Friday, August 20, 2010

Sew&Tell Friday - Peaceful Paisley

Hi, all!!

Friday again!   It's been a different kind of week for me, with extra time for sewing because Lilli is in preschool two days a week.  I managed to get two quilts finished this week - both of them collaborative efforts!

The center top of this quilt was pieced by my friend Cassie, using fabrics mostly donated to us by my bloggy friend Karrie Lyne of Freckled Whimsy!  Thanks, Karrie, they made up into a beautiful quilt!  

(By the way, Karrie had her second quilt posted at the Moda Bake Shop today!  
It's called Crossing Paths and it is gorgeous!  Go check it out!)  

Back to this quilt - I added a paisley border and pieced a back for the quilt, then quilted it with a paisley-ish random meander.   After washing and drying it, you can't imagine how soft and light this quilt is - I think it's quite the nicest one I've seen.  This quilt will be going to comfort someone through our church's quilt ministry - I think she will love it!

And here's the second quilt - a little flannel baby quilt, also pieced by my friend Cassie.  Are you seeing a trend here?  Cassie has time to piece, but not so much time to quilt, so I took this one to finish it off.  It's made by Beth's great easy quilt pattern, which you can see here.  This is such a great pattern, and we've just adapted it to make it smaller for newborns.  Instead of a batt, it has a layer of flannel between the top and back.

On other fronts, it's been a great week for Lilli, who absolutely loves preschool - she jumps right in and barely even tells me goodbye when I drop her off!  But - she's always glad to see me when I come back to pick her up, so all is well!

I also managed (finally!) to score some Far Far Away 2 in the aqua line for a quilt for Lilli, AND I managed to score some of Laurie Wisbrun's Urban Circus in a giveaway sponsored by Red Pepper Quilts and Hawthorne Threads!!  I have wanted some of that Urban Circus since the first time I saw it, but couldn't justify buying any with all the fabric I have in the stash - but winning it?  That's ok!  Woohoo!

And I just found out that if you join the American Quilt Society for $25 per year, you not only get six issues of American Quilter magazine, but you can get a discount card for Joann's that takes 10% off your purchase total, both sale and regular price items, every time you shop there!  Now, even if you don't buy Joann's fabric, it's still a great place to buy batts, templates, rotary cutter blades, etc.  I figure I spend at least $250 annually on just that stuff, so that membership will pay for itself every year!

Here's a great giveaway to check out - Megan over at Lucy & Norman is celebrating her first blog-aversary with a fabulous collection of fabrics to give away, picked from her fabulous stash!

And in case you haven't noticed, I'm getting mighty close to that all-important 100th blog post - keep an eye out for a giveaway!  I've got something really nice stashed away just waiting for a new home.....

I hope you have had as good a week as I did.  I'm linking up to Amy's Sew&Tell Friday, and Andrea's Lush Friday - be sure to check them out and see what everyone's been making this week!



PS - I just found out about this great new quilt-along - designed to help you learn how to free motion quilt!  Check it out and see if it's something you'd like to do - I'm going to give it a whirl!!


  1. You and Cassie have an assembly line going there! :-) Terrific quilts, both!

    Glad Lillibug is enjoying pre-school.

    Cool info about the American Quilter Society. I'll have to consider joining!

  2. congrats on the fabric win!! i love the quilts you finished this week. you are amazingly fast. so this week i did get the motivation to clean out my fabric closet and i have a bag of fabric that i would love to give to you for your charity quilt projects. i would not consider any of it to be designer but it was loved...i just can not keep that much of it anymore. are you interested still?

  3. Beautiful quilts, and love the paisley-ish quilting on the one. So YOU won that pretty fabric giveaway I was just looking at (I'm behind in my blog reading...way behind)? Congrats!! Thanks for the tip on the AQS membership.

  4. Beautiful quilts! I especially love the vibrant colors in the flannel quilt. Any child is sure to love it. What an adorable Lilli! :o) Stopping over from Sew & Tell. Happy Sewing! :o)

  5. How in the world do you manage to get so many quits done? You are amazing...and I love the back of this quilt!

  6. You have been busy!! I luv the paisley border. Glad to see e everyone's adjusting to the new preschool routine around your house!

  7. When my son started preschool he cried and cried and did not want me to leave him. I used to hate to leave him there crying but he eventually settled. Then when my daughter started she did not want me to go in with her . 'I'm a big girl mammy I don't need you to come with me' I was told. That was worse!!!. Beautiful quilting jobs, how do you get so much done??. You are amazing. Thanks for linking to lush friday.Andrea

  8. You and Cassie have an assembly line going there! :-) Terrific quilts,

    Glad Lillibug is enjoying pre-school.

    Cool info about the American Quilter Society. I'll have to consider


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