Monday, June 27, 2016

Make-A-List Monday - When It Rains, It POURS!

Hi, all!

It feels like forever since I posted a list on here - two weeks ago was my last one, and I definitely feel at loose ends without one!  The trip to NYC was a lot of fun, though - I wouldn't have missed it for the world!  But now it's time to get back to the real world, so let's see what happened with that two-week old list...

1.  Finish the red t-shirt commission quilt.
Done!  I'm really happy with the way this quilt turned out - it was a stretch to my designing skills, but I learned a lot!

2.  Work on prepping a Christmas quilt-along to go alongside the 12 Days of Christmas in July blog hop! That involves making up a sample quilt and keeping track of all the steps, then writing a whole mess of blog posts!
This is a work in progress, but I'm happy with how it's progressing!  I've finished my sample quilt and written most of the instructions. Now I have to turn them into blog posts!

3.  Write the estimate for the second commission t-shirt quilt.
Done!  This one's going to have to wait until after vacation, though...

4.  Mail prizes to the winners of the Stash Builder Box giveaway!

5.  Make some more string blocks for the scrap quilt - if time allows!
Time?  What in the heck is free time??? No more blocks this week, I'm afraid...

6.  Keep up with any quilt ministry needs that come up.
Done!  We gave away a few quilts this week...

This quilt went to a woman with colon cancer...

This one went to a gentleman with cancer...

And this one to a woman who is having serious heart issues.

We also had two new babies...

A bright and spicy quilt for a new baby girl...

And an ocean themed quilt for a little boy!

And these ten quilts went to our local general hospital to be distributed to new babies and their moms!

Not much sewing time in the past two weeks, but at least I managed to get a good bit of stuff done.  Good thing, too, because when it rains, it pours - I've got two more commission t-shirt quilts in my studio to work on, and two more waiting in the wings for after I come back from vacation!  It's definitely a busy time of the year.  So here's my list for this week.....

1.  Finish the quilt-along quilt top.

2.  Finish preparing the tutorial for the quilt-along.

3.  Start preparing the blogposts for the quilt-along.

4.  Prepare kits for vacation sewing.

5.  Pack up tools and supplies for vacation sewing.

6.  Take photographs of the t-shirts for the two commission quilts for quilt planning.

7.  Cut apart a large donated quilt and add borders to make four smaller quilts.

8.  Keep up with any quilt ministry needs that come up this week!

Lots of things on the list, but quite a few that are on-going and will carry through vacation.  We leave on Friday, so I'll be using my car time to write tutorials, blogposts, and plan quilts.  And there will be sewing at the beach - mainly in the evenings while watching tv - so hopefully I'll have some pretty things to show off next Friday!  It feels like it's been a while since I got to finish anything - I miss it!

And now the question is - - - what are YOU working on this week?




  1. Your finished quilts list is impressive, and of them all, the gentleman's one in strips is my pick, I hope he will do well, as all of the others too.These are made with love, and sent to warm hands, spirit and heart.

  2. I like the layout for the T-shirt quilt, the long strips add just the right touch. Have a great vacation, the beach sounds real good :)

  3. You got a heck of a lot done. Love your quilt ministry. What a wonderful way to brighten someone's day who is walking through a dark time.

  4. I'm tired just reading your list. Great work.

  5. My husband wants a tshirt quilt, do you have any advice on where to start? I am an experienced quilter but am unsure of which stabilizers to use.

    1. Val, I'm replying here because you are a no-reply blogger - I hope you get this! I use a woven fusible interfacing made by June Tailor. It comes in a 60" x 72" sheet, which is very useful for t-shirt quilts - much less waste than buying it on a 22" wide bolt! I order mine from Amazon. The woven interfacing stretches much less than Pellon interfacing. It costs more, but it's so worth it!

    2. Hi Val, I'll chime in here too. I am just finishing up my first tshirt quilt and I took Sarah's advice about using June Tailor interfacing and I'm so glad I did. It really holds the fabric without adding bulk or extra weight.

  6. What a wonderful ministry - my guy says I like to make quilts to give them away.
    I just finished a little girl quilt and am beginning my squares for the 12 Days of Christmas in July blog hop. I'm not featured but I'm thinking I can at least link up with my project.

  7. Same as you, doing the work for the Christmas in July hop, and writing blog posts. It is going to be a blast.

  8. My list didn't get done. It's hard to stitch when you are out of state, and following other's agendas. Oh well.

  9. I'm dizzy just reading your list Sarah and it reminds me so much of my own - peas in a pod :D


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