Monday, July 30, 2012

Make-A-List Monday - Getting Back in the Groove!

Hi, all!

Vacation is over - - - and it was a lot of fun!!  I'm rested, tanned for the first time in over a year, and had a wonderful time with my wonderful hubby!!  We ate too much, slept late, went to movies, spent hours on the beach - a fabulous time!!

So even though my list was short last week, let's see how I did....

1.  Work on my vacation quilt.
Done!  Well, sort of...

... because my hubby didn't like the fabric I was going to use for the outer border, so I ordered a Kate Spain Serenade print that we both liked better - it should be here tomorrow or Wednesday, so I can finish this off.  But isn't it pretty with the sun shining through it?

2.  Enjoy some sun, beach, breeze, good food, and my DH!
Definitely Done!!!

So last week was a success, even though it was a short list - I had a lot of fun working on something just for me!  Can't do that at home - too many ministry quilts needing work most of the time!  So yes, sewing is allowed on vacation when it's something fun!!

And now let's see what's on tap for this week...

1.  Make a back for a woman's quilt needed for the ministry.

2.  Add borders and make a back for a second woman's quilt needed for the ministry.

3.  Quilt and bind both of those quilts.

4.  Bind two children's quilts for Phoenix Quilts.

5.  Work on an upholstery project for a friend.

Not too long a list, and I may get more done than this, but it's a start and do-able!!


And I wanted to share a video with you, but I'm having trouble getting it from my daughter due to file size.  Hopefully I'll get it soon, but for now the picture above will have to do.  What you are seeing is Emmalyn hearing for the first time!  She was born with very little hearing in her left ear, none in her right ear - but last Friday she got her hearing aids and heard her mom and dad's voices for the first time!  Doesn't she look happy?  (That's my beautiful daughter holding her, by the way!  She looks pretty happy too!)  Lilli is very excited about the hearing aids - she says they are pink because Emmy is a girl!)

And speaking of Lilli, look at how she's growing up...

Isn't she beautiful?


So now the question is.....  what are you working on this week?



Friday, July 27, 2012

Can I Get A Whoop Whoop? Fun In The Sun, and A Winner!!

Hi, all!

Friday again, and time to get your whoop whoop on!!  Are you ready?

I've had a pretty productive week, considering I've got a pretty big distraction...'s hard to concentrate on sewing when that gorgeous beach is staring you in the face!

But in the hot afternoons and in the evenings while we were watching TV, I've managed to get all the components sewn up for my version of Jamie's pattern, Blue Me Away.  I think I'll call my version Orange You Glad!  With a little bit of luck, I hope to get the top sewn together tomorrow, except for the borders, which I left at home.  So I'll maybe have a completed flimsy to show on Monday! 

And I've been blown away by the response to the giveaway - you guys are the best!  I'm so glad I started blogging and joined into this fabulous community of crafters!!

So that's my whoop whoop for the week!  And now I know you are all wondering who won the 700 follower giveaway - that lovely bundle of Cameo!  Little Miss Random rolled the numbers, and chose #267, which is...... (a little confusing because Blogger starts numbering all over again after 200...)

Cindy said...
Best new line...pretty little things.
Cindy blogs over at Tops to Treasures - just checking out her blog I see she has an amazing sewing area!  You ought to go see it!!

Congratulations, Cindy! I'll be e-mailing you soon!


And now it's your turn!

What have you been working on this week...

...that's made you dance a happy dance?

You've earned your whoop whoops -

Link up and get them!!

The linky party will stay open until Sunday at midnight.

Plenty of time if you're not quite ready yet!

We can't wait to see what you're up to!!



This linky list is now closed.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Giveaway - Last Day to Enter!!

Hi, all!

Just wanted to give a heads-up - today is your last chance to enter to win this loveliness...

...from Julie of Intrepid Threads!  I'm celebrating 700 followers and you can benefit from the celebration!  Hop over here to enter.  I'll be picking a winner tonight when I write my Whoop Whoop Friday post, and announcing the lucky one tomorrow!!!

See you there!!!



Monday, July 23, 2012

Make-A-List Monday - It's A Tough Job, But Someone's Got To Do It!

Hi, all!

Well, it's Monday and I need to own up to how I did on last week's list....

