Wednesday, August 17, 2016

I May Have A Scrap Problem - They're Multiplying!

Hi, all!

You know how sometimes you see something, and it so perfectly expresses how you feel that you connect with it immediately?  Well, take a look at what I saw on Instagram today....

Can I get an AMEN???  It seems like my scrap bins keep getting fuller and fuller, no matter how many of them I use - at least I know I'll never run out of fabric!    Well, after that laugh, I checked my email, and found this great pic...

Bobbi D. made this great version of the 12 Days of Christmas quilt-along quilt using her scrap stash...

Isn't that a pretty block?  I was thinking this would be a fun block to make scrappy, and Bobbi has proved that to be true!  Thanks for sharing it with me, and for giving me permission to share it here!

I've also been working on these blocks, a great string block variation.  There are 70 finished, so I only need 30 more to have enough for the quilt top.  I'm trying to do a few every day and would love to get these done in the next week or so.  

And I created more scraps today, deconstructing t-shirts and shirts for two more commission t-shirt quilts.  I have a plan for those t-shirt backs, though - and wanted to get these added to the big box of backs I have stashed away before I started cutting those up.  

I also finished these scrappy placemats (shown front and back above) which made a nice dent in my black and white scraps that I've been hoarding for a while now!

So that's what I've been working on this week - lots of scrap sewing, but I'm still channeling that song from Grease!  So I'll close with some scrappy inspiration for you and me both - more ways to use up those scraps and tame the scrap monster!!

Amanda Jean's fabulous scrap vortex apron...

...a great wreath made with scrap strips on a wire frame...

...and look at those adorable houses!  So cute, simple, and what a great scrap buster!!

Inspired?  Yeah, me too!  Let's go bust some scraps!




  1. Your opening words make me smile " I MAY..."well, there isn't anything wrong with have a stash of scraps, colours galore, small and large scraps, all waiting to play their part, and I do so like the string blocks. Keep on keeping them all. I know I do.

  2. I have all I need cut for a queen size scrappy and I do not see a dent in the shelves that I too the fabric from! how does that happen LOL

  3. know exactly what you mean...have 2 shoeboxes nearly ready to overflow...and thanks for showing those houses...they are adorable!

  4. Love scraps, use them, but there are many, many more. I love the houses. I wonder if I could figure it out.

  5. I have scraps too....lots of them.. Can I send them to your house for a play date???? hehehee

  6. OK, now I've got a song stuck in my head! LOL! Just last night I tossed out lots of tiny colorful triangles that I trimmed from blocks. I told myself I had no use for them. Wouldn't you know that this morning (after the trash guys dumped them into the truck), I wished I had them back??? Yep, I thought of a use for them. At least they will make the land fill a bit more colorful. Crap.

  7. I think these scraps multiply in their off hours! Loved seeing the 12 days of Christmas done that way.

  8. Those string blocks are wonderful! Is there a specific size/angle for the central wedge? Those little row houses are way cute too, and so cheerful.

  9. That's how I feel about my scraps after I made a queen size quilt and it didn't even make a dent. LOL

  10. LOvely post...OMG..I so want to make the apron...

  11. While the front side of the placemats are beautiful, it's the backs that really caught my eye! They will make a beautiful table.

  12. While the front side of the placemats are beautiful, it's the backs that really caught my eye! They will make a beautiful table.

  13. Scraps galore - delicious! Your string blocks look great!! I love scrappy sewing too and alas my pile never dimishes either!

  14. I thought I was getting a handle on my scraps then came other projects and they're overflowing again.

  15. Great post, I can relate! Love the little houses, is there pattern?

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. When I get gifted scraps, it's like Christmas. I have to hurry up and look at them all.

    Remember me. You sent me some beautiful scraps once.


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