Monday, October 28, 2013

Make-A-List Monday - Time to Take A Deep Breath!

Hi, all!

Whew!  It's so nice to be past the craft show and able to slow down just a little bit!!  Actually, there's not much slowing down but it is nice to think about something else for a while.  I hope you had a fabulous week last week, and got lots and lots done!  

My little pixie.

Before I get to this week's to-do's, I want to tell you something funny that happened today.  A little history first, though.  When Lilli was little and we'd go to Joann's, she always wanted a bolt of fabric in front of her across the cart, and she would drum on it while I shopped.  Emmy wants a bolt of fabric there, too, but she pets it and oohs and aahs over it - showing off some fabric addict tendencies!  Today we were shopping at Joann's, and she was doing her usual petting of fabric.  We went up to the counter to get it cut, and I took the bolts and gave them to the counter lady.  Emmy watched with suspicion as the lady spread the fabric out and measured, then picked up her scissors and started to cut…

PANDELYRIUM!!!  Emmy let out a blood curdling scream as the scissors cut into the fabric!!  I comforted her and she quieted down… until the lady started cutting the second piece of fabric, and the whole thing started all over again!  She didn't completely quiet down until we gave her the folded fabric, but even then she looked at the counter lady with suspicion.  You could almost see her thinking, "You killed it!"  I can see her future as a total fabric addict, one of those who buys pretty fabric and then can't bear to cut it!!

Now let's see how last week's list went

1.  Lots of ministry quilts!  We did an emphasis on the quilt ministry yesterday in church, and I've received nine quilt requests since then! I quilted three today, so those need to be bound, then six more need to be quilted and finished off!
We finished six quilts that went to new homes last Wednesday.  The numbers are getting kind of jumbled in my head, but I think I have eight more on the list right now!

2.  Cut the white fabric to make the cover for the craft show framework.
3.  Make some more mug rugs.
4.  Print out signs and name tags for the craft show.
5.  Price and tag items for the craft show.
6.  Pack everything up and load up the car for the craft fair.
I've lumped all these together for picture purposes - here are shots of our booth from this past Saturday.

My beautiful daughter, who made lots of the non-quilty crafts
and worked the booth with me...
For those of you who want to know how it went, I wish I could say it was a rousing success, but…  It was very cold (about 30 degrees when we got there) and that kind of cut down on foot traffic, plus they stuck us out in a secondary pavilion that was not marked well.  I made enough to pay for the booth and a bit more, but will probably not try this again.  But - - - I did set up a Facebook page for the shop and I'm putting some of the things we had at the craft show on the FB page for sale, so come check it out!  Search for Fabric Addict Quilts and More on Facebook, or click where it says Facebook page above to find it - and if you'll LIKE the page, and leave a comment on one of the posts, you should start seeing it in your feed.  It's a good way to keep up with what's going in the shop, and maybe pick something up before I list it on Etsy!

7.  Keep up with any additional quilt ministry needs that arise.
I'm trying!  I think it's a case of "be careful what you wish for" - we've had a flood of requests since we did the quilt ministry emphasis at church, and if it wasn't all written down, I'd be lost for sure!!

And here's what's on the list for this week…

1.  Quilt at least five quilts for ministry needs.

2.  Make Emmy's Halloween costume.

3.  Make a pillowcase for Emmy's bed.

4.  Quilt a top for a friend.

5.  Write up a price quote for a commission quilt.

6.  Cut charms for the Kate Spain Charm Swap.

7.  Make some items for small custom orders from the craft show.

8.  Start working on an antique quilt repair job.

9.  As always, try to keep up with any additional quilt ministry needs that arise.

There's probably lots more I need to do, but this is what I think I can actually get done.  

So now the question is - - - what are YOU working on this week?



Friday, October 25, 2013

Can I Get A Whoop Whoop? It's All Thanks To You! (My Blogger's Quilt Festival Entry)

Hi, all!

Here it is, Friday again, the end of October, only 62 days until Christmas, AND the beginning of the Blogger's Quilt Festival!  (Not to mention a little thing called Quilt Market, but since they didn't invite you and me, we won't talk about that, will we?)  Are you ready to get your whoop whoop on?  Possibly, like me, you are whooping about a long-completed quilt as part of your Quilt Festival entry - feel free to link it up here too!

So now, I'd like to welcome those of you who are popping over here from the Blogger's Quilt Festival!  We are so glad you're here - feel free to join in the whooping if the linky is still open!  We whoop it up every Friday, so come back and join in the fun!

And now, for my Blogger's Quilt Festival entry...

Earlier this year, I realized that our quilt ministry, Piece*Love*Quilt, was going to give away its 500th quilt this year.  So we asked all of the people who had participated in the ministry, whether by making quilts, donating fabric, quilt blocks, flimsies or finished quilts, or doing any of the many administrative chores, to create a "hand block" to be made into a commemorative quilt.  We called this "The Helping Hands Project".

Many months later, this is the quilt that we created from the blocks provided by both our local members and the many people across the country and around the world who have joined us in ministry.

We even created hand blocks for those people who didn't hear about the project - if we could find a record of you participating, you are represented in this quilt!

It was so neat to see the personalities of each person come out in their block.  The only requirement for the block was that it have a hand on it - there were no specifications for color, size or style.

We also worked in these beautiful little paper pieced hearts that were donated to us by a longtime quilt-y and bloggy friend!

I really want to know how this quilter created her handprint in print!  She incorporated many words that represent our ministry, including the name of the ministry!

Here's the current logo for our group, designed by my beautiful niece, Rachel!

