Wednesday, August 31, 2016

I May Have A Scrap Problem - August Accomplishments and September Goals!

Hi, all!

August is drawing to a close, and it's been a good month!  Lots of sewing, lots of cutting, and lots of using up stash fabrics.  I'm pretty proud of my progress!  Here's a recap of the goals I had for August...

The first one was the homespun seat cushion and pillow.  All finished and delivered to the customer!  I'm really happy with the way these came out - not my style, but exactly what she was looking for...


...and I am especially fond of the backing of the pillow - I took a men's shirt and cut a rectangle out of the front which included the button placket.  After putting the pillow cover together, all you have to do is unbutton the placket to slip in a pillow form!

Next up was the scrappy black and white placemats.  I cut my black strips into shorter lengths and put them together in jellyroll race fashion for a very random look.  

The back of the placemats were chunks of leftover black and white prints divided by a narrow white strip, and I did a simple diamond quilting design to finish them off.  I'm happy to say the customer loved them!!

Third up was piecing the scrappy string blocks for this quilt.  I not only got the blocks pieced, but I also assembled the top!  This is a beautiful design, and one I will definitely make again.


The last goal on my August list was to start working on my eldest granddaughter's annual quilt.  I pulled a couple of fabrics for this quilt but really didn't make a start on it yet, so that goal wasn't met.


... I did cut a LOT of blocks from the leftovers of t-shirts from all the t-shirt quilts I've made this summer!

And the really frightening thing?  I've still got half a tub of shirt pieces to cut up!  Honestly, I think they are reproducing at night when I'm not up there!

I also spent some time drafting out ideas for using some bonus HSTs left over from another project...

... and laid out the beginnings of a quilt using up some orange peel segments I had left over from an earlier quilt.

So here are my goals for September.  I want to make at least one stadium/picnic quilt using the t-shirt pieces I've been cutting up, and I'd love to sew up the orange peel quilt.  I'd like to make at least 20 more string blocks for my ongoing string block quilt project, and I definitely need to pull fabrics for Lilli's annual quilt.  While doing that, I should be able to organize some of the fabric tubs, as I want to go through them to find fabrics that are special to Lilli - fabrics from her earlier quilts or clothes that I've made for her in particular!

And I'm thinking seriously about taking Rachel Hauser's on-line course, Patchwork from Scrap!  The class runs from September 12th to October 20th, and has two main themes:  sewing organization/habits and scrap sewing.  I love Rachel's style of sewing and I think it would be an interesting way to learn how she does what she does, and how she stays organized enough to do it.  Hop over to her site and take a look at the info she's posted about the class - it's way more than I want to get into here, but it's so interesting looking, and the projects she shows are very tempting!  This is my very favorite, and may just be enough to make me jump into the class with both feet!

So that's my progress for August, and my goals for September!  I'd love to see what you accomplished in August - be sure to link up below to share them for everyone to be inspired by - and let us know what you're planning to work on in September too!

Let's whup up on that scrap monster a little bit more - he's starting to look a bit tamer these days, isn't he?  Hooray for us!!



Monday, August 29, 2016

Make-A-List Monday - Keep Putting One Foot In Front of the Other....

Hi, all!

It's Monday, and time for another list!  Some weeks, lists are the only way I can keep my head on straight - do you have the same problem?  I'm always interested in how others stay on track - if you've got a method that works, please share!  

Let's get down to it now, though - and check out my progress on last week's list...

1.  Keep working on the secret project!
In progress!  One finished, two in progress, several more in the design phase.  Here's a teaser....

2.  Sew together the string blocks.
Done!!!  I'm so excited about this - the top is completely assembled, and it's beautiful!

3.  Create the blocks for the two t-shirt commission quilts.
Thanks heavens for Sunday afternoons - this is done!  I got all the blocks cut out for both quilts, and hope to assemble at least one this week.

The dad's quilt...

...and the daughter's quilt!

4.  Mail the H2H quilt to Covered in Love.
Done!  That's the last one, I think!

5.  Make a weighted blanket (commission job).
On hold - I'm waiting to hear back from the customer but I'm ready to go as soon as I do!

6.  Keep up with any quilt ministry needs that come up.
Done!  It's been a busy week...

This quilt went to a 14 year old girl who is currently in St. Jude's for treatment of a brain tumor...

...and this quilt went to a gentleman recently diagnosed with colon cancer.

This quilt went to a little girl born with a serious heart condition that will require surgery...

...and this quilt went to a little boy just adopted into his forever home!

This quilt went to a little girl who is in Vanderbilt Children's Hospital with serious medical problems.

