Friday, September 23, 2022

Can I Get a Whoop Whoop? I'm Back!!


Hi, all!

It's Friday, and we all know what that means - it's time for us to get our whoop whoop on!!  After a much longer than anticipated hiatus, I am back - and I am whooping about it!  I've also got a few things I've been working on during the hiatus to share.  I hope you've got something wonderful to whoop about this week, too, so let's get started!!


First of all, thanks to all of you who have checked in on me over the past months, or who have sent good thoughts and prayers my way.  It's all been much appreciated, even if it was unacknowledged at the time. Life seems to be returning to normal, for which I am VERY grateful!!

Here's a project I started way back in January that is finally coming close to being completed...

This top started out as a bunch of leftover binding strips!  I sewed them together jelly roll race style, then cut the resulting top into long strips made up of short pieces.  Then I re-sewed those strips together to end up with what is shown above.

Isn't that pretty?  It's still not quite large enough, so I went to church this week and dug through the stash for a good border...

... and I think this will do!  Hopefully I will get this border on this week and then this quilt will be ready for quilting and gifting to someone in need!

I also worked on a hand project over the past few months.  

Made completely by hand, from 2.5" squares cut from my scrap stash, I despaired of this ever reaching quilt size.  But as I kept working on it, I realized I was having fun (and getting pretty good at it!) and now it looks like this!

I'm still working on filling in the top angle (that was an "oops" because what I thought would fill in and make a straight, 90 degree corner actually made a way out of whack angle) and I will then finish off the two bottom corners to give me a nice rectangular quilt.  We will be driving on vacation this next week, so I'll have lots of car time to work on that stitching - maybe (just maybe) it will be finished in a couple of weeks!

And last but certainly not least, let me show you a picture of my constant companion of the past few months.  Bree has grown up from a tiny puppy to a lovely, not quite mature one year old. She realizes that I feel better now, and so she has reverted to some of her puppy ways.  One of those "ways" is stealing fabric scraps in my studio!

I guess it's appropriate for a fabric addict's dog to also be addicted to fabric!  So I share with her and hope she doesn't steal anything too precious...

So - - - can I get a whoop whoop?


And now it's your turn!

What's making you whoop it up this week?

What's making you do a little happy dance?

Share!  We want to dance right along with you,

And it's always more fun to dance with friends!

The party will stay open until Sunday midnight.

Hope to see you there!




  1. Yay!!!!! You are back ☺ never sent message, but thought of you often and sent prayers

  2. So glad you are back. Have missed you

  3. So glad you are back! Missed you! Looking forward to seeing your projects. Thank you for the motivation!

  4. sarah that is good news indeed to have you back with us...i also checked from time to time, wondering how you were and always saying a quick prayer...glad to see you!

  5. So glad you are feeling better and back. I have missed reading about your projects, etc. Happy Stitching!

  6. Welcome back! I'm glad that you're doing so much better!

  7. Here's a Whoop Whoop for being back into Blogland. I missed you big time and thought of you often. Glad to know you are feeling better. Great idea on using up the binding's leftovers. Bree is so cute! Take care. ♥ ;^)

  8. You are back-that made my day! So happy to read you again! Elisabeth

  9. Up you popped today with a new post! I am so happy you have returned. You have been sorely missed. Now my Fridays will be back to normal. Glad you are feeling like yourself and your sidekick is so adorable.

  10. I’m doing a happy dance because you’re back! I don’t comment much but have thought of you often. Cindy

  11. So glad to see that you are back to posting. Your informative and inspiring were posts were missed. Prayers for your health have been heard and answered. Continue to stay healthy. Looking forward to starting my day off with your posts. D. Weeks (aka Momma Llama)

  12. Missed you! So glad you are feeling better & better!!!! Loving these quilts & your puppy!!! What a doll!!!!!

  13. Yay, Whoop-Whoop, and Hallelujah!! So glad to see you're back and feeling better! I was just thinking about you again yesterday, wondering how everything was going. Good to see your newest creations and the newest furry member of the family!

  14. Whoop-whoop. Glad you are back and feeling better. You were missed. Bree is very cute.

  15. So glad to see you back and feeling better! I've missed you!

  16. At first, I thought there was some kind of weird glitch in my feedly list, and then I realized that it's not a glitch: it's YOU! So glad you are back!

