Wednesday, August 3, 2016

I May Have a Scrap Problem - Back At It Again!!

Hi, all!

August is here, the 12 Days of Christmas in July blog hop is over, and it's time to jump back on the scrap sewing bandwagon!  My scraps have been diligently reproducing during the month of July while they were unsupervised...  but I will do my best to rein them in again this month!

So here are my goals for the month.  I've got a couple of commission jobs that will be made from scraps, and those go on the list.  The first one is a seat cushion for a beautiful vintage rocker, and a pillow to set against the back of that rocker.  I started on this project today, with this pile of plaid scraps that came from my mother-in-law's stash...

and here's where I am so far...

The larger piece will become the seat cushion, and the smaller will be a fairly small rectangular pillow.  They both still need quilting and assembly, and I hope to finish these this week.  One plus with these - I am using scraps of woven fusible t-shirt interfacing in the seat cushion, which I'm considering a scrappy bonus win!

Next, I'll be taking this stack of black and white fabric scraps - mostly smaller pieces - and turning them into eight placemats.  I've also got some strips in the scrap bin that I'll add to these.

I'm also working on finishing up this beautiful string quilt that was started by a member of our quilt ministry who died earlier this year.  Her husband asked if someone could finish this quilt, and since I seem to be on a "string roll", I took it on.  

And lastly, I'm planning to start working on my eldest granddaughter's quilt for Christmas.  I told her that this year she could pick out the design and fabrics if she wanted to, and she told me she wanted a quilt with photographs of her as a little girl (she will be 9 this year!) and scraps from all the other quilts I've made her as she was growing up.  So that definitely qualifies as a scrap project!  I need to dig through the bins and find all the scraps that will work in this quilt and pull them together in one place.

So that's my plan for August.  Do you have any scrappy plans for the month?  I'd love to see what you are working on - so feel free to link up below with your scrap-bustin goals!

Let's knock that scrap monster for a loop this month!



  1. I love that your 9yo granddaughter wants pictures from when she was 'little'. I know what she means, but it is a great reminder of how our perspective changes!

  2. sounds like you are going strong with your scraps. I am finishing a binding then back to work cutting scraps for the "brick" quilt that I have been cutting and piecing

  3. I think it is sweet she wants a memory quilt. I'm up to my armpits with commission work, too. I need to say NO once in a while, but those paying jobs help with the bills.

  4. I love that your granddaughter wants a memory quilt at 9, I wonder if she'll ask for one every few years. This project should be a lot of fun for you :)

  5. I love hearing your scrap project stories! Great job on the seat cushion keeping all those plaids lined up.

  6. I can't wait to see what you come up with for Princess Lily's quilt, especially the pictures you or she chooses.

  7. I'm working with my plaid and shirting scraps today too. My husband rarely comments on my quilts unless I hold one up. But when he saw this quilt block he commented on how much he liked the colors. (Some day I'll have the heart to tell him that some of them were his clothes... but not until they are all cut up completely!) Have a great week!

  8. I love that your granddaughter wants another quilt made by you especially for her. That is the best compliment a grandma can get!

  9. I love your granddaughters idea for her quilt and I love reading your blog. Paula in Ky

  10. I think my scraps will go on forever, and judging by your projects, so will yours. =) I love the string blocks, especially. How wonderful your granddaughter wants a scrappy quilt from you!

  11. Sarah, I love the string quilt! Is there a pattern for this? I have looked back thru the blogs and didnt see one. I would love to make one. I have to say that I get your blog every week in my email and you are so great at completing your projects every week that I am a bit jealous! But it is great to know that someone out in quiltlandia does finish projects on a regular basis! It gives me hope.
    And on a side note, I noticed you live in Mt. Juliet. My grade school friend and her family live there. We met in 4th grade and have remained friends ever since. She moved in 7th grade and has lived all over the place but did settle back in Mt. Juliet with her family. I am sorry to say that she passed last January and I miss her. But have wonderful memories of a friendship that lasted over 50 years.


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