I had a lot of fun quilting this quilt - so many different blocks gave lots of places to try out new quilting designs!

I really like this block - her hands are threading a needle!

I experimented with negative space quilting on this block, putting a heart in the background.

Tried out some feathers - - - I'm please to say my feather stitching has improved since this was done! 

Joanna put a little tiny quilt on her block!

See Sharon's block in the upper left?  It has a beautiful garden fabric on it (unfortunately I cut it off in the picture) and I have always thought of her as connected to gardens!

And P.'s block is so - - - well, P.!  All bright colors and peace signs!

So many different, beautiful blocks...

...all colorful and creative...

...representing so many helping hands!  We could never have done all the good that this ministry has done without the help of each and every one of the many hands that have helped create it!!

Just for fun, here's a shot of the back - the quilting was so pretty to see on the reverse of the quilt!

And one final shot, the "artsy" one!

The new part of the story of this quilt is that we presented it to our church this past Sunday, to commemorate our 500th quilt and to honor all the many people, both in our church and around the world, who have been a part of reaching that milestone.  The following is a video of our presentation to the church.  In interview format, we talk about how our quilt ministry started and other things related to it.  It's a little bit long (you've been warned) so I won't feel bad if you don't watch it!

So that's my whoop whoop for the week, and my entry into the Blogger's Quilt Festival!!  


And now it's your turn!

What are you whooping about this week?

Do tell us - we want to whoop right along with you!

For you new folks, it doesn't have to be a finish - 
Just something that made you dance the happy dance!

The linky party will remain open until Sunday midnight.

Hope to see you there!



PS.  Be sure to go check out all the other beautiful quilts that have linked up to the Festival - there's tons of inspiration out there!!!

This linky list is now closed.

Monday, October 21, 2013

Make-A-List Monday - It's Almost Craft Show Day!

Hi, all!

Well, it's Monday again, and just a few short days away from the craft show!  So much to do, so little time!!  But my head may stop swimming if I write it all down, so maybe if I get it all set out here, it will magically get done!

But first, let's see how last week's list went...

1.  Finish a quilt for a woman just diagnosed with cancer.
Done!  We have a lot of new members in our group who are just learning to piece, and this is one of the tops they have made...

2.  Finish a quilt for another woman with breast cancer.
Done!  Another "new member" top...

3.  Finish a quilt for a man with lymphoma.
Done!  Rita pieced this beautiful batik quilt...

4.  Make more aprons and elephants for the craft show.
Done!  I'm a bit behind on pics, none of the elephants yet, but here's one of the aprons I made...

5.  Make a test block for a competition.
Unfortunately, this is only done on paper - I've drawn and fiddled around, but haven't had a chance to make the block itself.

6.  Fine tune and deliver the commission quilt.
Done!  And she loved it!!

7.  Do a test run on the craft show space to decide how to display all the sale items.
Done!  My husband made the framework and my daughter is full of great ideas about how to display all of our handcrafted goodies!

I've still got to cut the white fabric to cover the framework, but that's a job for tomorrow...

8.  Keep up with any quilt ministry needs that arise.
We had three other needs arise last week - here are pics of two of the quilts that we made...

Here's Dovie and her daughter, Pam (a member of the quilt ministry) with the quilt we made for her...

And this quilt went to a little 4 year old girl with Down's Syndrome, who is currently in Vanderbilt Hospital awaiting surgery to correct some heart issues.

Okay, last week's progress looks better than I thought it did.  Here's what I need to get done this week, let's hope it goes as well!

1.  Lots of ministry quilts!  We did an emphasis on the quilt ministry yesterday in church, and I've received nine quilt requests since then! I quilted three today, so those need to be bound, then six more need to be quilted and finished off!

2.  Cut the white fabric to make the cover for the craft show framework.

3.  Make some more mug rugs.

4.  Print out signs and name tags for the craft show.

5.  Price and tag items for the craft show.

6.  Pack everything up and load up the car for the craft fair.

6.  Keep up with any additional quilt ministry needs that arise.

I promise to take pictures at the craft fair, and share a little bit about how it went and what we did.  My daughter has really blossomed in her crafting, and is making some super cute things for the sale.  Keep your fingers crossed that it's worth all the time and effort we've put into it!!

So now the question is - - - what are YOU working on this week?



Friday, October 18, 2013

Can I Get A Whoop Whoop? Thanks To All Your Help....

Hi, all!

Wow, can you believe it's Friday already?  My weeks have been flying by for a while now - so much to do and not enough time to do it in!  I hope you're ready to get your whoop whoop on - I know I am!!

And I owe my whoop whoop to so many of you who have donated fabric, quilt blocks and quilt tops to us - this week we sent fifty-two quilts with our middle schoolers on mission to Rogersville, Tennessee!  Here are pictures of some of the quilts that were sent (please excuse the quality of these pictures - I know just enough about my digital camera to be dangerous, and some setting got changed without my knowledge - these are a bit fuzzy!)

Here's all of the quilts spread out in our church just before they were prayed over...

And here are pictures of some of the kids giving away two of the quilts!

So that's what I'm whooping about this week - definitely a group effort, combining the talents, skills and resources of quilters both here and around the world!  Thank you so much for all of your support in this effort - it's amazing to see God's hand at work through this quilt ministry!!


And now it's your turn!!

What are you whooping about this week??

A great finish?  Mastering a new skill?

Maybe a new grandbaby??
(Yes, Val, I'm talking about you!)

Whatever it is, share it with us!
We want to whoop right along with you!!

The party will stay open until Sunday midnight!!
Hope to see you there!!



This linky list is now closed.