  17. Soooo happy to see you back! I’ve missed you!

  18. sooooooooooooooo gald you're back, i've missed hearing from you and i'm quite glad not to have to worry about you. WHOOP WHOOP!HURRAH

  19. Welcome back, Sarah! You are loved and I'm so glad you are feeling better!

  20. Just hearing that your life is moving toward normal is worth a Whoop Whoop!

  21. So glad you are back…I’ve been praying for you…hope all is well now.

  22. So glad to see you back, Sarah. You have been in my prayers. Glad things are starting to get back to normal for you! Hugs!!

  23. I've seen your recent IG posts, so I knew you were making a comeback. So nice to see the blog reappear as well. I've thought of you often the last few months.

  24. So good to see you back and your puppy is realizing you are well enough to tease. Such joy!

  25. I am over the moon to see you are back! I have no idea what you went through, but so thrilled to read and see you and your work!!

  26. Welcome back! You were missed. Seeing your fur baby makes me miss mine so much. It is about time to adopt another.

  27. So, so happy you are back and okay! We have missed you and have kept you and our family in our prayers. Welcome back! Beautiful projects! Your tiny scraps project really inspires me!

  28. I did a double-take when your blog came up on my reader!!!! So glad to see you and have you share an update! You were missed! The hexies are amazing! And a very clever way to use those leftover pieces from binding! Senging a hug!

  29. So glad to see you back again! I have missed you and your shared completions.

  30. Whooooop!! Whoooooop!! So thankful you are back!! We have all been blessed!!

  31. Welcome back! Love your hexi project!

  32. definitely a whoop whoop for your happy news! Love the quilts, love the dog.

  33. Sarah, I'm the previous anonymous. Tried to enter on my phone and it said it didn't work, so I went to the computer, and the first one DID work, but without picture. I don't know a way to delete that one. I'm so sorry! But I'm so happy to have you back with us. I just started blogging again at the end of July myself. It feels good to sew again, and I think I'm going to use your idea for a lot of 2.5" scrap strips I have, too!

  34. Oh My Gosh! Welcome Back, Sarah!! I've been thinking of you lots lately and checking your site. I love your hexie project. It's going to be awesome. And what a great idea for the strip one. To cut up the "jelly roll race" into columns. Cool!

  35. It's so good to 'see' you Sarah. I've missed you. Glad you are better. Enjoy your vacation.

  36. Wow, so glad to see your back, Sarah! Love your binding strips save quilt!!! And that cute quilting pup!!!

  37. I was so happy to see you start popping up on IG recently and then seeing this post in my email really made me smile :) Welcome back, Sarah! I'm so glad you're feeling better.

  38. Yay! You're back! Anne-Marie @ Stories from the Sewing Room

  39. Look at all those little hexies! So nice to see a post from you - it's been far to long!

  40. So wonderful to know you are feeling well enough to pop up here again, love and prayers for your ongoing health, you've been missed.

  41. Welcome back Sarah. So glad you're feeling better.

  42. Sarah so glad to see you back!! Missed you and glad you are feeling better. Love your version of jelly roll race. I've always looked for ways to update that quick quilt. I may have to give this one a try!. Glad you are feeling better.

  43. So glad you are back and feeling better!! I missed you!! Lovely quilts, and a beautiful dog!!

  44. Welcome back, Sarah! Just look at all that quilty love! You were missed and we're all so happy to have you back and feeling better. Bree is SO cute!! {{Hugs}} ~smile~ Roseanne

  45. Happy to see you back online! I've missed you! Prayers for your continued good health.

  46. Whoo-hoo, so glad you're back! I missed you. Best wishes for your continued good health.

  47. I am so glad to hear that things are going better for you and things are returning to normal. It's so good to see you back!

  48. I am SEW happy to hear that you are back (even if it took me 2 weeks to discover this fabulous fact!!) DEFINITELY whoop-worthy, Sarah!

  49. So glad to see you back. That's a Whoop Whoop all by itself!

  50. Welcome back! I'm glad you're back and stitching such lovely projects! Your hexie quilt is so pretty! Hugs to you!

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Comments make me smile!! If you want a PDF of a pattern, PLEASE leave your email address in your comment, or email me directly at salliesue57 (at) gmail (dot) com!