Friday, April 22, 2011

Can I get a Whoop-Whoop?? Where would we be without friends....

Hi, all!

Friday is here once again - I hope you had a good week!  Mine has been very productive - but I couldn't have done any of it without the help of some very good friends!

My first finish for this week is a quilt I made for a woman recently diagnosed with cancer.  She likes greens and yellows, and my first thought was the stash of Origins on my shelf.  Here's where friends #1 and #2 come in - my friend Cathy of Wondrous Woven Fabrics donated a prize for the Bloggers' Quilt Festival last fall, and my friend Karrie of Freckled Whimsy won!  But bless her heart, Karrie told Cathy to send the prize to me for the quilt ministry to use.  Two charm packs of Origins and six half yards of coordinating yardage!  This is the second quilt we've made using those fabrics, so now I'm down to just scraps of those pretty fabrics.

The front....

...and the back!

The really exciting thing about this quilt?  It is the 100th quilt we've distributed through our church's quilt ministry!  

My second finish is another quilt for the ministry.  This one is going to a woman diagnosed with breast cancer.  Once again, this quilt is a joint effort.  

My friend Kate North over at Kate's Arty Bits Blog sent me some of her beautiful batik blocks that she decided she wasn't going to use herself.  This is the first quilt I've put together using those beautiful blocks - and there will be several more!

You may notice in this picture that the binding isn't completely finished - but the sun was shining, and I wasn't taking the chance that it would be shining tomorrow when I had the binding stitched down!  Sun has been a rare commodity around here lately..... and never when I need it!!

And one more "friend" shout-out - take a look at all the beautiful fabric and scraps I received for the quilt ministry this week from my friend Molly over at Stitch-N-Thyme Designs!  We will have so much fun putting these to good use!

So that's what I've worked on this week - now it's your turn!  Show off your accomplishments, be it a finish, a start, or a clean sewing room!  You can link up until Saturday night, and remember to go check out some of your fellow linkers and leave some bloggy love!!!



This linky list is now closed.


  1. I just love the Origins quilt. Congrats on the 100th quilt. I would love to send you some donations - give me a shout.

  2. I keep meaning to tell you I love your blog header picture, that quilt is so lovely. very inviting:)

    Wow and wow! I mean Whoop, whoop! Very nice job on making 100 quilts. How exciting and gracious of you to do such a selfless thing.

    Both quilts are simply stunning. Gorgeous fabric and quilting. I know each lady must feel so happy to receive such a wonderful gift when they are going through such a difficult situation.

    Well done, thank you for sharing:)

    Ann Flowers

  3. Love the new quilt, the colors are amazing. And 100 quilts??? Whoop Whoop to you!!! That is incredible.

  4. Great Finishes -- and 100!!! Awesome. AND ... thanks for hosting the H2H project. I have already received my fabric from my partner and started matching her stash with mine.

  5. Such beautiful quilts again this week! Congrats on the 100th ministry quilt! That is quite an accomplishment in so short a time. Yay for generous friends (like you)! :)

  6. Your work both on the machine and as a "missionary quilter" is inspiring.

  7. LOVE your quilts. I didn't get anything accomplished this week except deep cleaning by bathroom and mailing out the fabrics I bought for my swap partner for H2H.

    Congratulations on the 100th ministry quilt. That is such an awesome accomplishment.

  8. I like both of the quilts you finished this week! Congrats on hitting 100!

  9. Congrats on the 100th quilt Sarah! Origins is really pretty isn't it:)

  10. Wow - 100?! These quilts are beautiful! whoop whoop!

  11. Bless you Sarah~! 100 quilts. Way to go!

  12. Wow...100 quilts!!! And I love the blue accents in the quilt, too.

  13. Whoop Whoop! Way to go, girl! You accomplish so much, congrats.

  14. Wow what a busy week! I mailed my fabric to my partner, she should get it today. Hope you like it! I have been digging through the piles for fun fabrics and cutting and whoop whoop for me :( but good on you! Whoop Whoop!


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