Monday, October 7, 2013

Make-A-List Monday - Fall Break Means Time to Buckle Down!

Hi, all!

It's Fall Break in the schools around our area here in Tennessee, and that means that my granddaughters are off on vacation with their parents.  And that means non-stop sewing for me!!  But first, let's see what happened with last week's list...

1.  Sew up all of the craft show items already cut out.
Done!  I'm getting a nice little stash going...

2.  Make up some more aprons.
Done!  I made three more aprons and want to make some more... they're fun!!

3.  Start deconstructing t-shirts for the commission quilt.
Not yet!  I forgot that I had to clean house because my sister and her new fiance were coming for the day on Saturday when I made this list...

4.  Check through all the Rogersville quilts for labels; take photographs of all of them.
All of the quilts now have labels and binding - 51 of them!  I'll be taking pictures on Saturday when we meet for our monthly sewing.
But here's what they looked like on Sunday morning when they were dedicated as part of the mission trip...

5.  Mail my father-in-law's quilt to him.

I had to wait to find a box big enough - and amazingly enough,  one came in last Friday with a fabric donation in it!  It's the perfect size, and I'll be getting that in the mail this week.

And speaking of donations, I received a manila envelope last Wednesday that had some super cute yellow fabric with fire engines on it.  I was so excited I took it to church and put it together in a quilt kit, then threw away the envelope with the return address.  Now I can't remember who sent it so I can send a thank you note!  If you sent that package, please let me know so I can thank you properly!!

6.  Cut out pinafores and ruffled pants for Emmy.
Didn't get to this one yet - there were too many quilts to finish binding and label and I ran out of time!

7.  Sort through the Traveling Stash box and replace items; write a blog post and give it away!!
Done!  And there's still time to enter the giveaway - just go here and leave a comment.  There are several other things you can do for extra chances, too.  Entries close Thursday at 5 pm CST.

8.  Cut out 112 charms from some of my Kate Spain stash for a Kate Spain Charm Swap!
I've pulled my fabrics, but haven't cut the charms yet.  Fortunately, they're not due until early November, so I've got a bit of time yet.

And there's still time and space for you to join in the Charm Swap!   Go check out Michele's blog, Quilts From My Crayon Box, for the info about the swap!

9.  As usual, keep up with any quilt ministry needs that arise!
Done!  We provided a quilt for the mother of a local 6th grader who is expected to die any day (the mom), and another to a man who was just diagnosed with testicular cancer and scheduled for immediate surgery.

Sorry I've only got a pic of one - my SD card isn't reading properly right now...

Okay - not great, but at least I got part of my list done.  So here's what's on tap for this week...

1.  Make a ministry quilt for an autistic 8 year old boy.

2.  Make a quilt for a woman who just lost her husband and adult son very unexpectedly.

3.  Make a quilt for a young man who was in a serious mountain bike accident and sustained major injuries to his face and eye.

4.  Deconstruct the t-shirts for the commission quilt.

5.  Mail my father-in-law's quilt.

6.  Make some more of these cute little elephants...

Meet Plaid and Checkers!  They ran away from the circus because the handlers wouldn't let them play with the children....

7.  Make some more aprons for the craft show.

8.  Keep up with any quilt ministry needs that come up.

That's enough for this week - my husband is taking Friday off, so we'll be doing some fun things!  Maybe it will be boat weather...  fingers crossed!!

And now the question is - - - what are you working on this week?




  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Thank you , Sarah, for the quilt dedication photo. I will keep this in mind as I pray for an opportunity to have a more than one person quilt ministry. No lack of people who need them. Congratulations!

  3. Those pumpkins are so adorable! I saw that it was make a list Monday and my first thought was that you were a few days late with your post, then I looked at my husband and asked him if today was Monday! I thought it was Wed. LOL

  4. Well, sweetie - I think you did just marvelous on your list! I hope to wrap up all commissions this week - then I can 'play' with fabric for the weekend.

  5. I just signed up for the Kate Spain swap. Thanks so much for sharing this!

  6. Great work there. And what an awesome photo of the dedication set.

  7. I really like that yellow pinwheel/whirligig quilt. Nice to see all the donation quilts together. Well done!

  8. Wow! What a great ministry. Thanks for sharing the love. FYI: for shipping quilts, you can get game board boxes from the US postal service for free, and delivered to your home. Just go to their web site and order some. Them come in a box of 25.
    Hope this info will be of some use to you.

  9. Still packing (said with an Eyore voice).
    Good luck with your projects.

  10. No matter you still got a lot done and the dedication picture is worth a thousand words.


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