This green beauty went to an elderly woman who will be undergoing open heart surgery tomorrow...

...and this quilt went to a woman whose husband died unexpectedly.

That's a mess of quilts, and I've already got four the list for this week!  It's a busy time...

So not too bad on last week's list - only one thing unfinished, and there's a good reason for that.  Here's what's on tap for this week...

1.  Keep working on the secret project items.

2.  Quilt the string star quilt.

3.  Piece at least one of the t-shirt quilt tops.

4.  Quilt six quilts for Stash Builder Box.

5.  Quilt at least three quilts for the quilt ministry at church.

6.  Keep up with any quilt ministry needs that come up.

Busy week, and it looks like I'll be giving Jolene a good workout!  I'm planning to take Thursday and Friday and spend them standing at the frame finishing up a stack of quilts... wish me luck!

We're also having a "Block Party" at church Tuesday night, making blocks to be put into quilts that will be taken to the flood-stricken areas in Louisiana at the end of September.  One of the reasons I need to quilt some tops for the ministry this week!  We want to send a lot of quilts with our mission response team, so we'll be quilting up a storm in the next few weeks.

I've also been taking a little time for myself, and walking in the park this past week.  I managed three mornings last week, and I'm hoping to do at least that many this week!  It's a lot more fun than walking on the treadmill, even though it takes a bit more time, but I need the extra incentive these days to do the exercise I know I need.  I do feel better when I get outside, don't you?

So now the question is - - - what are YOU working on this week?



Sunday, August 28, 2016

I May Have A Scrap Problem - A Bonus Post!

Hi, all!

It was brought to my attention earlier this week that I missed my Wednesday "I May Have A Scrap Problem" post - oops! It's been so busy here, and Tuesday night, by the time I sat down on my sofa to write the post, I just fell asleep!  Then Wednesday I hit the ground running and completely forgot I still needed to do a post.  

But today I was looking through some pics on my phone - actually, Emmy was looking at them... she's fascinated with pics of herself and will go back through months of photos to find herself!  Anyway, I spotted some pics that I had forgotten to share, and as they are right up a scrappy alley, they're perfect for a little bonus "I May Have a Scrap Problem" post!  So grab a cuppa and enjoy!


Back in June, I received an unexpected package in the mail.  I love surprises, and this one was a doozy!  When I opened it, I found this note on the top...

Mina, who blogs over at Kinda Quilty, sent this wonderful note (a definite encouragement to me!) along with some fabulous scrappy quilt tops for the quilt ministry!

Take a look at this wonderful quilt, which would use up lots of tiny scraps!  Here's a detail shot so you can see it better...

Just think of all those tiny bits you can't bear to part with - they could be part of a quilt like this!

And how about this lovely scrappy rainbow?  Now that would make a dent in those tubs of scraps...

Here's a great design if you have lots of strips, or I think you can also do it with 10" squares cross cut into fourths and alternated with white strips!

I think this is such an interesting quilt - I could look at it all day!  There are lots of orphan blocks in there, and such a feel of improv - definitely one-of-a-kind!

And finally, my favorite - a whole city full of scrappy houses!  These are so cheerful in their bright happy saturated colors - it makes me smile every time I see it!

Mina definitely knocked it out of the park with these quilt tops - and now I have so many new ideas for how to use my scraps!  
How about you?

Thanks again, Mina!


This Wednesday is the last Wednesday in August (how in the WORLD did that happen?) so it will be time for another linky party to show off your scrappy progress for the month.  I hope you'll join me - and I promise to remember to write the post this week!  See you then!



Friday, August 26, 2016

Can I Get A Whoop Whoop? A Whole Lot of Starts!

Hi, all!

Wow!  It's already Friday again!!  Can you believe it?  Is it just me, or does it seem like the weeks go by faster the closer it gets to fall? Well, whatever, it's time to get our whoop whoop on - are you ready?  I am!  Let's get started...


It seems like it's been a period of starts and no finishes for me lately.  First there was this, a test of a pattern I needed to try before cutting into the good stuff...

The pattern is for a table cover, but I'll be turning this one into a tree skirt.  Any interest in a pattern for this?

Next, when I opened my Stash Builder Box for this month, there was a great pattern by @quiltingjetgirl and I couldn't wait to try it out - so I grabbed an old fat quarter bundle and put this together over the weekend.  Great pattern and so fast! I've already got plans for some others to use up some of the random fat quarters I've got hanging around!

And then I finally got this top pieced!  This quilt was started by a member of our quilt ministry who died recently, and her husband asked if someone in the ministry could finish it.  It was fun to make, and I should be able to finish it up soon - I just need to figure out how to quilt it!

