Hi, all!
Is it just me, or do the weeks seem to go by faster as we near the end of the year? It doesn't seem like seven days since I last put together a to-do list, but it has been! So let's see how I did on last week's list....
1. Keep working on those quilt blocks.
Done! And not only did I work on the blocks, I finished the top!
2. Do some more cleaning upstairs.
Nope! I didn't do any upstairs - but I did do some serious cleaning and re-organizing in my kitchen!
First, the pantry! I didn't take any before shots (I was too embarrassed!) but I will guarantee you this is a HUGE improvement!
I even cleaned up the racks on the door!
And because I found a bunch of storage containers in the bottom of the pantry, I re-organized the dog's treat cabinet too! (Can you say spoiled??)
And then, because why not, I cleaned out the spice cabinet! It's so nice to have it all organized now!
3. Take care of some Nana duties while my daughter is out of town.
Taken care of! I do love being close enough to help her when she needs me, and it's great to spend time with the grands!
4. Work on the scrap bin if all this gets done!
Not even once.....
You all really should be laughing at me, because as I write this, my dog is going ballistic barking at something outside. My husband put her leash on to take her outside so she didn't stay out there barking all night (we like our neighbors more than that!) and when he went out, we heard some really strange, loud, really inhuman sound. (Several times!) Let me tell you, he got back inside in a hurry! Now we're both totally creeped out, closed the blinds, and we're wondering if it's an alien invasion...... 😟
Anyway, let's get going on next week's list...
1. Finish the fall quilt.
2. Clean up my patio area.
3. Make or find tablecloths for all the tables for Thanksgiving.
4. Finish cleaning upstairs.
As you can tell, I'm moving into Thanksgiving mode - we are having 24 people over to our house for the big day and there are a few things I've been neglecting that need doing! It's exciting, through, and my husband always loves having company, because that's when all those things get done.
And now, I really need to know - - - what are YOU working on this week?