Friday, July 10, 2015

Can I Get A Whoop Whoop? A Pair of Quilts...

Hi, all!

Here it is, Friday again, and you know what that means! It's time to get our whoop whoop on!!  Are you ready?  I know I am.... I've worked hard to have a pair of finishes to share with you!


A few weeks ago, I was poking around in my studio, and found a shoebox full of leftover 2.5" wide binding.  I prefer to use 2.25" wide binding, so I decided to clear out that tub and make a scrappy quilt.  After pressing the strips flat, I sewed all of the strips end to end, then assembled them as a jelly-roll race quilt.  After finishing the top, I cut it cross-wise in varying widths.  Determined to use fabrics from my stash, I pulled out a pretty piece of green Kona cotton that I had on hand.  Wonder of wonders, there was enough to fill in between the strips!  Here's the quilt I ended up with...

I also found in my stash a piece of IKEA fabric that I bought on my last shopping excursion there, and with a piece of Grunge fabric, made a back for it!

I quilted leaves on the green strips, and straight lines about an inch apart on the colored strips.

 OK - one scrappy quilt complete!  But I still had a stack of scrap strips that I didn't have room for in the first quilt.  I checked the stash and found a slightly different shade of green Kona - and lo and behold, there was enough to put together a second quilt!

I decided to make this one a bit more modern, with the shorter strips staggered horizontally instead of vertically.

The back is all from stash, too - almost the end of my favorite IKEA fabric, and a little bit more of that green Grunge fabric that's in the first quilt.

And oh, did I have fun quilting this one!  I played with feathers again, wandering them around the quilt and surrounding them with pebbling, echoing, clamshells, some matchstick quilting - whatever struck my fancy at the time!  

Here's a picture of it after washing - you can see all the wonderful texture on this quilt!

And here are the two quilts together! I like to think of these as "sibling" quilts, or "his and her" quilts.  Similar, yet not identical.  Both are completely scrappy and made from stash - even the binding is scrappy!  The first one measures 56" x 60", the second one is just slightly smaller at 53" x 58".  I'll be entering these in Shannon's Scrap Quilt Challenge 5 - are you participating too?  If you haven't heard about it, click on this link and read about it!  Because everyone has scraps!!

I think I'll be listing these two quilts in my shop - because it's time to start earning some Christmas spending money....

So - - - can I get a whoop whoop??

And as you may already know (because I've been talking about it for weeks!) I'll be at the beach for the next week.  My husband forwarded an email to me (that one of his employees sent him) talking about shark warnings on the beach we are going to.  He then brought home this little video to share with me - and I was rolling on the floor laughing!  I hope you'll take a few minutes and laugh along with me....

Wish us luck on our own personal "Shark Week"!!


And now it's your turn!

What's got you whooping it up this week?

What's making you break out in a happy dance?

Share - we want to dance along with you!

The party will stay open until Sunday midnight.

Hope to see you there!



This linky list is now closed.


  1. Very cute. I love the green back ground. Beautiful quilting. And your house, as always.

  2. Just love any guilt made with those long lost and lonely scraps. They are both just great and the green works really well with them.

  3. Great quilts using scraps. Very pretty quilting. I hope you have a great vacation.

  4. I just love both of these quilts. Bravo!

  5. Just love your scrappy quilts. How on earth do you get them done so fast? I keep working, but am not able to get that many done and quilted, even though now I have a long arm (still stink).

  6. Oh my Goodness Sarah, please be careful if you go to the shark's house, I don't want you to be ate up. While your at it stay out of the bear's house too, LOL. Love the video.

  7. you get done with so much - you must spend a regular workday in the sewing room! I got my binding done on my Granny quilt and need to get it washed today

  8. Two BIG Whoop Whoops for you Sarah. What an excellent use of scraps and very clever ways to make a simple jelly roll quilt snazzy! The quilting you did is just awesome! I particularly love the leafy green strips. You found the best backings too! I love IKEA fabrics.

    I'll have to go get my hearing aid before I can tell what the shark house video is about. From Dana's comment (I know she has a rip roaring sense of humor too) it must be hysterical. You have a happy and safe vacation time, you hear?

  9. Beautiful scrappy quilt--no purchases necessary! As for the video, I find it interesting that while she's begging you to be safe at the beach, she's making a video WHILE she's driving! Talk about un-safe! She better hope Jesus is looking out for her on her way to church!

  10. What a creative way to use up scraps! Both quilts turned out beautiful. Thanks for hosting the link up!

  11. I love what you did with the leftover binding. Your quilting is fabulous.

  12. Love the strippy set of the first one, and the quilting on the second one is fabulous. Sally

  13. You go, girl :-) Love the quilting on those sweet quilts you made...and all from stash. They are beautiful!
    The lady in the video is just plain sweet. Would love to know her :-)

  14. Thanks for a good laugh at the end of the week!! Love that green you used....and would love a bolt of that IKEA print too!

  15. Beautiful quilting! You did have fun!

  16. Wow - 2 quilt finishes today that use up scraps - that is totally whoop whoop worthy! Awesome!!! :)

  17. Very good advice, Sarah... stay up outa that shark house! We (recently from CA) would have expected that beach to be closed by royal decree by now. Don't be no shark entrée! Well, and while you are sewing your will be safe... so we won't worry that much about you.

  18. Beautiful quilts! Funny, I woke up this morning thinking about making a jelly roll race quilt with strips from the scrubs I'm cutting up for quilts. Yours is a great idea!

  19. Great scrappy quilts. Very modern looking

  20. Great scrap quilts! I love the "sibling" look!

  21. A big whoop whoop, I love how your quilting stands out!

  22. What a great way to use up those left over bindings. I keep mine too, just in case they might be useful for something. Thanks for the tip. Visiting from FIUF.

  23. Love your quilts and your quilting - amazing!!! Thanks for the great laugh with the video...just what I needed with my daughter moving to Hawaii this week :)

  24. Great scrap quilts! Love both of them lots! Really like the use of scraps combined with a significant amount of a solid other than white. And I'm especially impressed that you made both of them from start to finish in such a short time! I send my quilts out to be quilted, so they're always much, much longer in progress - which is fine with me. But I never even get my part done anywhere near that quickly.

  25. The quilting on your latest scrap quilt is exquisite!!!! WOW, you did a great job...and PS...loved the shark video.

  26. Where do you find the fabric at Ikea? Are you buying sheets?

  27. Great quilts! First (after watching the video) leave the BBQ sauce at home (no need to tempt the sharks), and PLEASE, don't copy her hairstyle ;)

  28. What a great way to use a jelly roll quilt. I love how the triangles pop in various spots. The other one is also great. I don't think any quilt can go wrong with "green" as the predominate color.

  29. I like those two quilts - alike but totally different. And yes, I did join you in laughing. I will not be going into the shark's house.

  30. Both my daughters are at those beaches right now too. Very nerve wracking. I suppose she was trying to help warn people but making the video while driving??!!! OMG.

  31. Whoop whoop! I adore your scrappy creations and divine quilting! Happy vacation and thanks for the linky!

  32. You certainly deserve a big Whoo Hoo for that accomplishment. Nicely done.

  33. Amazing fraternal-twin quilts. You are a dynamo!

    And if you are going to the beach in a car, why not have the driver make a video? I wonder if this church lady does a weekly Sunday morning message ... I wonder if she gets how funny this one is ... and I wonder if she made it to her destination.

  34. The quilting on your quilt is awesome.

  35. What a fun quilt- your quilting is awesome!!


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