Friday, May 10, 2013

Can I Get A Whoop Whoop? Things are Flying Around Here...

Hi, all!

Wow!  It seems like forever since I've posted - I missed Monday, missed Wednesday - but I can't miss Whoop Whoop Friday!!  It's way too much fun!  I hope you're ready to get your whoop whoop on!

This is what I'm whooping about this week - the first quilt I've made from start to finish in quite a while!  The flying geese are cut from a variety of blue and gray prints, and the background is Kona white.  

The fun part, though, was the quilting!  It took forever, but it is lots of curly swirlies - super feminine!  It also took about 12-16 bobbins - - - definitely the most thread-heavy quilt I've done in a while.  

It has the most wonderful texture - rich and dense.  

It is going to a lovely couple - he flies, and she loves French country and blues.  I think it is a nice mixture of both of their two personalities!


And I had a really unique experience this week - at least, it was unique to me - I'm a real city girl!  As I came out of my front door to pay the guy who mows my yard, I noticed something falling from the trees in the front yard.  It turned out it was ducklings!  Apparently the mother duck had nested up high in one of our old trees, and decided right then it was time for them to leave the nest. So she flew down and they decided to follow her.  Did you know that ducklings bounce?  Eight little ducklings landed bounced into my front yard - and most of them followed Mom.  One got a little disoriented and kept running the opposite direction - but I finally got him hooked up with the rest of the crew!  It was quite an experience for this city girl - little ducks are so cute!


And now it's your turn!

What's made you dance the happy dance this week?

Share with us so we can dance along!!

The party will stay open until Sunday night...

Be there or be square!



This linky list is now closed.


  1. Beautiful swirly quilting there. Does it make the quilt very stiff or does it stay nice and drapy? (is that a word?!)

  2. You quilt looks great! I have not had time to post anything this week either!

  3. This has to be one of my favorites that you've, color and quilting pattern!
    I'm a country girl and those ducklings would have surprised me, too:)

  4. Beautiful quilt! I've never seen ducklings fall from trees - but have been freaked when turkeys plopped down from roosting.

  5. That is a spectacular quilt! Great finish! :)

  6. WOW! gorgeous quilt! Fun times in the neighborhood too!!! ;)

  7. Fab quilt! Our youngest duckling has just returned to the nest, will have to work on that "pushing them out of the tree" technique :)

  8. Love your flying geese, Sarah. Your ducklings sound like they are in good hands.

  9. Those flying geese are beautiful! Love the colors you chose. The quilting is wonderful as well.

    How funny, I am getting a chorus of "its raining ducks" in my head.

  10. That is so sweet about the ducklings! What an amazing sight that must have been! :) And the quilt is very lovely.

  11. How big is the quilt? I just quilted one that is 103" x 93" and used 10 bobbins.

    Wrt to the duckies, how did momma duck feel about you coming near the wandering ducky? They can be very protective. We had domestic ducks for many years and if a ducky got outside their enclosure (they're clever little things), boy, did mamma ever object to my interference. And I'm only trying to get the little begger back with her where he wants to be and where she wants him. Oy!

  12. What a great way to combine interests of a couple into a quilt. I love it.

    I've seen lots of ducklings following after their mom but never have seen any falling from trees. Wild!

  13. Great curly swirlies! Keep promising myself a practising FMQ day to try out new patterns - this looks fabby!
    PS - sorry for messing up my links - somehow managed to do it 3 times - no idea what happened there :)

  14. I love your duckling story, how fortunate you were to come out of the house just then!! And your stitching is just lovely. That couple will love the quilt.

  15. Wow! That is one beautiful quilt! Great job. And what a funny duck story. I thought they nested on the ground. How neat that you were in the right place at exactly the right time!

  16. We have ducks over at one of the major shopping areas here in town where I live. They cross a somewhat busy parking lot at least every time I have come through! It is so cute and hysterical all wrapped up into one!

    Congrats on getting that quilt done from start to finish lickity-split! So serene looking:)

  17. Love your blue flying geese and the quilting is sumptuous!

  18. I love the whole quilt - the design, the fabrics, that wonderful quilting - just love it.

  19. I've loved the flying geese block for a while, but the quilts always looked too traditional for my tastes. i love the idea of doing staggered rows of geese. (The story about the ducks made me laugh and was the perfect accompaniment to this quilt!)

  20. This is lovely - all the white space in it makes it really special...


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