Monday, November 6, 2023

Make-A-List Monday - Chugging Right Along!


Hi, all!

Well, we've come back around to Monday again, and it's November - can you believe it?  And our grandson Nathanael turned twelve today - hard to believe they are all getting so big!  He's excited because he got a new Minecraft game, and exhibited impressive patience while waiting for it to download - better than I ever did, for sure!

Let's see how I did on last week's list....

1.  Keep working on that scrap bin!
I actually didn't even touch the scrap bin this week, except for making new ones.  Bad quilter!

2.  Clean up some long-neglected corners of my studio.
I did do this, and I'm so pleased!  This little corner was a catch-all for everything non-quilty...

The little kitchen area....

And my desk area.  

But now it looks like this!!!  Isn't that a huge improvement?

3.  Cut out a fall quilt for my bed.
Done!  Look at all those pretty colors....

And not only did I get it cut out, but I started making the blocks....

And I've not only got these 25 done, but another 9 - so I'm about halfway through making all the blocks I'll need.  And I think I'll be able to quilt it on the frame at church, which is larger than mine and will take a king size quilt!

4.  Maybe - quilt one of the vintage quilt tops.
Nope - didn't do this.  I got too excited about making those leaf blocks!

 So even though I didn't get to everything on my list, I'm pleased with my progress - and I foresee a beautiful fall quilt in my near future!  But we've got company coming for Thanksgiving, so I'm going to need to temper my sewing desires with some cleaning too.  Here's what I'm looking at for this week...

1.  Keep working on those quilt blocks.

2.  Do some more cleaning upstairs.

3.  Take care of some Nana duties while my daughter is out of town.

4.  Work on the scrap bin if all this gets done!

Enough to keep me out of trouble, for sure!  And now, I really need to know - - - what are YOU working on this week?




  1. Wow! You accomplished so much! I adore your display of your vintage machines, too! What models do you have, and do you use them?

  2. Your grands must be teens now... any pics?

  3. "Your blog is my go-to destination for a dose of intellectual stimulation. I admire your ability to tackle complex subjects with clarity and a touch of creativity. It's like you have a magic wand that turns even the most intricate topics into engaging reads. Keep weaving your literary magic!"

  4. "I wanted to express my appreciation for the intellectual oasis your blog provides. In a digital landscape often cluttered with superficial content, your thoughtful and well-researched posts stand out. Thank you for creating a space where substance takes precedence over noise!"

  5. Beautifully cleaned studio!!! Nice work accomplished! The new quilt for your bed is stunning!


Comments make me smile!! If you want a PDF of a pattern, PLEASE leave your email address in your comment, or email me directly at salliesue57 (at) gmail (dot) com!