Friday, November 25, 2011

Can I get a Whoop-Whoop?? Something different....

Hi, all!

Did Friday just jump a few days this week?  It seems like it's come sooner than usual!  I hope each of you had a wonderful Thanksgiving, and if you're off shopping today for Black Friday, I hope you'll still join us at the linky party before Saturday at midnight!  

This week I have a very different thing to show you - as you may know, I was in Tampa most of the week last week and over the weekend, so I wasn't able to do any quilting.  But I decided to try some knitting, since it's easy to take and fairly small and portable.  Here's a pic of what I made this weekend - actually, I made about six of them, in several different colors (a pair of each)....

Brownie points if you can guess what it is!  I found the pattern here - and the story at the beginning is funny and worth reading!

I actually found these amazingly easy to make, even though I hadn't done four-needle knitting in probably 30 years.  I will say, though, that at the start and the end, it's rather like wrestling a small octopus.....

OK, so that's my small finish for the week!

What have you been working on?

We ALL want to see!

Link up and show off!

You deserve a Whoop Whoop!!




  1. Hysterically funny !!!! And very cute!

  2. This is funny. Actually I guessed right before looking it up. It looks like what it is.

  3. I thought it was a cap for a newborn, sort of an elf type look. I went to the site you linked to. How weird that all the commercial attempts are trumped by what can be simply knitted up in a jiffy. I am shaking my head but happy that we can do better with our clever fingers.

  4. I knew it, a knitted tittie! Funny and clever read over on that link. Necessity is truly the mother of invention. So is there a weight inside, or was that a travel version? Whoop-whoop!

  5. A friend of mine at work had sent me a link to Tit Bits, sure that I could start knitting those in my copious spare time! They ARE compellingly cute. But I am off to start work on Step 2 of Orca Bay, Bonnie Hunter's new mystery quilt.

  6. And you knit, too? How in the world do you get so much done? I have to know your secret!!

  7. I guessed right ; I did not know the correct name of them ! the 'nipple' tipped me off ; at first I thought they were baby hats ! nice work Sarah ! now , lets see if I can link up correctly ...... one never knows ...............

  8. The nipple gave it away. What a great idea. I will pass this on to a couple of women I know. Thanks for the link.

  9. I can only knit scarves, mainly because I do not know how to read patterns. So needless to say, knitting with 2 needles is challenging enough for me...and you can knit with 4! I am impressed. They are quite beautiful.

  10. Oh My! What a story! Do your 'colors' match all your bra's?

  11. I don't know what it is, Sarah, but your knitting is amazing!

  12. I knew exactly what it was when I saw it. Her story was cute. Does it work well? I can't knit but I think it is a great idea and I think I would like to learn to knit to give them away!

  13. Very heartwarming story. :) {For the first couple of seconds all I thought of was Madonna!}


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