Sunday, March 27, 2016

Hands2Help - Tips, Tutes and Tasty Things Linky!

Good morning, everyone!  Happy Easter!!

As I woke up this morning, it suddenly occurred to me that I did not write my H2H post last night - oops!  We had a late evening - date night and Easter services - and it just slipped my mind.  But there's still plenty of time now for our annual Tips, Tutes, and Tasty Things link party!  

This week is designed for us to share those things that make our lives easier - the sewing room tips, the great tutorials we've written or found on-line, and the wonderful food or snacks that we like to make to help keeping our home lives running smoothly (or to pacify us when we make a major sewing boo-boo and have to do some "frog-stitching" (i.e. ripping out - rippit rippit!).  I hope you'll share your favorites - you can do this by linking to a new post, an old post, even someone else's post (for example, a tutorial or recipe you love)!  So let's get started!!

This doesn't look like much of a tip, does it?  Just an ordinary box of Kleenex, like most of us have hanging around the house.  And when it's empty, we throw it away, right?  Wrong - at least around my house!  Take out the plastic liner on the top, and it makes a fabulous mini trash can for your work surface!  Great for holding trimmings as you square up blocks - I don't know about you but if I aim for the trash can on the floor, I almost always miss!  This collects up all the little bits, and you can then either empty it out when it gets full and keep using it, or just throw it away and start another one!  And they come in such pretty colors and designs, too.  Even quilty patterns sometimes!

For tutorials, I'll point you towards the Nifty Nines Quilt Along, from earlier this year on this blog.  Six great nine-patch quilt designs, simple enough to use for charity quilts, but interesting enough to keep your attention!  Just click on the picture above and it will take you to all the linked posts.

And now for the tasty thing!  Look at all that yumminess - can you believe it's a slow cooker recipe?  I found this recipe on the Shugary Sweets blog, and it's amazing!  It's called Slow Cooker Chicken Taco Chili.  Definitely easy and a great way to start supper and go away to sew for six hours!  I highly recommend it.  You can find the recipe by clicking here.

So now you have MY tips, tutes and tasty things for this year - what are yours?  Link up below and share them with us!  Anything that can make our lives easier as we make our H2H quilts is fair game - so let's see 'em!

And be sure to come back next Sunday, when we'll find out who our fabulous sponsors are this year!  You won't want to miss it!



This linky list is now closed.


  1. Thanks for the Kleenex box idea - I hadn't thought of that. You're right - most of the time I miss the can on the floor!

  2. Oops! I almost forgot about the link party. I like the Kleenex box idea and hope that will help me stay a bit more orderly when I'm sewing. Happy Easter!

  3. Happy Easter, Sarah.

    Just back from vacation so I am reading everyone's linkys. Love the tissue box idea!

  4. I agree the kleenex box is a great idea. I goofed and should have put FMQ Help instead of my name, is there any way to change it? My first link up, Sorry. ALthough I'm kinda proud I actually got it done. thanks

  5. Great use for the Kleenex box. Thanks for sharing that. Recipe looks delish.

  6. I use an old butter tub - I like the idea of the Kleenex box as they are so much prettier. Great recipe - and I checked some of the others on that site - yummo!

  7. I am happy to hear that you use your old tissue boxes for thread catchers too. In fact, I save all of mine and take them to quilt meetings to keep our spaces tidy. Thanks for sharing.


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