Friday, February 10, 2012

Can I get a Whoop-Whoop?? No finish for me...

Hi, all!

OK, I confess -  I've been a total slacker this week! Oh, well, maybe not a total slacker, but I don't have any finishes since the ones I posted on Wednesday's Sweatshop update. Some things are in process, but no finishes.  And instead of finishing something today, I spent time with ......

...... Miss Lilli, who wanted to play in the playground at Chick-Fil-A, and have an ice cream cone and some waffle fries!  It was definitely worth not finishing something - we had a wonderful time!!

And here's a reminder - the linky party for the Scrappy Block Challenge will be open until Saturday night at midnight, so you still have time to pull together a block and enter!  There are some great prizes - you can check out the guidelines and the available loot here - and I hope you'll join in if you haven't already, or just check out the wonderful blocks that people have already linked up!!


So now it's your turn!

What have you been working on this week?

Please show us!

We want to cheer you on!!

The linky party stays open until Saturday night, 
so there's lots of time to join in.

Get your whoop whoop on!!




  1. Time with the little miss is definitely worth more! I don't have anything this week either - not that I'm not stitchin', just so many projects that have to stay 'hidden'. Next week will be 'over-load'!

  2. I think it was time well spent! This week I finished a mini quilt that I'm giving away!

  3. Taking time to play is important! Play!
    Thanks for hosting!

  4. Chick-Fil-A is one of our faves too! Glad you were able to soak up some time with that little girl! She is just too sweet to pass up:)

  5. Good choice:) I felted some wool bowls last night, but not much on the sewing front.

  6. Oh yeah - the finishes can definitely wait. I figure there will be a day when my DS won't want to hang out with me any more so I take advantage of it now!

  7. No finishes for me either. I'm close though.

  8. I'd pick grand kids, ice cream and waffle fries any day over sewing :)

  9. Thank you for hosting this little whoop-whoop party! Your daughter is so adorable!!

  10. Sounds like time well spent to me! Have a great weekend.

  11. What a little cutie! Well worth the time being away from sewing!

  12. There will always be something that needs to be done, but little cuties like that will only be little for such a short time. You chose the wiser course.

  13. Sounds like you had a fun week!

    Hey, I also wanted to let you know I listed you for the "Versatile Blogger award" today on my blog!

  14. I love this picture of the Princess. I think she really looks like you.

  15. You and I are in the same no finish boat, Sarah. Earlier in the week I *thought* I'd have a baby quilt top to show off. But the cold I've had this week has really been kicking my butt, so no such luck. Looks like you had a much better time not getting stuff done than I did! :-)


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