Monday, June 4, 2012

Make-A-List Monday - Babies are Fun!

Hi, all!!

Boy, it has been a busy week and weekend!  Finishing up the Hands2Help Charity Quilt Challenge has taken up most of my time for the past two days - but it has been so worth it!  I'm still totaling up the numbers, but it looks like more than 80 quilts have been made and donated this year - WOW!!!  

So let's see how I did on last week's list...

1.  Quilt and bind a top for a cancer fund raiser.

2.  Re-assemble a 1600 quilt top that had some issues.
Didn't get to this one...

3.  Clean out my junk room (now that I have storage space on my fabric shelves!)
I've made some headway on this - and found my hubby's 
doctoral diploma in the process!  He's very happy
with me right now....

4.  Make up kits for the quilt ministry on Tuesday and Thursday.
Done!  Made five or six kits and set up to make some more!

5.  If no new needs come in, quilt two ministry quilts to get ahead.
I didn't get any done ahead, but I did quilt a baby quilt and another quilt for H2H, for the NOLA Project.

6.  Decide on a quilting design for my Jacob's Ladder quilt.
Done!  The pattern is picked and in progress on the frame!

7.  Start keeping little Miss Emmalyn on Friday!
The most fun part of my week!!  Take a look at her 2-month-old pictures!!

Isn't she just the cutest thing?

And now, here's what's on the list for this week...

1.  Finish the quilting on the Jacob's Ladder quilt.

2.  Make a woman's quilt for a new ministry need.

3.  Finish cleaning the junk room.

4.  Make more kits for the quilt ministry.

5.  Mail off H2H prizes.

6.  Play with that baby!!

Enough to keep me busy, for sure!  So now the question is....

What are you working on this week?




  1. The cancer fundraiser quilt is cute as is that granddaughter of yours, Emmalyn..she is a star on your blog already!

  2. Oh my goodness! Look at that smile! Nothing beats a baby's smile.

  3. Super cute baby! You are going to have so much fun with her!

  4. You saved the best photos for last:) Cute!

    Nice pinwheel quilt...I love pinwheels!

  5. What a living doll! Is it just me, or does she look a lot like the Princess? Thanks for sharing the photo.

  6. She is just adorable. Grand babies are the best thing in the world to have. Just enjoy her sweetness they grow to fast. Blessings Sandra

  7. I like your Fridays and #6! I'd take 10 of those.
    This week I'm finishing a baby quilt for a shower on Sat. and making pee pee teepees!

  8. She is so sweet. Love the quilts!
    I got to take Wanda Hanson's Intuitive Color class in Charlotte, NC. It was wonderful. Many of her quilts were displayed in the Ciel Gallery. She told us about them, how she made them.

  9. hi everyone
    check out the fabrics at,
    they have the cutest, cheapest and best quality fabrics
    come check them out!

  10. someone looks pretty proud to be two months old :) What a sweetie, she does look an awful lot like her big sister :)

  11. Sounds like such a fun week! Emmalyn is as cute as can be - I know y'all will have fun together this week. How's Jolene working out?

  12. Hay Sarah, I just wanted to pop in and say hello and what a pretty quilt, as always, your items are lovely!


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