Monday, July 12, 2010

Make-A-List Monday #3!

Hi, all!

Well, it's time to see how I did on last week's list.......

1.  Cut fabrics for our sewing group's quilting bee this coming Saturday.  I got these all cut early in the week, thanks to using charm packs of the new Basic Grey/Origins from Burgundy Buttons.  I can't recommend them highly enough - shipping is amazingly fast and they have excellent prices!!

2.  Cut fabrics for pillowcases for the sewing breakout group at our church's summer camp next week.  I finally got these cut Sunday!  Eight little girls are going to learn how to sew this week, plus make some to donate to charity as part of the 1 Million Pillowcase Challenge.  It should be lots of fun!!

3.  Use the fabrics I picked last week and get caught up with them on the Simple Sampler Quilt Along.  Made these blocks and posted them on Friday's blogpost!

4.  Make this week's blocks in the Simple Sampler Quilt Along!  They are made and also posted on Friday's blogpost!

5.  Make some striped blocks for Beth's Striped Challenge with the great striped fabrics she sent me!  Oops - didn't get to these!

6.  Find a great quilt design to make with the Moda "The Caroler" honey bun I picked up on sale last week!  I think I'm going to use Vickie's Pinwheel Bonus Baby Quilt pattern as a jumping off point / inspiration for my quilt.  I just need to draw it out on paper first....

7.  Start on my Fresh Cottons quilt?  Maybe!  Well, once again this has fallen by the wayside.  Too many other things going on this week....

OK.  So what's on the list for this week?

1.  Finish up the quilt that we started at the quilting bee this past Saturday.  The blocks are completed, and they are sewn into rows.  I need to sew up the blocks, add borders, prepare the backing, quilt and bind it.  I would really like to have this finished by next Sunday so it can be delivered to the lady we made it for - a cancer survivor who is having a rough time of it right now.

2.  Teach eight little girls how to sew.  Survive said process!  Make extra pillowcases to donate to charity with the new seamstresses.

3.  Make my simple sampler blocks for both quilts.

4.  Cut 5" squares for Karrie Lyne's Charm Pack Quilt Along.  Yes, I know you're supposed to use charm packs, but I've got way too many scraps sitting around right now, and I need to get rid of some of them!

5.  Draw out a plan for the Christmas quilt using The Caroler honey bun.

6.  Work on striped blocks.

I think that's enough for now - that should keep me busy for the week!  

So what are you working on this week?

Just couldn't resist adding a picture of one of my favorite little faces!




  1. I'm hoping to sew together the outer border of the Dresden Plate Wall-hanging, make more NYB blocks (I'll be making these til the cows come home), study my new books on FMQ.

    Sarah, could you give me the dimensions on pillowcase construction? I've been using shams with my quilts, but I'm thinking it might be cool to just have coordinating pillowcases instead.

  2. I'm a little tired just reading your list! I have one sewing project on my list this week so I hope I can actually get it done. My "Wonky Boxes" has to be unquilted and requilted!
    Good luck with the little girls. Sounds like fun:)


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