Friday, April 29, 2011

Can I get a Whoop-Whoop?? The best laid plans...

Hi, all!

It's Friday again - are you ready to be encouraged and encouraging??  

I didn't get my quilt for the week finished, and I forgot to take a pic of the flimsy before I wound it up on the quilt frame - but here's my "whoop-whoop" for the week....

I'm calling this one "Passionately Pink" and it's going to a woman going through chemo for breast cancer.  Her sister tells me that she's very fond of pink these days - from a picture I saw, it looks like she even dyed her hair pink!  So I think this quilt will really fit the bill for her.  Hopefully it will be quilted first thing tomorrow morning and in her hands this weekend.....

Oooh - I almost forgot one other thing to whoop over - I am now the proud caretaker of fifteen Warm & Natural quilt batts, obtained for half price at Joann's and an additional 10% off thanks to my Joann's VIP discount card!  Woohoo!!!  Of course, that will only keep us in batts for about two months or so....

So what have you been working on this week?  Remember, it doesn't have to be finished to share it - we love to applaud all the steps along the way!!  You've got until Saturday night at midnight CST to link up - so join right in!!!

And just because I think this post needs one more picture, here's a shot of my little quilting assistant.....

.....isn't she cute???



This linky list is now closed.


  1. Love that smile! That pink quilt looks wonderful. And glad you managed to get your batt. A box of fabrics is on it's way- a Friday fancy I hope.

  2. Whoop whoop on the batts. That's great. What a cute little blondie~! Sweet. I saw those pink fabrics in an earlier post and knew they were gonna sing when you got them pieced~!

  3. What a princess you have ! WHOOP WHOOP ! I had a project I finished this week AND remembered to add it to your blog ! A GOOD FRIDAY HERE !!! Have a great day and thanks for doing this !

  4. Oh, that pink quilt is going to be yummy! Can't wait to see it finished.

  5. Your little assistant is adorable, what a great grin! Love the pink, Whoop Whoop!!

  6. I'm looking forward to seeing this quilt--those colors will definitely add some cheer to the recipient's life.
    Our ministry frequently receives monetary gifts from families and friends of the quilt recipients with the request that it be used in the ministry; we use it to purchase large rolls of batting and then let the lady who is in charge of the batting know what sizes we need cut for the quilts we're working on. If you prefer Warm'n'Natural, then you can watch for the Joann's sales where they put even the huge rolls on sale a couple of times a year. (We order it on-line, usually with free shipping, and have it sent to the lady who takes care of the batting for us.) It's what works for us.

  7. oh what an adorable assistant!!! Made me smile this morning! Love the pink!

  8. I need to get some of that VIP lovin' from Joann's (I was in there yesterday too darn!) and how about that smiling little one you have here---she is a beauty!!

  9. Gotta have those special quilting assistants!!

  10. WHOOP! WHOOP! That a very BIG WHOOP. L♥ve the PINK! ! ! !
    Your Quilting Assistant is a cutie pie.

  11. Yes, she is very cute. Enjoy her while you can, they grow up so fast.

  12. Hi, this is my first time getting a whoop, whoop! Thanks for hosting!

  13. congrats for the batting, the quilt...and yes that sweet little blond VERY cute!


  14. Glad to see you're still at it, Sarah! Trying to resume both my blogging and blog-reading. Your quilting assistant is as cute as ever.


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