Friday, August 12, 2011

Can I get a Whoop-Whoop?? Sometimes You Gotta Just Hold Your Mouth Right...

Hi, all!

Wow, it's Friday again!  Where does the week go?  Seems like it was just Monday - - - and here it is, time to show off the week's accomplishments again.  I can't wait to see what each of you have been up to this week!!

First of all, this beautiful top was pieced by my friend Kathy - her contribution to the Great American Jelly Roll Race quilts that we made for the quilt ministry.

I am very happy to say that I finally got this quilt finished - I started having problems with my Juki, Tillie, as I was almost finished machine quilting this beauty.  About twelve inches from the end, she started skipping stitches like mad!  And of course, on the quilt frame, it's almost impossible to troubleshoot - so with the help of my lovely niece, we got it off without taking the quilt off.   In comes my favorite "house call" repair man, who manages to fix it so it will sew straight, but not on the curves.  He recommended me to a local commercial repair shop, who worked on it Wednesday morning and returned it to me in good shape.  I put it back on the frame this morning, and lo and behold, it was skipping again!  Took it off, cut the quilt off the frame, and did some trouble shooting on my own - turns out my embroidery foot had broken!  So I think I've got the problem fixed, but my FMQ skills off the frame have sadly deteriorated - it looks ok where I finished it, but not as nice as I would like.  But I think it turned out ok!  

Take a look at the backing of this quilt....

Isn't that perfect?  Someone donated a whole bolt of this aloha shirt print, the same day the top came to me to be quilted.  You couldn't ask for a better match!  This quilt is going to a young man who was recently in a terrible motorcycle accident, and is going to be in treatment for injuries to his legs for a long time.  

I still need to do the hand stitching on the binding, but that's tonight's task - hopefully I can find a good movie to keep me occupied while I do it!  So this will really be a Friday Finish!  I promise!


On another quick note, my friend Ann over at Renegade Quilter is very close to having 100 followers!  She has a great blog that I get a lot of inspiration from - if you've never checked it out before, I highly recommend it!  PLUS - she's planning to have a giveaway when she hits 100 followers - how's that for an incentive to check her out?  (Plus she's a HUGE Dave Matthews Band fan...)
So jump over to her blog and see if it's not right up your alley -
Help her get to 100 followers!!


So now it's your turn - what have you been working on this week?  What are you excited about completing, or starting, or just having fun with?  Share!!  We all want to be inspired by your craftiness!  Remember, you have until Saturday night at midnight to link up!!




  1. Ann has her 100. I took some time off, did a little crumb, strip block play. Now I need to get serious because I have a lot of deadlines. BUT we have cooler weather which is going to help.

  2. Love Kathy's colors in her quilt and the back fabric was just awesome!!

  3. I was just looking at jelly roll race quilts yesterday - they are really fun! Not much to Whoop about for me this week craftwise, but happy Friday!

  4. The colors are gorgeous! I hope your sewing machine gets completely fixed up. Mine has issues like that when it needs a cleaning under the bobbin case. Good luck!

  5. The colors in that jelly roll quilt are so fabulous, and it's amazing the backing fabric is so perfect :-) Sorry about your Juki, must be the weather. For some reason, my Avante decided to change its tension mid-quilt, which was not a happy experience. I've fiddled and twisted knobs and it seems happy now. But I think I lost a few hairs!

  6. Love those blues! Hope you get your machine all straightened out soon.

  7. Great finish! Hope Tillie gets her act together soon!

    Ann's up to 119 followers; way to promote!

  8. My post was supposed to be my whoop whoop for last week ; got the bags done Sunday ! also cut out this quilt this week but just haven't gotten to the machine yet ! there is always tomorrow !!

    and that's it for this week ! thanks Shannon @ FabricsNQuilts for the reminder about whoop whoop Friday !!!

    Nice work you all ! Hope Tillie is recovering ; this is more of a tragedy than car troubles !

  9. Such pretty, pretty colors! My favorites. :)

  10. Hi - could I send you a quilt top that just has to be quilted and bound? I just sent all my 'extra' fabric to the West Swamp Mennonite Church in Quakertown, PA for their quilt ministry. I haven't been able to find an email address for you on this site - it's probably right in front of me.

  11. Hi, Laurel! Yes, we take quilt tops and finish them - they are very welcome! I would e-mail you, but there's no e-mail address attached to your blogger profile. You can e-mail me directly at salliesue (at) clearwire (dot) net. Hope to hear from you soon!!


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