Friday, December 6, 2013

Can I Get A Whoop Whoop? It's Beginning to Look A Lot Like Christmas!

Hi, all!

It's Friday again!  Can you believe it?  This month is just flying by…   I hope you've got something to whoop about today - I know I do!  But first of all, let's see where the next stop is for the traveling stash…..

Little Miss Random chose #12…

em's scrapbag said...
Thanks for the heads up on the Kate Spain shop.
Congratulations, Em!  I'll be e-mailing you today to get your address.


And here's what I'm whooping about today

These stockings were made at the request of a friend.  
She had this stocking...

that had been in the family for a while, but she wanted enough for her whole family.  After much searching for a cutter quilt for the job, we settled on a beautiful old spiraling dresden star design.

Here's a close-up of the front of the stocking

...and back of the stocking.

The back of the stocking actually shows the back of the cutter quilt, which was in pretty good shape.  There were only a few holes I had to dodge.  And because the stockings are made with two layers of the quilt, when my friend needs more stockings (like when their sons get married and the grandkids start to arrive) these can be taken apart and the two quilt pieces can become two stockings, backed with another fabric.  I've also got enough of the quilt left to make a few more stockings for her so that 
she has some extras on hand in case of accidents, 
or a multitude of grandkids!

And one more fun thing about these stockings - I commented about them on this Facebook post

Simply Solids · 1,129 like this
Yesterday at 1:25pm · 
  • What are you all sewing this evening then?

    I'm hoping to finish a quilt top using Sketch Flannel and Anna Maria Horner Velveteens = yummy!

    Post your photos of tonight's sewing onto our timeline and you could win a little gift from the shop!!

    Looking forward to seeing your WIPs! Xxxx

with a picture of all five stockings.  Imagine my surprise tonight when I found this on Facebook…  

So last night I said if you posted pictures of your WIPs I'd choose someone to win a little spot prize! The winner I chose is Sarah Grady Craig - those Christmas stockings are awesome!

I've also chosen a second winner as Polly posted such an awesome pixelated quilt of Wreck It Ralph - I love it!!

Message me your addresses and I'll get a little prize to you both!

Thanks to all who played along!

How exciting is that?  It totally made my day!!

So that's what I'm whooping about today!


And now it's your turn!  

All you little elves out there

what have you been doing the happy dance
for this week?

We want to dance along with you - so share!

The party will stay open until Sunday midnight.

Hope to see you there!!



This linky list is now closed.


  1. Sarah, those stockings are just wonderful! I think I need to find a cutter quilt and do this - they are just a delight.

  2. Beautiful stockings Sarah and I am sure your friend will be delighted! As always, thank you so much for hosting the linky! Marie (

  3. Great stockings, what a lovely heirloom too!

  4. Cute stockings (love the dancing elves up there too!). I'm so glad I finally have something to share after so long! Whoop whoop!

  5. The stockings are amazing! I would smile every time I saw them hanging by the fire. You did a wonderful job with them!

  6. Look at those award winning stockings Sarah!! Very clever idea!

  7. Oh I love those stockings! Hmmm maybe while running errands I will check a thrift shop for old and antique quilts. Just love them! Thanks for hosting your weekly linky party!

  8. Those stockings are so cool! It's especially nice that they have that divide-and-multiply potential. :D

  9. The stockings turned out beautifully. What treasures. Looking forward to receiving my win. Thanks!

  10. Those stockings are stunning. Well done.

  11. Love what you did with these stockings! Beautifully done and congrats on the win!

  12. LOVE the stockings! Where did the cutter quilt come from? Congrats on the surprise win. The dancing elves made me smile!

  13. Congrats on winning. Those stockings are awesome!!

  14. Good idea on doubling up the quilts in the stockings. thanks for hosting the linky party each week.

  15. Darling stockings. There will probably be several people on the lookout for cutter quilts now!

  16. Yay! Congrats, winning things is so fun! Those stockings are adorable!

  17. Love the stockings, Sarah! You did a great job.
    Congrats on your win - you deserve some fun surprises!

  18. Love those stockings and congrats on your unexpected prize!

  19. Great project. Your stockings are beautiful. What a great idea. Thanks for sharing.

  20. Hi Sarah, thanks for hosting this party, I'm glad I could finally create something to share here. I made a tutorial showing how to make a Christmas postcard. Now from here I'm going to visit the other participating's blogs, there is so much inspiration here!!! Thanks again for hosting.
    Marisa from

  21. You sure got a Whoop Whoop dance! Congrats, the Stockings are beautiful.

  22. Love the stockings - such a great idea!

  23. Love those stockings. Great job!

  24. Congratulations, Sarah, and those stockings ARE awesome. Lady, thank you, thank you, thank you, for helping me to figure out what we need to do with at least a couple of my husband's grandmother's quilts--they're in too bad a shape to display or use, but have enough good areas to do something with, like making a stocking. And I haven't made stockings for my 'kids' (adults now) for years, so what a wonderful idea!!

  25. Whoop Whoop! It's a stocking kind of Friday! Just finished mine this week! Love that the ones you made are cut out of a quilt. Such a great idea.

  26. Super cute stockings! I've made stockings for everyone in the family ~ but that was before I started quilting. I'd love to make some like yours!

  27. super cute stocking - I let ANOTHER year get by me without making some, or a tree skirt. Finishing quilts for gifts always gets in the way when it's December crunch time.


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