I've also been working on some more secret sewing this week, but obviously can't show that off - which is why I've been working on other things too!  Gotta have something to share on whoop whoop Friday!

So - - - can I get a whoop whoop?


And now it's your turn!

What's got you whooping it up this week?

What's making you dance a little happy dance?

Share - we want to dance right along with you - 
And it's always more fun to dance with friends!

The party will stay open until Sunday midnight - 
Hope to see you there!



This linky list is now closed.

Monday, August 22, 2016

Make-A-List Monday - Rockin' and Rollin!!

Hi, all!

Monday again, and we're starting to see little hints of fall here - it was lovely and cool this morning when I went outside, a first for the season.  It's been so warm that even at 6 am, it's been hot and sticky.  I love the way fall kind of creeps up on us, and I'm hoping to see more of it sneaking in soon!

I'm also happy to say that last week was a very productive one!  I really feel like I'm making some headway on a lot of projects - and that's a good feeling.  Let's see how the week went...

1.  Keep working on the secret projects.
Done!  One finished, one in progress, one stalled, and several in the design phase.  I managed to kill my Go! Cutter working on this - one of the dies got stuck in it and I can't get it out.  Arghh!!

2.  And just so there's pictures to show next week, work on the string blocks for the ministry member's quilt.
All the blocks are DONE!  Here's the blocks all stacked up ready to sew in units of four...

...and here's two sets sewn together and up on the design wall!

Isn't that pretty?  I really like the way this is turning out.  Can't wait to get more of these blocks sewn together!

3.  Quilt that last top for Covered in Love.
Done!  Julia Kennedy pieced this beautiful top...

...and even sent this beautiful pieced back to finish it!

This quilt is going to Covered in Love - I think it's the last 
of this year's H2H donations!

4.  Start deconstructing the t-shirts for the commission quilts.
Done!  I've got all of the shirts deconstructed so the tub they are in is now able to close - hallelujah!

5.  Cut down t-shirt backs into usable blocks 
(for this week's scrap post?)
Well, I've started on this project - here's what it looked like when I began...

...and here's what I've cut so far...

...but there's still about half a tub of t-shirt pieces to cut up!  There are 35 12.5" pieces, and way more than that of 6.5" and 4.5" - so I think I'll be able to make a bunch of stadium quilts out of this!  

6.  Keep up with any quilt ministry needs that come up.
Done!  We've been kind of slow, so I posted a note on Facebook for our members - and boy did they come through!  This quilt is going to a man who just lost his wife and is having difficulty adjusting...

This quilt went to a man who was just diagnosed with lung and bone cancer, and is currently going through chemotherapy.

This quilt went to a man who's body suddenly stopped making bone marrow.  He's going through tests to try to determine the cause of his condition.

We also gave one other quilt that I forgot to take a picture of - it went to a gentleman who has been diagnosed with a debilitating disease that is taking away his mobility.  He's having a hard time dealing with the changes in his life, and we're hoping that a quilt will help him realize that he's not alone!

So all in all, last week went very well!  And not only did I get to all the stuff on the list, but I made this pretty quilt top...

...using a fat quarter bundle of Echo by Lotta Jansdotter I had been hoarding since 2011 and a new pattern from my Stash Builder Box called Bundle Buster by @quiltingjetgirl - and wow is it ever a bundle buster!  I had a handful of tiny scraps left over from sixteen fat quarters, and now I have a beautiful top that measures about 60" x 80"!  And it only took about four hours, from pressing the fat quarters to finished quilt!!  If you aren't a subscriber, you can't get the pattern yet, but @quiltingjetgirl said that she would be releasing it as a stand-alone pattern in the next few months.  Follow her on Instagram to stay informed about the upcoming release!  This is such an easy pattern, it will definitely become a go-to pattern for things like charity quilts!!

I also wrote a tutorial for making t-shirt quilts that posted Sunday evening - all the tips I could think of that I've learned while making them all summer!  If you've ever thought of making one, I hope you'll take a look and see that they're not as difficult as you think!

OK - so now let's see what's on the horizon for this week...

1.  Keep working on the secret project!

2.  Sew together the string blocks.

3.  Create the blocks for the two t-shirt commission quilts.

4.  Mail the H2H quilt to Covered in Love.

5.  Make a weighted blanket (commission job).

6.  Keep up with any quilt ministry needs that come up.

Looks like a short list, but there's a lot of work there - so unless I get a herd of minions, I'll be plenty busy this week!  

So now the question is - - - - what are YOU working on this week?

