I spent today sorting out my fabric stash so that it will be easier to match up fabrics for quilts - we have a meeting on Wednesday morning to start working on more quilts to give out at the hospitals, so it was time! It's really frightening how much fabric I have on hand - and here's an example. Saturday afternoon, I saw an e-mail from our prayer ministry asking for prayer for an eight-year old boy in the hospital. I decided I'd get a jump on getting a quilt ready, just in case we needed one, so I pulled out some of the fabric that was recently donated and found a

Lilli and I went to Joann's today (don't ask me why, I just felt the need to look at fabric!!) and it seems that we were meant to be there, because just as we were getting ready to leave, I was hailed by my friend Cindy, who had been trying to reach me to get me to meet her at Joann's! She thought she needed help to pick out border and backing fabric for a quilt she put together years ago - she really didn't need any help, but we had a great time looking at the fabrics until she found just the perfect ones. I'm afraid my philosophy of picking out just the right fabrics is to throw a bunch of things I think might work together on the dining room table and mix them up until I like what I see! It's extremely technical.......... lol!! And by the way, I managed to get out of Joann's with only one remnant of hot pink Kona cotton - which was not only remnant priced, but then 30% off that! So I think I did pretty good, since we need the solids for quilting!
I worked for a man once who told me that he felt blessed by being able to do what he did well and loved to do and also do good for other people at the same time. I feel like that's where I am right now - I love to sew and to teach other people how to do it, and I can do it as a part of ministry at my church. How totally cool!!
Have a great evening!!!
yes.... totally cool!! :)