Friday, February 28, 2014

Can I Get A Whoop Whoop? Floating Boxes Tutorial Unveiled!!

Hi, all!

Friday again!!  Can you believe it?  And it's a very special Friday around here - today is my beautiful daughter's 30th birthday!!  

Well, actually, she doesn't have a birthday this year - she's a leap year baby - but for some reason she insists on celebrating each year.  ;-)


And remember these quilts?

Well, today the tutorial for the child's size (in the bottom two pictures) is running on the Benartex blog, Sew In Love {With Fabric}!!  It was so exciting to be asked to participate in their Kids' Quilts Blog Hop, and definitely fun to play with their cute children's fabrics!  The quilt above is made with the Yard Dog line - just adorable!!

I hope you'll hop over to their blog and check out the tutorial - there's also a giveaway associated with the hop!!  Then come back here and link up your own Whoop Whoop, and if you want a PDF copy of the tutorial, ask for one in a comment.  I'll email it to you right away!  (If you think there's any chance you might be a no-reply blogger, please please please put your email address in your comment.  I will send the tutorial to everyone I can reach by email, but unfortunately there are several of you who routinely leave comments who are no-reply bloggers.  I always respond to comments, so if you've never received a reply from me, you're probably a no-reply blogger!)

And here's a picture of the same block made up in a different layout, using all scraps.  Useful little block!


And on another front, I'm whooping about how many sponsors have responded to my call for help with the Hands2Help Charity Quilt Challenge!  It's exciting to see some new sponsors this year, too!  (And if you want to help sponsor, just drop me a line.) Signups are coming up soon - March 16th! Stay tuned for more info soon.  and grab the button for your blog if you want to - it's right there at the top of the right side bar!


So that's my whoop whoop for the week!!


And now it's your turn!

What are you doing the happy dance about today?

Share!  We want to dance along with you!

And if it's your first time here, remember, 
it doesn't have to be a finish -
just something you're happy about accomplishing!

The party will remain open until Sunday night -

Hope to see you there!



This linky list is now closed.


  1. Yes, please I would like a PDF of the tutorial. What a great stash buster!

  2. Congratulations Sarah on being posted on the Benartex blog. I absolutely love this pattern and would love a pdf copy thank you! Amazing how our babies grow up! Where does the time go! Hope she had a fabulous day! As always, thank you for hosting the linky party. Have a great weekend Marie xxx (

  3. Hi Sarah
    I am quite new to linky parties but glad to find some in the UK too! Thanks for hosting. Congratulations on your daughter's 30th. I love the colours of the first quilt on this blog. I've had a quite browse of your blog - and I LOVE your photo of yourself with first rotary cutter - it is just how I feel - have rotary cutter will go!

  4. Yippee for you. I'm hopping right over to take a lookie for myself. Unfortunately I have nothing to Whoop about this week but hopefully next week things will return to normal and I can get sewing again.

  5. Congrats! I've loved seeing your progress on the Comma quilt. The Yard Dog line is so fun. I love how you've made three quilts with the same pattern and all of them look unique. I've been crazy busy, but have nothing I can share to show it yet. Hopefully next week I'll have something.

  6. Happy birthday to your sweet daughter! And congratulations to you for your Benartex piece! Thanks so much for sharing and for hosting. Whoop, whoop!

  7. Congratulations on your Benartex posting! Would love a PDF of the quilt. My happy dance is leaving soon for a quilt retreat- just quilting away on 2 quilts until Sunday noon!

  8. Excellent tutorial....thank you for sharing! don't look old enough to have a 30 year old!!!

  9. BTW....I'd love the PDF tutorial of the Floating Box quilt!

  10. My husband and I were just having a discussion about leap year babies last night! Happy 30th to you and your daughter!!! :)

  11. PS>>>>Congrats too! Would love a PDF copy of the pattern. You are so kind.

  12. I love the floating boxes. Thanks so much for making a tutorial! It's very exciting that you got chosen for the Kid's Quilt Blog Hop.

    amid.this.moment (at) gmail (dot) com

  13. Whoop-whoop for your daughter's 30th birthday and your quilt pattern! Wanna hear a funny? I went to the Benartex site to see the tutorial, and after looking at all the cute dog prints, when I got to "WOF" my brain read it as "woof"! :)

    I'd love a PDF of your pattern.

