Friday, June 29, 2012

Can I Get A Whoop Whoop? I've Got My Work Cut Out For Me...

Hi, all!

Finally Friday - and I am unbelievably pleased to be able to say that I am in San Diego, where it is cool - and not in Nashville, where it is predicted to be 108 degrees today!  Our weather has been unbelievably hot for this time of year, but fortunately it has been very dry - which keeps it from being too horribly oppressive. But everything is very dry - the grass is crispy! and fires are a constant worry, especially with the 4th of July holiday coming up.

This week I managed to get a lot of quilts ready to be quilted - some needed borders, all needed backs.....

...well, except for the top one that Pam made a back for!  Of these seven quilts, two are for the church quilt ministry, and the other five will be going to Operation Wood Hollow.  I also have one other quilt that will make it into this stack, as soon as I pick up a wide backing!  It will also be going to Operation Wood Hollow.  If you haven't heard about this worthy project, you can read more about it here.  So this is my "work cut out for me" stack for next week - hopefully I will be able to get these all quilted and bound, and then sent on to their intended recipients!  But I'm very glad to have them at this stage right now.


Next, did you see where Amy of Amy's Creative Side posted pics of her sewing area and dared her readers to post pics of their own to see if they were as messy?  Well, these aren't pics of my sewing area, they are pics of my "junk room" which houses a lot of the overflow from my sewing room - and I'd say it's as messy as Amy's, at least!

In and among all the patterns, boxes of fabric, craft supplies, and books, there is a potter's wheel that I'd love to uncover!  Hopefully soon.....


Did you hear about Beth's new blog, Quilts Are For Giving?  It's a place where quilt bloggers who make quilts to give away can post about their efforts!  What an awesome idea!!  And starting next week, there will be a linky party on Tuesday for folks who want to link up rather than write a whole post on the blog.  So stop by next Tuesday and join in the fun!!


And one last thing - - - here's a picture of my three girls!!

Aren't they gorgeous??  Although I may be a little bit prejudiced...


All right - now it's your turn!

What are you whoop whooping about?

What has made you do a happy dance this week?

Share - we want to join in the celebration!!

The linky party will remain open until Sunday night -
plenty of time to post and link up!!

Hope to see you there!



This linky list is now closed.

This linky list is now closed.


  1. The pic of your girls is beautiful!! Looks like you had another very productive week. Thanks for sharing the "Quilts are for Giving" site. They definitely are, and I'm looking forward to checking it out. Have a great weekend, Sarah!

  2. Geez, when I look at all you do, I feel like a Piker! Fun seeing your "creative" room and of course your girls all together. Great post.

  3. Such pretty girls:) I'm glad to not be in TN right now, too! With any luck the worst of the heat will be gone before we all get back.

  4. Love the picture of the girls! I had a similarly messy room to post a photo of as well. :) Thanks for the heads up on the various blogs--great to know about!

  5. Lucky you in a nice, cool place! It's hot AND muggy here in Chicago. Good excuse to stay in the air conditioning and quilt, though!

  6. I can barely walk in my sewing area right now. Have a nice trip. Your girls are lovely.

  7. You've been busy, nice stack of tops. Your girls look lovely, great smiles. Don't know why, but my CPU shows all your side bar buttons/lists on top of your text, even when I make the window super wide????

  8. Thanks for the link to the charity blog. I'm a new quilter, and I can already see I'm going to want to make more quilts than I can use! It'll be nice to find some ideas for where to send my extras - I'm hoping they'll feature some UK options.

  9. 3 gorgeous girls! I agree!
    I'm not linking up this week... didn't do anything worthwhile...

  10. I am having the same problem as Elaine. I also see the linky party twice and am unable to post to it.
    Just wanted to let you know.

  11. I was able to post to the linky part now, but I still see it twice.

  12. Prejudiced or not - they are gorgeous! Lucky you :o)

  13. Your girls are beautiful! Looks like you had a very busy week too!

  14. Love the picture of your girls! Lucky you to be out of the heat and hopefully catching a breeze there in San Diego. It's crispy here too. All the grass is brown, which is not normal for us here this time of year. Lovely stack of quilts. Thanks for mentioning the charitable quilting links. I will check them out. (PS, your blog layout looks not quite right this evening...are you making changes?)

  15. I love when people share new linky parties! That sounds like a great one.
    Pretty impressive to get so many quilts to the quilting point!
    Liberating to show off your messiness, wasn't it?!

  16. Hi Sarah!

    Just popping into say "Hi!" I can see you're up to your usual good work. :-)

  17. I'm leaving a little note to see if I managed to fix my no-reply situation - I think I figured it out! Thanks for pointing it out :)

  18. Famous last words! I think OpenID/Wordpress and Blogger don't want to play nice together. Let's see if it works with my Blogger profile.


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