Friday, August 5, 2011

Can I get a Whoop-Whoop?? Feelin' Good - Lots Accomplished!

Hi, all!

Well, it's been a good week here - hot as all get-out, so staying inside was very attractive!  The only problem?  Without Lilli, I seem to have this insane desire to...... clean house?????  Who knew?  My husband loves it, though - poor guy, he puts up with a lot because of me!  But in between cleaning house, I did get a few quilty things done...

I finished the bindings on these two ministry quilts....

This quilt is made from blocks donated by Megan
of Crooked Seams - isn't it pretty?

This is another of Sharon Vrooman's beautiful tops -
I added the pansy border to match the pansy prints
in the quilt and quilted it!

In addition to finishing the binding on those two quilts, I quilted this pretty quilt, pieced by my friend and fellow quilt ministry member, Debora...

Isn't that a gorgeous thing?  So bright and cheerful - and made completely with donated fabrics out of the stash!!

And one other thing I did this week - with the help of a couple of quilt ministry members - is organize a pile of donated fabric that was cluttering up one corner of my sewing room!  

See that patch of floor in the bottom right of the picture?  Well, I haven't seen that piece of floor for months!!!  Hallelujah!!  And in a fit of housekeeping (how do I get rid of this desire to clean house???) I also went through the remaining bags and boxes that were in the foyer (remember this picture?) and got them sorted out and put away yesterday!!

So that's my whoop whoop for the week - although my husband's would probably be that I vacuumed yesterday, and we didn't even have company coming over!  What have you been working on this week?  Doesn't matter how big or small, finished or not - what have you been happy to accomplish?  Share - it's fun, you'll get lots of encouragement, and maybe inspire someone!!  You've got until Saturday at midnight to link up, too, so if you don't have anything yet, get to work and come back!!




  1. Just love all the beautiful quilts - I really love the suduko! You could come clean for me - that will surely get it out of your system - all 21 rooms!

  2. Don't worry, if you are anything like me, the desire to clean the house will disappear as quickly as it arrived. Just enjoy having a beautifully organised fabric wall while it lasts :)

  3. I love how you have put Megan's quilt blogs together. Looks wonderful.

  4. Terrific quilts!

    Isn't it a great feeling to get that sewing room cleaned up? If your room is anything like mine, unfortunately it won't last too long! :)

  5. I only clean where I take pictures -- but then it immediately goes back to a normal mess.

  6. Wish I had some of your, cleaning house mojo! My house needs it right now, but I would rather be sewing, especially since there are 4 other adults that live here, why should I have to clean it all, by myself?? But you do get a WHOOP-WHOOP!!!!!

  7. Another bunch of beautiful finishes! As for the housecleaning bug, well, I tend to relish when it hits. I like a tidy house, but what I like and my will to accomplish it are often two separate things. LOL! Enjoy it while it lasts.

  8. You've gotten a lot done! Having the house clean is such a mood lifter!

  9. I love your clothesline pictures on Fridays! :) The quilts look beautiful and a clean fabric area always helps :) Have a wonderful weekend!

  10. Whoop,whoop love the quilt by Debora!!

  11. I like the fabric cubicles. The way I see it, if you move a few more things around, you'd have 4 or 5 open spaces for more fabric...

  12. I need some of that housecleaning mojo you seem to have an abundance of. Send some my way, will you? :)

    You got some pretty quilts done this week, Sarah. And your sewing room looks so neat!

  13. Your sewing room makes me jealous! LOL I guess I need to clean mine up, huh? Love seeing your finishes...they are so pretty and they inspire me to get to work and finish something of my own!
    Jacque in SC

  14. I love that bright sudoku quilt! Hey, tonight I realized it is my blogaversary. Thanks for making it such a fun first year in this web community - the friends I've made through your Whoop Whoop! linky parties and the H2H are so wonderful! I put up a little giveaway to I hope you all enter!


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