    If I can figure out a way to photograph a finished quilt in this nasty, cold weather and dark house, I'll have a link this week!

  14. Love the pattern - a great way to get rid of extra jelly roll strips, or all those kiddie fat quarters I have hanging around! And happy, um, 7.75 birthday to your daughter? ;)

  15. That quilt pattern is great! I'd love a pdf pattern please.

  16. I would love the PDF of the Floating Boxes quilt.

  17. Your quilt is cute! I would love a PDF pattern please. I have several finishes, but I'm not sure how to link up. I do have a flicker page under Cecilia's Quilts. I have finished 2 quilts so far this year and am finishing the quilting on a baby quilt today. Thank you for the great tutorial and pattern.

  18. I would love to have a PDF pattern please! What a fun quilt!

  19. Sarah, my oldest son will be 30 in June, so I can relate. Wow, what a gorgeous family, and incredibly cute little granddaughters. Congrats on the tutorial! Love the Yard Dog quilt AND the scrap quilt. Awesome work, as always!


  20. I love the quilt. Please send me a PDF pattern. Tell your daughter I said happy birthday.

  21. Please send me the PDF pattern, would love it! Thanks.

  22. Wonderful quilts and will be participating in the Hands to Help this year! Excited to do some charity sewing this year.

  23. Congrats on being posted at Bernatex! How amazing for you. I would love a copy of the pdf! This will be a wonderful stash buster and great for charity quilts. Thanks for your generosity!

  24. Happy Birthday to your lovely daughter. What a cute little family.

  25. What cute dog fabrics! Please send a pattern to me, maybe I can get a start on the H2H challenge

  26. We too are celebrating one of those special birthdays. Hard to believe my hubby of 43+ years is only a teenager.
    Would love a pdf copy of the pattern when you have the time. And congratulations to you on that accomplishment. Joanne

  27. Hi, me again. Please sens me a PDF of this it.. Thanks, Vicki

  28. All three colorways are great - a PDF is appreciated although I am on a NewFO freeze for awhile...
    Thank you fo rhosting us!

  29. Sarah I love this pattern and would like a copy. Thank you for Fridays.

  30. You never cease to amaze me Sarah! These quilts are adorable and I'd love a PDF. Thanks for all you do.

  31. You did a really great job with this pattern. I've made those blocks, but your method is different and a good one! Congratulations on being published on the Benartex blog.

    And, your daughter and her family are beautiful!

  32. I would love the PDF . Thanks so much. My beautiful daughter turns 30 in June this year as well. Love those girls!

  33. I'm whoop whooping that I found you from Moda fabrics. I'd love to have a PDF copy of your pattern.

  34. Congratulations! You go girl.
    What a sweet birthday girl. I hope she had a happy day.
    Love your floating blocks quilt. Yes. I would like the pattern. Thanks : )

  35. Hi Sarah - sorry to link twice - computer gremlins!!! Kate

  36. Hi Sarah...I would luv a PDF of the quilt pattern, it's my kind of quilt. Thank you for sharing in the blog hop on the Benartex site. I'll definitly be signing up for the H2H Charity Challenge. Thank you for all the hard work have to do to host this challenge. You deserve a big Whoop Whoop!! Enjoy your weekend!! Pauline

  37. Happy Birthday to your daughter. And Yes, I will love to have the tutorial for this quilt. Congratulations for being featured. February was an atypical month around here, but I'm doing a happy dance because I finished my quilt The Garden. Have a blessed weekend

  38. I'd love the pattern please, congrats to your daughter, wonder if she'll always want to celebrate or suddenly decide when she's in her 60's that she's a leap year baby lol

  39. Hi I would love a tutorial on that floating block quilt.

    thanks NR

  40. Happy Birthday to your daughter ! I love your floating box quilt and would love the PDF , thanks for offering !

  41. Congrats on being included in the blog hop, and hooray for Benartex for their very good taste. I'd love a copy of the quilt pattern, thank you very much!

  42. Love this pattern and your tutorial. Please send to me your pattern. I can't wait to get started on a quilt using it! Thank you so very much.

  43. Congratulations on being featured at Benartex. It's certainly well deserved. I would love the pattern. The girls look fabulous. Seeing their photo really brightened my day. It's not easy to capture 3 beautiful princesses at one time.

  44. Please could I have a pdf copy of the floating blocks love the pattern for a boys quilt many thanks


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