Monday, March 25, 2024

To Everything There Is A Season.....


Hi, all!

To everything there is a season.  Profound words that are really resonating with me right now.  Changes are coming for us as my husband prepares to retire at the end of May, and life is full right now.  It's full of good things, but the preparation required to make the retirement process run smoothly is taking up much of my time now.  

As I look at the things I "want" to do and the things I "have" to do, I'm finding that blogging is ending up in the category of "things I have to do".  That means that my quilting time is taken up what I need for blog content, and some quilt-y things that I've wanted to do for years are still waiting to be done.  

I've been blogging for about thirteen and a half years now, and this is the first time it's felt like a chore.  And that makes me sad - but it also makes me want to do something different.  To rest from blogging for a while.  To see if I get the urge to blog once again. 

So I'm taking a break.  I don't know if it will be permanent or just for a season, but I do know that if/when I come back, I'll have lots and lots to talk about!  

Thanks to those of you who have checked in to see if I'm ok, and to those of you who may have missed the blog over the past few weeks.  I'm sorry if anyone is disappointed, but I'm also relying on your kindness as quilters to understand.  You'll still be able to find me on Instagram, (I'm @fabricaddictquilts) and I hope to become more consistent about posting there as I work on some fun things that have been gathering dust in my studio.  And you can always email me at salliesue57 (at) gmail (dot) com!  

I'll miss you all!  Thanks for all your support over the years.  Keep making quilts for others - it's good for your heart!




  1. if blogging is a chore than you shouldn't force yourself

  2. Wishing you all of the best in this next season, Sarah. I've enjoyed your blog for many years and I already follow you on IG, so I know I won't miss anything. This is an exciting time for you and your husband. Enjoy doing everything you "want" to do!

  3. I'm sorry to see you go, Sarah, but can understand the need. I wish you all the best. I've enjoyed your blog. Thank you.

  4. enjoy your time but please come back

  5. Wishing you all the best as you plan and enjoy the next season in your life.

  6. How exciting, preparing for retirement. A whole new stage of your lives. All the best for the transition, and enjoy life.

  7. Good luck with your new adventures!

  8. I just followed you on Instagram to "keep up". Best of luck!

  9. Thanks for all you've provided for quilters! I will follow on Instagram. Change is always good...I've discovered that in retirement! Best of luck on your new adventure.

  10. Starting a new chapter in your life…enjoy!

  11. Will miss you, but what a wonderful reason to be on hiatus (i refuse to believe this is the end!).

  12. I totally "get it"--enjoy your new found retirement days...
    hugs, Julierose

  13. Truly there is a season for everything. As a gardener we learn this anew every year. As a "gracefully aging" gardener...I am learning this profoundly these past few years. Thank you for all you have done. You have inspired many, me included! and have kept us creative, generous, and engaged. It has been loads of fun. I don't comment often but I read and enjoy all that you have done and the wonderful comaraderie of this marvelous community of quilters. Happy Spring and Thanks for the memories!!

  14. I'll miss your posts, but good for you on taking a break. Yes, I'm keeping optimistic that you'll be back after "life stuff" settles down. Hope all goes well with DH's retirement things, and that you get some awesome quilting time.

  15. You are loved, Sarah! Thank you for all the years of inspiration. Congratulations on the new adventure and I hope it proves to be fun and a great time of life. I'll enjoy your IG posts.

  16. I understand, after 10 years of blogging myself, I sometimes feel that I have run out of ideas. Have some fun with your time off, moving into retirement is both exciting and scary! Ask me how I know!

  17. Thanks for your years of content. Happy retirement. You will be missed.

  18. Oh, Sarah, I don't know whether to be happy for you or sad for everyone else! We will miss you a lot, but I hope your retirement is as much fun as possible! Check in with us once in a while if you can!

  19. I understand that life changes, and things have to change. You will be missed a lot. Hoping that some day you can return to blogging. I will especially miss your annual H2H event. You have comforted so many people with quilts, including my late twin sister. Hoping to connect with you on Instagram.

  20. While I am sad about your announcement, I'm also relieved. I had noticed the lack of posts (expecting H2H announcement, etc.) and I thought about contacting you, but I worried that you or someone in the family was seriously ill and I didn't want to invade your privacy. Thank you for all you've done over the years, providing inspiration to your fellow quilters and organizing a very successful charity quilt project. Enjoy retirement, make those quilts you've been to busy to make, and enjoy your grands, since they grow up too fast. I'll be watching for you on IG.

  21. You are entering into a great new season of your lives and you need to make some changes, as expected! Thanks for all you have inspired, sponsored and encouraged. Thank you for your blogging love!

  22. Pumpkin of course. I will miss your fun reviews every week.

  23. I will sign up again for Stitching Heaven's newsletter.

  24. Enjoy your new life! I hope you return to blogging but you never know what might be waiting to fill that vacuum. Hubby retiring is huge. Blessings on you both.

  25. I enjoy your blog so much. I thank you for the quilt patterns you have done recently. They have motivated me to quilt. I hope to see you back here when things settle for you. Congrats to your hubby on his retirement! Will continue to follow you on IG.

  26. I've enjoyed your blog and will miss it. But if it's becoming a chore, than maybe it is time to put it on hold. Thanks for all that you have shared.

  27. I totally get it. However, I was wondering if you will be keeping this blog up or taking it down.

    Susan at 14 the money at duck dot com

  28. You will be miss Sarah but I am so happy for you and your husband! I started following you 2-3 years ago. Now I am going back through all of the blog posts I haven't read. I am enjoying all of the patterns and quilty goodness you have shared over the years. Thank you!

  29. I completely understand, this is your season to focus elsewhere. This blog will be missed by everyone and I do hope you come back to it some day but in the meantime I'll keep up with you on IG.

  30. We will miss you , but I know what you are going thru. Retirement is an adventurous and scary time but very exciting! Enjoy it and take care, stay safe and sew on!

  31. I totally understand. 13 years is a very long time to be writing and writing. Enjoy retirement and family and quilting and your church. So much to fill your days!!! All the best to you Sarah.

  32. Hi Sarah, all the best and thanks for the parties and sharing. Hope to see you back eventually, if you want!

  33. Oh my, Sarah, I will miss you. Hope you come back soon!

  34. Sarah, I wish you the best and lots of relaxation. I totally understand as I'm just reading this today as I have not posted on my blog for nearly a month. It is hard to fit in my schedule. I hope to are able to come back even if it is a lesser time commitment.

  35. Good luck with everything! I'm glad you're okay, but sorry to see your blog go. You are right, to everything there is a season.

  36. Heading over to make sure I follow you on Instagram. Best of luck with the retirement prep, Sarah!

  37. Best wishes for your fun future! Will miss your Whoop Whoop but will go over to Instagram! And Whoop Whoop to you for doing what you love ! Be Well! Thank you for all you have shared!

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  40. Congratulations on the retirement process. I've been retired for 5 1/2 years and my husband for 4. It's awesome. We move out of the city to the country. There's adjustments but surprisingly it's been smooth. More time for quilting and friends.
    Enjoy. Hope come back

  41. Best wishes, Sarah! Many adventures ahead, quilting and other!!!

  42. Good providence Sarah! Enjoy time w/your hubby, new adventures, and making all the things. I'll be seeing you on IG.

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Comments make me smile!! If you want a PDF of a pattern, PLEASE leave your email address in your comment, or email me directly at salliesue57 (at) gmail (dot) com!