful in the mornings. Enjoy the class :)

  2. a good evening with your friends. That is a lot of blocks on the wall

  3. I'm amazed at your church's quilting room! Beautiful set-up, and so light and cheery. You've certainly accomplished a LOT this week - as always!

  4. your post today is a whirlwind of link following. I feel like I have been completely inspired. I'm thinking about Rachel's class and, I will propose to my quilty friends, the box program thanks for sharing

  5. It's still pretty warm here in AZ...but starting NEXT month, I'll be singing and dancing everyday until June! ;) Y'all really know how to party! Looks like so much fun was had. You are a quilting machine woman! Thanks for the linky, and as always WHOOP WHOOP!!!

  6. Boy, if I lived close I would be at your group quilting. It is so much fun to sew with others and for others. Congratulations on all the quilts done!

  7. How fun your sewing day with your peeps looks! And I can't believe how many quilts for Heart Builders you got quilted in one day. Wow, you deserve to be doing the happy dance!

  8. I really need to pull out my orphan blocks and do something with them.

  9. Our weather is cooling off, making for nice morning walks here as well. I thought about signing up for Rachel's class too but I have way too much going on over the next six weeks. I bet it will be wonderful though. I look forward to hearing about your experience with it.

  10. You are so productive! Your block party looked like so much fun!

  11. Wow! 6 quilts in one day?! Awesome! I can't even think that fast :-) They will be a great gift for those needing some cheer.
    I haven't been sewing much but am finally starting on a t shirt quilt for a friend from church.

  12. How do you ever quilt that many quilts in one day and then bind two of them? What's in your coffee, sista??

  13. The bag with the vintage button is beautiful! Another productive week for you! Way to go Sarah!

  14. Wow! You were a veritible quilting machine this week. The Heartbuilder program is interesting and maybe something for my future. That hobo bag is a perfect solution to a little "thank you" gift I need. Trying it out this weekend. Thanks for pointing it out.

  15. You've had quite the week...very productive. Good luck with the class. I was tempted, but I have too many things on the go.

  16. Congratulations on all those quilts quilted and a cute Hobo Bag, too. Thank you for hostessing the linky party.

  17. My goodness, really? Six in one day? You must have worked around the clock! Thank you so much for the Louisiana flood victims' quilts! They will know that people care and are praying/thinking of them. Some have lost every item they own because of the mold (like a flood wasn't enough) and starting over must be extremely difficult. I'm from Louisiana and have seen the devastation, so I truly appreciate every bit of help that they receive. Thank you, thank you, thanks!

  18. Some people have growth spurts - you've had a Productivity Spurt! It's all good. Here's to another product week ahead :)

  19. Love your walking path - and the creatures sound very friendly! I've been out walking late at night, and encountered a fox a few nights ago!

  20. Love your walking path - and the creatures sound very friendly! I've been out walking late at night, and encountered a fox a few nights ago!


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