Friday, December 20, 2013

Can I Get A Whoop Whoop? Another One Bites The Dust!

Hi, all!

It's Friday again, and our last chance to whoop whoop before Christmas is upon us!!  I hope you're ready - I know you've been creating lots of wonderful things that will inspire us all!  So join in the fun and let us all whoop with you….


I am so excited to be able to say that I have finally finished my eldest granddaughter's quilt for Christmas this year!

The pattern is Perfect Ten, and is a great way to showcase really cute prints...

…like little girls wearing wings…

…dancing bears…

…little girls looking at birds (with their bear)…

…blanket forts…

…fingerprint hedgehogs and elephants!  This fabric is the "Let's Pretend" line by Sarah Jane and is just perfect for Lilli, as you'll see below.  

I pieced the back using the leftover scraps from the front.  This is made using Amanda Jean's slab technique - it was a lot of fun to do, and a great scrap buster!

You can see the slab technique a little bit better here, plus you can see that great border fabric - a linen curtain I found at IKEA for $10! You can't beat that price for more than three yards of linen!  It washed up really soft, too.  

And here's a shot to show the pretty texture of the quilt - I used random sharp pointed spirals to quilt this, and after washing, it's lovely and crinkly!

This quilt will help remind Lilli of the year she turned six - a year of pretending and make believe.  She has two imaginary friends, Jonathan and Stacey, and I've been told stories all year of the things they do, both with her and in their own separate lives!  Just the other day she told me that Jonathan was graduating from college, and Stacey's dad fell off a chair and broke his foot (in Japan) and so he was in the hospital for ten weeks.  That means she wouldn't be able to see Stacey for eight weeks, because he's already been in the hospital for two weeks now…  Such a detailed story, and math too!  And I can't begin to tell you of all the bear and lion hunts I've been on with her, in my own front yard - who knew I had such exotica living nearby!  

So that's my whoop whoop for the day!


And now it's your turn!

What's making you whoop it up today?

Do tell - we want to whoop right along with you!!

It's a lot more fun with friends!

The party will stay open until Sunday midnight. 

Hope to see you there!!



This linky list is now closed.


  1. Prettiest quilt for a little Lilli of yours! The pattern is wonderful and keeps your eyes moving across the fabrics.

    I love how she shares these imaginary people lives with Grandma, how sweet!

  2. Sorry Sarah,

    A couple of problems linking up today and I have ended up being linked twice - please obliterate one for me, I can't see how to do it.

    Also, I realise you didn't really mean to have this link open for over a year, but that's what it says!

    I love the imaginary friends. My niece used to have a grown up imaginary friend called Dedna. My Dad bought her some sweets for Christmas, telling her that she mustn't eat them, they were for Dedna. My niece ate the sweets and we never heard any more about Dedna. Rotten Grandad, he killed Dedna.

  3. Omg, Sarah, you make me want to have a grandchild RIGHT NOW! Someday in the not too distant future, I hope... I would be totally into the imaginary friend thing, what fun! Lilly's quilt is just lovely. Now I need to look into Amanda Jean's slab method--thanks for the heads up. Merry Christmas!

  4. Oops, sorry, I spelled Lilli's name wrong. My keyboard has a mind of its own. ;)

  5. So pretty in pink and I love the slab technique back too. Congrats, the texture looks wonderfully cozy

  6. So pretty in pink and I love the slab technique back too. Congrats, the texture looks wonderfully cozy

  7. I am closer to 46 than 6 and I want that quilt! Absolutely adorable, what a precious gift for her. Have a wonderful Christmas!

  8. Congrats on finishing such a cute quilt for your granddaughter!

  9. In light of her imaginative stories, the quilt is all the more perfect for Lilli! Maybe having two imaginary friends was more than she could keep up with, so one had to go on vacation for a while, LOL. Love the quilt!

  10. you might want to check the date on the current linky ...shows that the list will close in 2014

  11. That is an adorable quilt for your little granddaughter! Way to go!

  12. Sarah your grand daughters quilt is fabulous. I am sure she will be overjoyed when she receives it! Thank you so much for all your kindness in hosting the linky party. I wish you and your family all the is good for the festive season and New Year. Marie x (

  13. The quilt looks fantastic, I love the back - I'm not familiar with Amanda Jean's slab technique, I'll have to look into it!

  14. Merry Christmas to you Sarah!!Hugs Bambi

  15. What a great quilt! Glad you got it finished even before Christmas Eve! And yes, children of that age have amazing imaginations. I have heard so many funny things from mine!

  16. That is just the sweetest, happiest quilt!
    I am happy and whooping it up that the Christmas table-topper I mailed to my daughter from Minnesota reached her today in California!

  17. Merry Christmas Sarah and thank you for inspiring us all year long!!

  18. Sarah.........ADORABLE! LOVE the fabric and design of this quilt!

  19. Yay for a particularly special finish! :). So warm and crinkly.

    And what wonderful adventures the two of you have!

  20. An adorable quilt and adorable stories to go along with it. Nicely done.

  21. What a fun quilt for a little one with such an imagination. Congrats on the finish.

  22. LOVE your Perfect 10 quilt. That looks like a pattern I would like!! Great job!


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