Well, summer has finally arrived - the kids are all out of school, vacation bible schools have started all around, and summer thunderstorms are upon us! I was actually a little nervous about using my long arm today, but since it's plugged into a very expensive uninterrupted power supply and surge protector, I went ahead and quilted! I hope your summer is starting off well, and you're not being hit too hard with the strange weather that has been plaguing the country in the past couple of weeks.
It's time, though, to see how last week's list went...
1. Quilt and bind two quilts for Hands2Help.
Done! I finished these two quilts in time for the final linky party for Hands2Help.
Done! I finished these two quilts in time for the final linky party for Hands2Help.
2. Finalize the prizes for Hands2Help and write blogpost.
Done! And boy, it was a task to organize 67 prizes and distribute them to all the participants! Whew! But here's just a few of the packages I put together yesterday for mailing...

Done! And boy, it was a task to organize 67 prizes and distribute them to all the participants! Whew! But here's just a few of the packages I put together yesterday for mailing...
3. Visit all the links and tally up the quilters and quilts for the final Hands2Help linky!
I'm happy to say I visited and commented on every quilt that was linked up for Hands2Help! And they are beautiful - if you haven't checked them out, you should!
I'm happy to say I visited and commented on every quilt that was linked up for Hands2Help! And they are beautiful - if you haven't checked them out, you should!
5. Start working on a retirement quilt.
6. Start thinking about what quilt projects I want to take with me on vacation in July.
I am so ready for vacation! I've got several ideas running around in my head, mostly working with my Kate Spain Horizon FQ bundle. But I'm also considering some "back-up" quilts to take with me just in case it rains all week! I'll need to start cutting next week, so it's time to pick a final contender or two...
I am so ready for vacation! I've got several ideas running around in my head, mostly working with my Kate Spain Horizon FQ bundle. But I'm also considering some "back-up" quilts to take with me just in case it rains all week! I'll need to start cutting next week, so it's time to pick a final contender or two...
7. Begin making kits for summer quilting with the quilt ministry.
8. Keep up with all quilt ministry needs that come up.
Done! We gave away quite a few quilts this week...
A gentleman just diagnosed with prostate cancer received this quilt...
Done! These two helped me pull squares for some Charming Stars quilts this week!
8. Keep up with all quilt ministry needs that come up.
Done! We gave away quite a few quilts this week...
And a woman just diagnosed with breast cancer will be cuddling up with this quilt.
A man with melanoma and Stage 4 lung cancer will be receiving this quilt, made by Tommy. He's great at making manly quilts!
Here's a close-up of the great train fabric!
And this quilt is going to a woman in Texas, who was having colon surgery when they discovered a spot on her liver.
And this quilt sent to a woman in Florida who has some serious health issues.
I also spent a little bit of time making some of these cute baskets - aren't they awesome? Super fast and simple! I want to experiment with making some out of patchwork, and in different sizes, too!
So that was last week! I think it went pretty well - I'm very happy to have all the Hands2Help stuff ready to be mailed out so that will be behind me and I can move on to other things! Let's see what's on tap for this week...
1. Mail all of the Hands2Help prizes and my own H2H quilt donations.
2. Work on the checkerboard quilt.
3. Work on the retirement quilt.
4. Start working on a commission job - a baby quilt and pillow made from the grandmother's wedding dress.
5. Make a patchwork basket.
6. Finish the sashiko pillow top.
7. Keep up with any quilt ministry needs that arise.
That's definitely enough to keep me busy this week - I'm taking Lilli to vacation bible school at our church every morning this week, and keeping all three kids a couple of afternoons this week, so I don't know how much time I'll have for actual sewing. It may be better than I think, and I may get more done, but I'm not holding out much hope!
But I did have a really fun time at church this morning - I got to meet a blog and Instagram friend in real life! Michiel has started her own quilt ministry in Texas, and wanted to see our setup while she was here visiting her sister. It was great to meet her and compare notes!!
And now the question is - - - what are YOU working on this week?
No storms here in the Pacific Northwest, just unexpected heat - like triple digits!! Going to cool off as the week goes on which is good because when it is this warm, I have to be upstairs quilting in the wee hours of the morning because by noon it is too warm to be up there. I just can't be dripping sweat on the quilts, right? Just went up to open the windows...97 outside, over 100 in my studio...came right back down to the "cool" comfort of 78 in the living room.
ReplyDeleteLightning sparked a hillside fire last night near us. It's going to be a long fire season. I look all the work you've done this week - OMG! If I had a tenth of the energy you have, just think of all I'd accomplish. You are awesome :)
ReplyDeleteWow, it sounds like you got a lot accomplished. It's already getting hot where I live. Taking a break out of my projects this week to sew up scrap blocks for #floodtexaswithlove.
ReplyDeleteWell done, Sarah. You have been busy. I've been packing up my sewing room, cleaning house and signing papers. Our house is on the market now. (We already have a house in WI that is waiting for this one to sell.) We had a showing yesterday (minutes after it was put onto MLS), so that's a good sign. There is another scheduled for this morning. Gotta keep the sewingroom cleaned up - oh, and the rest of the house, too. Ugh. I hope I'm working on my Son in laws wedding quilt this afternoon. We will see.
Resting...as summer vacation has started for this tired second grade teacher! :)
ReplyDeleteGreat job on your list Sarah. We are starting to have our normal afternoon storms in south FL.
ReplyDeleteI have so much I should be working on but feeling a bit under the weather. My goal is to feel well enough for the weekend so I can get back to my machine.
Hi Sarah, I had computer issues and could not get my pictures uploaded. . . and it looks like I missed the Linky party for Hands2Help.
ReplyDeleteBut I completed my quilt & it is going to the PO today. Here is the link to my blog post FYI:
Thank you.