Friday, August 13, 2010

Sew&Tell Friday - Not Nearly a Finish, but a Good Start!

Hi, all!!

Well, I gave up a couple of potential finishes this week to take advantage of being in the mood to deal with the over-running fabric stash!  My husband was out of town, which meant that I didn't need to clean up every afternoon before he came home, so Wednesday I started cutting down some of the fabrics into usable chunks.  Of course, this was interspersed with "picnics" and "sand-castle building" and "nap-time" with the Lillibug on the living room rug - it's hard to resist spending time with her, especially when she's being so imaginative!

And then this morning, I looked on Stash Manicure's new post that showed how Jacquie of Tallgrass Prairie Studio deals with her stash.  Lightbulbs went off over my head!  Eureka!! This is what I need to do!!  So - I dragged the ironing board next to the fabric stash (at least, the downstairs one...) and this is the result....

While it may not look like much, this is a huge improvement over the piles that existed previously - there are 2 1/2" and 5" squares boxed, 1/2 yard pieces folded and boxed, <1 yard pieces folded, 2 boxes (so far) of fat quarters, solids folded, and lots of >1 yard pieces folded.  I love this method of folding - I can put two stacks in each section of my shelving unit, and see so much more of each fabric than if it was folded so that only one piece fit across.  Of course, as I said in the title of this post, this is only a good start - because even downstairs, I've still got this:

and this

and this!

(and that's not even thinking about the stash upstairs!)

I did finish my blocks for the Simple Sampler Quilt Along - these are the last of sixteen blocks for two different quilts - next week we learn how to sash and complete the top!  Woohoo!!

And I finished one of the Spun Sugar Quilts Super-Size Pin Cushions - I like it a lot, it was pretty easy and I can work on it while I'm watching tv!  Plus my granddaughter used it for a hat, a purse, and a tuffet!  (I think it got a little bit flatter when she sat on it.....)

Notice the button in the middle?  My sister sent me some vintage buttons for my birthday, and when I opened them up, I realized that this one would be perfect for my pincushion!  How's that for timing!!

And last, but certainly not least, when I was in Joann's this morning picking up some lavender cotton for a quilt hanging sleeve, I scored some of Alexander Henry's 2D Zoo!!  Woohoo!!!

I think I'll make Lilli a pinafore out of this, since I don't have any little boys (yet!).  I love the colors in this, and it will look so good with her blue eyes!!

As usual, I'm going to link up to Amy's Sew&Tell Friday, and Andrea's Lush Friday.  Be sure to check out what everyone's finished this week - there's lots of wonderful eye candy out there!!!!




  1. It looks so nicely organized, Sarah! When you're done with yours, wanna come and do mine? :)

  2. I love seeing your well organized stash and am so thankful that you were inspired by Jacquie's post on Stash Manicure. We love having you follow us and are so happy that you have joined us for the Brown Bag Contest!

  3. Hi Sarah .... I love looking at your stash. When I feel overwhelmed and a bit guilty by the massive amount of fabric in my room, I remember there are others out there just like me! It is our "normal" world, and I am proud of it. Great Post.

  4. Your organized stash is so inviting! How fun. I love the giant pincushion, too. your fabric selections and the button are charming!

  5. there you go! a great start, i think! i was inspired by my own post to do some more organizing...things were a bit out of wack especially with my is fun to organize, isn't it?!!

  6. Isn't an organized stash lovely? Ours is pretty well organized--until we start playing in it. ;-) Right now, I've got a couple of piles of fabric that need to be "refiled".

    Lovely blocks and a wonderful pincushion!

  7. i can not believe that you found that fabric at joann' is so adorable. your stash looks amazing...i just wish i knew what to do with the fabrics that i have acquired from other people or that i just don't care for anymore.

  8. Great finishes. Stash looks great.

  9. A fraction of my stash looks like that. That rest is a disaster. Good for you! Great blocks and that pincushion is adorable!

  10. Hmm. Love your stash! I wish I had some gumpshun (sp??!!) to get mine in order. LOVE the fabric from Joanns! And, I will be making a giant pincushion. Great job.

  11. Wow you have a nice stash of fabric there!! Well done for arranging it and putting it in order. Guilty blush coming all over me now as I think of my own work room...

  12. Your post just reminded me that I've got a strip of that same zoo fabric I meant to incorporate into a baby quilt!


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