Friday, March 4, 2016

Can I Get A Whoop Whoop? One For The Birthday Girl!!

Hi, all!

It's Friday again, and that means it's time for us to get our whoop whoop on!!!  I've been waiting for this Friday for more than a week, because last Friday I couldn't reveal this quilt yet!

On February 29th, 1984, I gave birth to the cutest little baby girl you ever saw!  And this past Monday, she celebrated her eighth birthday as she turned 32.  In honor of her special "real" birthday, I created a photo memory quilt for her - a "Polaroid" quilt!

I chose 62 pictures - some of Nancy over the years, with family members past and present, and a few of her kids to throw in the mix too.  

The background fabrics are primarily from a fat quarter bundle of Michael Miller dots that I gave to my daughter several years ago for Christmas (it was all she wanted that year!)  But last year, she gave it back to me, suggesting that maybe I could find a use for it, since she didn't think she'd ever have time to sew again. When I started looking in my stash for background fabric, I decided that this way she could have her pretty polka dots in a quilt!  

I added in some Cotton + Steel prints that I won from Hawthorne Threads last year, too.  So the front of this quilt all came from stash!

And see that backing peeking out?  It's my favorite IKEA print - the very last piece of it (boohoo!), made just large enough with a strip of the cut-off pieces from the Polaroid blocks, sewn together into a long strip.  It was the perfect size to make the back just a little bigger!

I also have enough of that colorful strip left over to make a table runner - a great suggestion by some folks on Instagram!  Thanks!

On Sunday, we celebrated Nancy's birthday and I gave her the quilt.  I managed to get one picture of her with the quilt...

...before Nathanael made off with it and started walking around the house like this....

But he did come out for cake!!

 So that's my Polaroid quilt!  It was so much fun to make, I may make another one someday!  Can I get a whoop whoop???



 And one more thing I'm whooping about today - people are joining in the "I May Have A Scrap Problem" scrap challenge!!  

It's so much fun to see that I'm not alone in drowning in my scraps, and it's giving me a lot of encouragement to tackle those scraps and use them.   I can't wait to see what everyone else is working on and how they get along with their monthly goals.  Want to join in?  Check out the first post by clicking here!


And now it's your turn!

What's got you whooping it up this week?

What's making you dance the happy dance?

Share - we want to dance right along with you -
And it's always more fun to dance with friends!

The party will stay open until Sunday midnight -

Hope to see you there!



This linky list is now closed.


  1. What a great gift and lovely colors. I love your grandson. A whoop whoop for the quilt and your lovely grandson!!

  2. And congrats with your daughter!!

  3. I LOVE LOVE LOVE this idea! it is so personal a real treasure. How did you print the pictures onto the fabric and make them all the same size?

  4. what a good idea! first time I've seen a 'Polaroid' quilt. little guy under the quilt is cute and happy birthday to your daughter :))

  5. Whoop Whoop on the EXCELLENT job you did creating your daughter's quilt... it will be used and treasured forever I am sure! :) thanks also for the linky party !!! Kathi

  6. Wonderful quilt.....beautifully done.....and wow does your daughter ever resemble you!!

  7. What a great gift, I like the fact that you used the fabric she loved and wanted. Did you use the same Photo Fabric that you used for the Sienna photos quilt?

  8. That is such a wonderful gift for your daughter! I love the Polaroid blocks.

  9. are such a special gifter! I love it!

  10. Your daughter must be thrilled with this wonderful gift. What a treasure! And so beautiful.

  11. What a wonderful idea!! The pictures are a great way to celebrate a special daughter! My daughter had her 30th on Feb. 27th, I made her a quilt too!

  12. What an excellent gift and so beautiful too!

  13. Oh my goodness, what an awesome quilt!!! Love, love, love it!!!

  14. That birthday present, that quilt, something only your mom could really do it just right. Great job!

  15. You get the Whoop Whoop for sure! Quilts make us happy, and you made this super special. Brilliant idea!

  16. You get the Whoop Whoop for sure! Quilts make us happy, and you made this super special. Brilliant idea!

  17. Whoop! Boy you deserve it with this wonderful quilt. Everything about it is perfect--using the fabrics she picked out herself, including lots of photos, using your favorite IKEA fabric for the back, and celebrating on her real birthday! Whoop, Whoop!

  18. Love the quilt and love seeing your daughter and your grandson, so much to whoop whoop about :D

  19. A lovely quilt for a lovely girl, on a special birthday too. My 20 year old nephew celebrated his 5th birthday on the same day.
    Whoop. Whoop!

  20. An absolutely wonderful photo quilt!!! Sally

  21. LOVE this quilt so much, I am so excited to see it all finished! What a fantastic birthday present!!

  22. What an AWESOME quilt and perfect gift!!

  23. Fabulous quilt! Why can't I see the linky party any more??

  24. Woohoo - just had to wait for it to load. As for the scrap challenge - I, too, am drowning in them, but must wait for two commission quilts to get done. Maybe this summer. I'll be back to be inspired by your work with them.

  25. Love your Poloroid Quilt! I'm sure your daughter did too! Fantastic!

  26. visiting you from your Crazy mum quilts link. This is amazing

  27. Awesome quilt! It turned out beautifully. I'm sure your daughter was pleased.

  28. I love that you've now given her the same fabrics twice! It's beautiful! Visiting from Crazy Mom Quilts linkup.

  29. That's a great present! And I love that the pictures feel very nostalgic with the Polaroid frame around them.

  30. The polaroid quilt is awesome!

  31. I love the way that one turned out. Applause to you.

  32. That quilt is absolutely beautiful and I know it will be treasured forever! That was really special that you used the fabric that she picked out and didn't use!

  33. Oh my goodness! I would have cried if someone presented me with a quilt like this! Happy birthday to your daughter.

  34. I would like to know what is the IKEA fabric that some bloggers mention on their posts. My daughter took me to an IKEA store the last time I was in Seattle and I found no IKEA fabric. Please enlighten me!!! Thank you.....

    1. IKEA has some fabric in their stores, Mary Ann, but they hide it in the stores and don't sell it on-line. It's usually near the curtains, and you have to cut it yourself. But it's about $5-6 a yard for cotton fabric, and it's usually 60" wide - a great deal and many of them are perfect for quilt backs!

  35. A beautiful gift of love to your daughter. It is a quilt to treasure. I can see why Nathanael wanted the quilt.

  36. Beautiful quilt for a beautiful daughter! Great idea.

  37. Love, love your quilt! The photo images are so sharp and bright? Any secret to printing these? Thanks!

  38. Wow this is awesome! What a great mom you are to make something so special for your daughter. Great work!

  39. I love everything about this quilt! Fabulous idea and what a treasure!


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