Friday, February 14, 2014

Can I Get A Whoop Whoop? Going in Circles...

Hi, all!

Did this week fly by for you?  It sure did for me!  Things are looking up, as far as I'm concerned - I heard two of the prettiest words I've heard in a while in the weather report this morning - "pushing seventy"!!  Next week it's supposed to get much warmer and I'm definitely doing a happy dance about that!! But I also did some quilting this week that I want to share with you - - - I spent my week "going in circles"!!

The beautiful color slabs and spool blocks were donated to us, and I spent some time playing with them on my design wall trying to figure out how to put them together.  Finally I stepped back and realized that I liked them with a lot of negative space!  So after lots of measuring and finagling later, this top was born.  Then it sat on the shelf while I tried to figure out how to quilt it

I love the circle quilting that I've been seeing out in blogland lately, and since I'm still quilting on my tabletop machine, I decided this would be a good quilt to try it out on.

I love the juxtaposition of the curves with the very straight elements of the quilt.  My curves aren't perfect, so we'll just call them "organic" - it's a lot harder to spin that quilt around evenly than it looks!!  But I'm really happy with this quilt.

This quilt is going to a young couple who just found out that their unborn daughter has a heart defect.  They won't know whether it can be fixed until after the baby is born, so they have a nerve-wracking wait ahead of them.  Our hope is that this quilt will remind them every time they see it that there are many many people praying for them and their unborn child!


And now it's your turn!

What have you been working on this week?

What's made you dance a happy little dance?

Share it with us - we want to dance with you!!

The party will stay open until Sunday midnight - 

Hope to see you there!!

Hugs and Happy Valentine's Day!


This linky list is now closed.


  1. Sarah you did a fantastic job on that quilt! Love the organic. Please know that my prayers are in that circle. Sincerely, Karen

  2. That's GORGEOUS, Sarah!!! I love the simplicity of it. Congrats on a great finish.

  3. Wonderful quilt Sarah, what a nerve-wracking time for that young couple, hope it all works out well for them in the end.

  4. My heart goes out to that family, what a stressful time this will be.
    The quilt is beautiful, I've wanted to do circles like that but the spinning around part stops me everytime.

  5. It is gorgeous! I've been dying to do circles soon on a modern quilt top. Do you have tips?

  6. Love the way you put the quilt together, great design. And those circles are awesome, I have only ever done that on baby quilts and those make me dizzy with all of the spinning. Just beautiful!!

  7. Fingers crossed for the couple and a gorgeous quilt, the quilting is fab

  8. Oh, Sarah, that's lovely, and your circles look great! So happy to hear the quilt is going to a heart-related cause. How perfect and loving on Valentine's Day.

  9. Organic... I like the term. Now I can say that a few of my quilts are organic.
    The quilt is beautiful and will surely warm the heart of the parents-to-be it was made for. I admire your community spirit.

  10. Absolutely LOVE your modern finish, Sarah! And the spiral quilting is awesome! Will be keeping the couple and baby in my prayers this week. Happy Valentine's Day to you!

  11. I tried spiral quilting for the first time earlier this month ... my big AHA moment was when I realized it makes a difference which way round you go–guess who made it harder for herself by going the wrong way round?

    I love your quilt and it's organic spiral quilting.

  12. The spiral quilting is outstanding. I don't think anyone would even notice that your circle aren't quite even, if you didn't say so! Just enjoy the adulation!

  13. I love the quilting and the quilt! Nicely done!

  14. Love the quilt but adore the organic circles. Great job on both parts. Full of love.

  15. Happy Valentines day to you!Hugs Bambi

  16. Even with Jolene on hiatus, you still manager to get 'er done! Love the slabs and spools and your circle quilting. Did you just eyeball it or use some kind of guide? It looks fantastic!

  17. Fabulous quilt. Love the circle quilting.

    I also hope all goes well with the little girl. Prayers.

  18. Looks like you put those donated blocks to good use. I'm going to have to try the circle quilting. I've seen it on a few other blogs and really like the look. Excellent finish. God bless the baby.

  19. love your quilt. the spiral quilting really enhances the quilt.

  20. It's beautiful! Love how you've used the negative space and the circle quilting. Brilliant!

  21. Congratulations on the circle quilting! I have wanted to try this but all that quilt moving is a bit frightening! Well done!!

  22. Beautiful quilt! I love the bright scrappy colors.

  23. I love everything about that quilt!

  24. Sarah, you NAILED this one! Bravo!

  25. Absolutely! This one is really fabulous.

  26. Beautiful quilt and clearly a labor of love. May the expecting couple and their baby to be feel the love. Sending healing prayers to this family ... <2 Pat

  27. I see spring(maybe wishful thinking) but it is lite and airy, beautiful. Has it got a light batting where it could be used on cooler summer nights?
    tonia conner


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