Friday, October 25, 2013

Can I Get A Whoop Whoop? It's All Thanks To You! (My Blogger's Quilt Festival Entry)

Hi, all!

Here it is, Friday again, the end of October, only 62 days until Christmas, AND the beginning of the Blogger's Quilt Festival!  (Not to mention a little thing called Quilt Market, but since they didn't invite you and me, we won't talk about that, will we?)  Are you ready to get your whoop whoop on?  Possibly, like me, you are whooping about a long-completed quilt as part of your Quilt Festival entry - feel free to link it up here too!

So now, I'd like to welcome those of you who are popping over here from the Blogger's Quilt Festival!  We are so glad you're here - feel free to join in the whooping if the linky is still open!  We whoop it up every Friday, so come back and join in the fun!

And now, for my Blogger's Quilt Festival entry...

Earlier this year, I realized that our quilt ministry, Piece*Love*Quilt, was going to give away its 500th quilt this year.  So we asked all of the people who had participated in the ministry, whether by making quilts, donating fabric, quilt blocks, flimsies or finished quilts, or doing any of the many administrative chores, to create a "hand block" to be made into a commemorative quilt.  We called this "The Helping Hands Project".

Many months later, this is the quilt that we created from the blocks provided by both our local members and the many people across the country and around the world who have joined us in ministry.

We even created hand blocks for those people who didn't hear about the project - if we could find a record of you participating, you are represented in this quilt!

It was so neat to see the personalities of each person come out in their block.  The only requirement for the block was that it have a hand on it - there were no specifications for color, size or style.

We also worked in these beautiful little paper pieced hearts that were donated to us by a longtime quilt-y and bloggy friend!

I really want to know how this quilter created her handprint in print!  She incorporated many words that represent our ministry, including the name of the ministry!

Here's the current logo for our group, designed by my beautiful niece, Rachel!

I had a lot of fun quilting this quilt - so many different blocks gave lots of places to try out new quilting designs!

I really like this block - her hands are threading a needle!

I experimented with negative space quilting on this block, putting a heart in the background.

Tried out some feathers - - - I'm please to say my feather stitching has improved since this was done! 

Joanna put a little tiny quilt on her block!

See Sharon's block in the upper left?  It has a beautiful garden fabric on it (unfortunately I cut it off in the picture) and I have always thought of her as connected to gardens!

And P.'s block is so - - - well, P.!  All bright colors and peace signs!

So many different, beautiful blocks...

...all colorful and creative...

...representing so many helping hands!  We could never have done all the good that this ministry has done without the help of each and every one of the many hands that have helped create it!!

Just for fun, here's a shot of the back - the quilting was so pretty to see on the reverse of the quilt!

And one final shot, the "artsy" one!

The new part of the story of this quilt is that we presented it to our church this past Sunday, to commemorate our 500th quilt and to honor all the many people, both in our church and around the world, who have been a part of reaching that milestone.  The following is a video of our presentation to the church.  In interview format, we talk about how our quilt ministry started and other things related to it.  It's a little bit long (you've been warned) so I won't feel bad if you don't watch it!

So that's my whoop whoop for the week, and my entry into the Blogger's Quilt Festival!!  


And now it's your turn!

What are you whooping about this week?

Do tell us - we want to whoop right along with you!

For you new folks, it doesn't have to be a finish - 
Just something that made you dance the happy dance!

The linky party will remain open until Sunday midnight.

Hope to see you there!



PS.  Be sure to go check out all the other beautiful quilts that have linked up to the Festival - there's tons of inspiration out there!!!

This linky list is now closed.


  1. I loved this quilt the first time you showed it, and it still so wonderful!

  2. I watched the entire video and cried thru most of it. A wonderful quilt that certainly represents the mission.

  3. Those helping hands are beautiful and the quilt made to represent them - equally so. Love the quilting, too!

  4. Sarah.... I was very touched by this tears in my eyes as I looked at each hand and thought of all the love and kindness represented in this quilt! It's my absolute favorite!!

  5. This quilt is A-MA-ZING!! I love it! And I love the "Piece *Love* Quilt" name. Your husband is so clever! What a wonderful ministry :)

  6. What an amazing quilt! And what a milestone. Congrats.

  7. Your quilt is just cute as can be. I love all those hands and the bright colors. Great work. Whoop Whoop!

  8. it's a great quilt! what will you do with it? blessings on you and your continued ministry.

  9. The helping hands quilt came out beautifully, Sarah! How you fit everything together just so is amazing. Awesome quilting too. So good to see you talking about the quilt ministry in the video. Six hundred something quilts is fantastic!

  10. What a wonderful project. I love it.

  11. What a beautiful quilt. I am sure everyone who looks at it will have a big smile on their face.

  12. I watched the whole video. Great message and ministry.

  13. This is an amazing quilt! I love it's story. And the quilting is just perfect!

  14. I love this quilt, Sarah. Thank you for sharing the video clip of your church's wonderful quilt ministry of love.

  15. Such a beautiful quilt that represents your mission! I'm curious - do you know how some of the handprints were constructed? I'm a new quilter and have been asked by my son's school to make a quilt for one of the teachers. I wanted to incorporate some handprints of the kids but the only thing I thought to do was to trace the handprints and then FMQ over them. I like the idea of some of the made out of fabric but I have no idea how I'd do it. Thanks!

  16. The quilt is so special. I'm glad you shared it during BQF.

  17. What an amazing quilt to commemorate an even more amazing ministry. I love that block of the hands threading the needle; my eyes were drawn to it before I even scrolled down to see it singled out.

  18. Sarah, it is just stunning! What an amazing accomplishment. Your quilting is lovely, and I love the variety. What a great quilt!

  19. Thank you for sharing the inspiring testimony of how God is moving to reach those is need through the hands of your sewing group. To God be the glory!

  20. Thanks for taking the time to show all the hands - they are all so different!

  21. I'm always floored by all that you and your group accomplishes. It is beyond wonderful. I so love your quilt and I know that it will stay close to your heart and those who are represented always.

  22. Wow! Such a beautiful quilt to go with the beautiful work your group does.

  23. Absolutely gorgeous! Not sure which I love more--the variety and creativity of the blocks or all the ways you chose to quilt it!

  24. Such a happy quilt-- truly one made with a lot of heart! Thanks so much for sharing its story. :)

  25. Oh my! Ditto on all the remarks so far. A wonderful quilt with a story!

  26. THis quilt is marvelous. That sky blue really did an excellent job of showcasing and pulling together all the different blocks!

  27. What a fabulous quilt!! I love everything about it!

  28. What a fabulous quilt!! I love everything about it!

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