Friday, June 24, 2016

Can I Get A Whoop Whoop? Dreaming of New Projects...

Hi, all!

It's Friday again, and we all know what that means - - - it's time to get our whoop whoop on!  I hope you've all had whoop-worthy weeks - mine hasn't had much sewing, but it's been fun nonetheless.  And I do have some pretty fabric to show off!  So let's get started!


If you follow me on Instagram or Facebook, I'm sure you know that I spent last weekend plus a few days in New York City!  Oh, we had such a fine time!  The weather was just gorgeous...

...clear and sunny and pretty comfortable temperature-wise most of the time we were there.  It made for really great pictures!

I particularly love this one of the Flatiron Building - I had never seen it from that particular angle, and it looks so thin there!

I was really glad that I had a day to wander around the Garment District, too!  I love the iconic needle-and-button statue that lets you know that you have arrived in the Garment District - one of my favorite sights in NYC!

I visited some really great trim shops in NYC - buttons, trims, zippers, ribbons - everything you could possibly imagine can be found in these amazing stores!  

But the best part of my day exploring came when I got to meet this lovely lady in real life for lunch!  Chris blogs over at Made by ChrissieD, and lives in the NYC area.  FYI, she travels all over the world and blogs about the fabric stores she find on her journeys.  It's a great resource if you like to travel - her photography is fabulous, as you'll see if you wander around her blog.  She sent me a great walking itinerary to follow when I was wandering around the garment district, and arranged for us to meet for lunch at a cute little restaurant.  Then we wandered down to.....

...Purl Soho, which is such a fun shop, although much smaller than you would think from their website!  Lots of beautiful yarns, Liberty of London fabric, and some of the prettiest linens I've seen in a long time.  I did end up with a scrap bag with an interesting mix of pieces...

...and a bolt end of this beautiful linen!  It's hard to tell from this picture, but the warp is a light teal blue and the woof is a beautiful bright yellow.  In person, it's a beautiful shade of blue-ish green.  Unfortunately, it's hard to tell in this picture!

I also picked up the bundle of solid fabrics in this picture...

...then returned to The City Quilter for the owls and foxes, which I had seen there earlier in the day.  These fabrics are destined to become a baby quilt for one of my nieces!

And Thursday I got to spend the day with these lovelies -  grandkids are the best!!  We had a big old time wandering around Target and re-stocking Nana's pantry shelves.  

So that's what's been going on in my little corner of the world this week - can I get a whoop whoop??


And now it's your turn!

What's got you whooping it up this week?

What's got you dancing a little happy dance?

Share - we want to dance right along with you - 
And it's always more fun to dance with friends!

The party will stay open until Sunday midnight.

Hope to see you there!!



This linky list is now closed.


  1. love the look of that flat iron building I do not believe I have ever seen a photo of it.

  2. The owls and foxes are sweet. Lots of pretties there Sarah. 😊

  3. What fun! Someday when I'm retired and if I still have some money I hope to get to the garment district. I haven't been to NY since I was in 6th grade and that was a loooooooong time ago!

  4. I need to get down to the city at some point myself and look around too plus meet up with Chrissie.

  5. Oh Sarah...what fun! Thanks for sharing it with make me excited for my own upcoming summer adventure travels. (I always love seeing your grands and chuckled at the thought of them restocking your pantry...they are good at that huh!)

  6. Your trip looks like so much fun. Would have loved going to all the musicals, a little jealous I must admit. Welcome home!

  7. Thanks for sharing pictures of your NYC trip! I've never been there, but the garment district would be a blast!

  8. Sounds like you had a fantastic trip! What I wonder is how New York Quilters manage their fabric stashes, with so many amazing shopping resources and limited square footage in NYC apartments. Would love to retrace your footsteps through the garment district, though. Did not even know that resource was "right around the corner" all those years we lived in New Jersey.

    1. We're all struggling for space Rebecca and have learnt to be inventive - for many even the oven provides space for fabric storage ;D. The main issue my students have is space to baste quilts.

  9. Looks like you had a great time - those buildings are amazing!

  10. Great trip Sarah and such fun to meet up, thanks for saying such kind things about my blog. Hope to see you again soon :D - Chris x

  11. I love your photos of the flatiron building and the garment district avatar. I had never seen that. Your granddaughters are adorable little devils. Glad you had a good time!

  12. I love your photos of the flatiron building and the garment district avatar. I had never seen that. Your granddaughters are adorable little devils. Glad you had a good time!

  13. Love your pics! Especially the Flatiron building. I'll have to look into that....looks rather uncomfortable.

  14. It sounds like you had a great time. The blue-green linen fabric sounds like a great colour.

  15. Please, please, who makes the owl and fox fabric. It's just delightful

    1. Carol, it's made by Timeless Treasures Fabrics of SoHo, LLC. Replying here because you are a no-reply blogger and no info on your Blogger profile page!

  16. Sounds like you made the best of your time in NYC! Good for you. I've never seen the needle and button statue; where is it? I want to be sure to look it up next time I'm in the city.

    1. Hi Charlotta, it's on the corner of 7th and 39th in the Garment District :D

  17. Sounds and looks like you had a wonderful time in NYC. You had a good guide, and some good finds.

  18. Glad you have had a great week, I've had my moments but finishing on a high so that's all that matters and I have managed to blog a lot more lately. Think that is helping

  19. Look at all this fun! Love your pictures. I've never seen that statue of the button and needle. Too cool.

  20. What a fun post. That Flat Iron building is amazing. Saw something like it on the San Antonio Riverwalk. We are so lucky when bloggers share their travels. Nice fabrics!

  21. Looks like you did it up right!

  22. Nothing much going on here, but enjoyed your dancing whoop.....grin.


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