Friday, August 15, 2014

Can I Get a Whoop Whoop? I'm a Proud Quilt Mama….

Hi, all!

Here it is, Friday again - can you believe it?  It always seems to me that the weeks go faster as summer comes to an end.  I actually saw something on Facebook the other day telling how many weekends it was until Christmas (something I won't share with you because it totally freaked me out!) So I guess it's time to get it in gear, yes?

I hope you're ready to whoop it up - I've got something really fun to share this week!  My niece Heather came to spend the weekend with me before she moves to Canada to work on her Ph.D. at Calgary, and she brought some of her quilty UFOs to finish up. You may remember Heather - I first introduced you to her with this picture…

This was her first quilt - a disappearing 9-patch.  Then she moved on to her "Wicked" quilt - but it became a PIG (Project in Grocery sack) after she finished the flimsy.

Next up, and totally appropriate for this brilliant math whiz, was her Fibonnaci quilt

…and then her quilt based on the Doppler effect...

Then the quilt she designed for her mom, who we occasionally call the crazy cat lady (when she's not around to hear us)

And because no graduate student worth her salt can survive without her own personal Tardis, she designed and created this quilt…

And this weekend, we managed to finish up three more quilts. The first is a gift for a friend of hers who just had a baby

Cute giraffe fabrics on the front...

an interesting quilting design - straight line sections alternated with random meander rows...

and an adorable giraffe print for the back!

Then she moved on to her oldest UFO, the Wicked quilt...

Emerald green fabric pinwheels...

Yes, that really is the Wicked Witch of the West!  And the one turned block in the bottom corner was an intentional design choice.  She quilted this with random spirals.

And then she moved on to this pretty quilt - a block she designed herself.  The fabrics are mostly rainy day prints from Connecting Threads, with one print of books in a spiral.  She said it made her think of enjoying good book on a rainy day!

I'm especially proud and amazed at the quilting she did on this quilt.  She decided that she wanted to do something special and different, not just an overall pattern.  So we loaded it on Jolene and she went to work...

And look at that quilting!  Squared spirals in the largest squares, and a random meander through the other parts of the blocks.  But the bravest thing?  Take a look at the back!!

She used a white thread on a denim sketch backing fabric - which could have shown every error!   But instead she ended up with a quilt that is equally fabulous on both back and front…

Isn't that cool?  Like I said, I'm one proud quilt mama!

Now she has six quilts to take with her to Calgary - hopefully enough to keep her warm through the Canadian winters!  But if not, I'm sure she's got a wicked auntie somewhere who will send her some more…

So - - - can we give Heather a big whoop whoop??


And now, a message from our sponsor…

From August 15 through August 27, Craftsy is hosting a quilt giveaway!  Which quilt would you love to win?


One randomly selected quilter will get to choose their prize, whether it's the starry True Blue Quilt Kit OR the elegant Blue Garden Quilt Kit.  (Psst … the prize also comes with the coordinated backing for the quilt!)

**Only residents of the U.S. and Canada are eligible to enter.** 


And now it's your turn!  

What's got you whooping this week?

What's making you dance the happy dance?

Share - we want to dance right along with you!!

The party will stay open until Sunday midnight - 
hope to see you there!



This linky list is now closed.


  1. How lovely to spend time quilting with your niece Sarah. She is certainly a talented lady! I love the quilts and especially that quilting on the last quilt. She did an amazing job. As always, thank you for hosting the linky party. Have a great weekend. Marie xxx (

  2. Wow she's amazing. I kept thinking how easy quilting would be if I was a math whizz, lol.

  3. What a fabulous job your niece did with her quilting! It's so exciting to see the younger generation excited about quilting. Thank you for sharing your gifts of time and talent.

  4. Great quilting by your very sweet niece! Thanks for the party!

  5. Very impressive! I would be a proud quilt mama too! Your grand-daughter has lots of imagination and is not afraid of inovating. I love the quilting of the last quilt you showed us. The back is stunning. She's a talented lady who dares trying things that may go wrong. I love that! :-)

  6. How exciting! It's so lovely to see someone young learn and enjoy quilting. She did a great job!

  7. How quickly she went from quilt play, to designing, to mastering quilting. Very talented - she has the 'touch'.

  8. Oh I love your story about Heather!! Nothing more rewarding than having her sew by your side! You are a #1 Auntie Sarah!!

  9. Whoop Whoop Heather!!!
    I am really impressed by all of her creations!

  10. Heather's quilting on that final quilt makes me drool!!! Way to go!

  11. Sarah, this is worth a bazillion whoop whoops! How long has Heather been quilting with you? She did a fantastic job on her projects. I can't wait to show that TARDIS quilt to my sons, who are HUGE Dr. Who fans -- and beginning quilters themselves. Is there a pattern for the TARDIS quilt?

  12. Oh yes! She definitely deserves a Whoop Whoop!!!! What a great job finishing up all those quilts - and I'm with you - she did an amazing job quilting that quilt!!!

  13. Amazing projects - so impressive! Thanks for sharing

  14. Great job on all the quilts! Sincerely, Paula K.

  15. Heather's quilts are very beautiful, you are right to be very proud of her.

  16. Heather, your quilts are awesome! Keep it up! Way to go, Quilt Mama!

  17. You have every right to be proud. She is an exceptionally good quilter! Must have had an exceptionally good teacher. ;-)

  18. Wow. I'm really impressed. She did a great job on all of them and I see a whole lot more quilting with auntie days in her future.

  19. Heather is really quite the quilter! What a wide variety of designs and colors! And her quilting is fabulous! Way to go!

  20. Congrats Heather!!!! There are lots of great quilters in Calgary (I've met a few).

  21. Heather definitely deserves a Whoop Whoop. Her quilts are wonderful. I remember seeing the Tardis quilt on her blog. The other quilts are just as impressive.


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