Friday, December 15, 2023

Can I Get A Whoop Whoop? Christmas Can Finally Come....


Hi, all!

Well, here it is, folks - the next to the last Friday before Christmas!  But regardless of how close to Christmas it is, it's still a Friday, and we all know what that means - it's time for us to get our whoop whoop on!   Let's go!


As most of you know by now, I make each of my grandchildren a quilt at Christmas, that usually reflects in some way their interests of the past year.  And I am ECSTATIC to say that all three for this year are finished, labeled, washed, and ready to be wrapped and put under the tree!  

Unfortunately, I was busy today (more on that later) and I didn't get any new pictures, but here are all three of them together.

This is Lilli's "Cookie Monster" quilt - the perfect quilt for her this year, as she is the master of all chocolate chip cookies!

Emmalyn's quilt was a little harder to come up with this year, because her participation in the play interfered with my first idea, which was to incorporate some of her little doodles in her quilt.  She started off providing me with pictures, but they trailed off once rehearsals started and I didn't have enough to complete my first idea.  However, the conjunction of her beach vacation and a bundle of pretty ocean-themed fabrics that came my way combined for a beautiful quilt that reflects her love of all things oceanic.  Her quilt label also reflects on her love this year of "floppy" bacon (yuck!) which I felt it important to commemorate!

And here's Nathanael's Pokemon quilt!  He loves all things Pokemon, so I'm hoping he'll really enjoy this twin-sized quilt on his bed.

Now more about why I didn't have time to take pictures today.  At the end of each semester, Lilli has a couple of mid-term tests each day, early in the morning, and then she can go home for the day if she wants.  She asked me last week if I could pick her up, offering to bake Christmas cookies with me if I did. Well, I'm not going to pass up an offer like that!  So today I picked her up at 11:30 and we got started baking - we made cream cheese cookies, white chocolate cranberry blondies, and brigadeiros.  Brigadeiros are a traditional Brazilian treat, consisting of a fudge center rolled in chocolate jimmies.  And now we have a funny story about them!

Well, I only bought one large jar of chocolate jimmies, and we ran out before we ran out of filling.  Raiding the pantry, we found several partial bottles of rainbow colored sprinkles that we keep on hand for ice cream, so Lilli mixed them into the remaining chocolate jimmies.  As she rolled the next brigadeiro, she said, "I guess these will be the gay brigadeiros!"  That child has a wicked sense of humor!  We've been chuckling over that one all evening....

And speaking of Lilli, here's a huge whoop whoop - she turns sixteen on Saturday!  It's hard to believe how much she's grown up since her first appearance on my blog back in January of 2010....

So - - - can we get a whoop whoop?


And now it's your turn!

What's got you whooping it up this week?

What's making you do a little happy dance?

Share!  We want to dance right along with you,

And it's always more fun to dance with friends!

The party will stay open until Sunday midnight.

Hope to see you there!



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  1. And a very happy birthday to Lilly!!!! Three quilts for the grands is such a huge accomplishment-great job!

  2. Happy Birthday to Lilli! How can she be 16 already???!!! I love your tradition of making quilts for the grands each year, and I enjoy seeing what you come up with! Yay for having them done and ready to be gifted!

  3. 16 years is a wonderful accomplishment to keep blogging. And to see your grandchild grow. What a treasure to spend cookie baking time with her! Love your quilts for your grandchildren. How special to get a new one each year!

  4. What a lovely gift to your grandchildren, how blessed they are by your quilts!

  5. Your quilts are wonderful, especially since they reflect a real interest in what the kids like. Isn't it great to spend time with teenage grandkids? Your granddaughter sounds like a hoot.

  6. I can't believe that Lilli is that old already. She was little just a few years ago.

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