1.  Quilt and finish the brights quilt that's on the frame.

2.  Make a back for the 1600 quilt, then quilt and bind it.

3.  Finish the binding on two quilts.

4.  Go to church and pull six more quilts for the remainder of the requests.
5.  Quilt as many of them as possible before Friday!
6.  Dole them out for binding to other ministry members.

7.  Cut the pieces for my "vacation" quilt!
(If you missed it last year, I took a sewing machine with me
on vacation and made a quilt top for me while I was gone.
Now it's a tradition!)

So now, this week, I have a very short and manageable list...

1.  Work on my vacation quilt.

2.  Enjoy some sun, beach, breeze, good food, and my DH!

So now the question is..... what are you working on this week?



PS- Be sure to stop over at Quilts Are For Giving this week and link up your charity quilts - there's a linky party that starts on Tuesday and runs all week!  

Oh - I almost forgot - there's still time to get in on my 700 followers giveaway - check out this post for the details!!  There's some great Cameo fat quarters up for grabs!!

Friday, July 20, 2012

Can I Get A Whoop Whoop? Time For A Giveaway!!

Hi, all!

I'm definitely ready to get my whoop whoop on today - for several reasons!!!  Vacation starts today, and in order to get ready for vacation, I finished three quilts...

...and quilted eight more that some other good folks have taken to bind and finish....

I'll tell more about these quilts in the next quilt ministry update, but these quilts will bring our total this year to 100 so far!  Whoop whoop!!

AND - - - I've hit 700 followers!!!!

Because this event can't go by unnoticed, or uncelebrated, we've got a great giveaway!!!  The wonderful Julie of The Intrepid Thread is offering up a fat quarter bundle of Amy Butler's new line, Cameo, in the Tall Stories color way!

Isn't it gorgeous?  Here's all you've got to do to have a chance at petting all that glorious color...  

1.  Leave a comment.  Tell me your favorite vacation spot...

2.  Jump over to Julie's shop and then come back and leave a comment telling me your favorite new line of fabric.

3.  If you're a follower, leave a comment telling me so! (Thanks so much, too!  You all brighten up my life!!)

4.  Link up to the linky party and show off what you're whooping about this week - then leave me a comment saying you've done so!!

Four ways to enter - be sure to leave a separate comment for each!!  I'll draw a winner next Thursday and post the winner's name on next Friday's Whoop Whoop post!!  (Be sure that I have a way to contact you - if I don't email you back from your comment(s), you are probably a no-reply blogger!)


And now it's linky party time!

What have you been doing the happy dance about this week?

Share!! We want to cheer you on!

The linky party will remain open until 
next WEDNESDAY night - - -

In honor of the giveaway!!

Join in the fun!!

Be sure to give all your fellow linkers a little whoop whoop!!



Monday, July 16, 2012

Make-A-List Monday - The Storm Before The Calm...

Hi, all!

Monday again, and thankfully I don't have a list to confess to from last week - my whole list was to survive summer camp, and I did!  (Check out last week's posts if you want to see what we did...)

But this week I'll be making up for it in spades - there are ten quilt requests on the list for the quilt ministry, and I'm leaving for vacation on Friday!  Yikes!!!!!!!!

So here's my list for the week - - - 

1.  Quilt and finish the brights quilt that's on the frame.

2.  Make a back for the 1600 quilt, then quilt and bind it.

3.  Finish the binding on two quilts.

4.  Go to church and pull six more quilts for the remainder of the requests.

5.  Quilt as many of them as possible before Friday!

6.  Dole them out for binding to other ministry members.

7.  Cut the pieces for my "vacation" quilt!
(If you missed it last year, I took a sewing machine with me
on vacation and made a quilt top for me while I was gone.
Now it's a tradition!)

Yes, I've lost my mind - - - no, I can't possibly get all this done - - - but I'm going to give it a try!  Wish me luck!  (Oh, and don't expect a post on Wednesday - I'll do an update on the quilt ministry in two weeks, after vacation!)

Do be sure to come back on Friday, though - if you'll look at the Followers section on the left side bar, you'll see the number 700 - woohoo!!! So it's time for a giveaway!!  And I've got a fabulous giveaway for you - don't miss it!!

So now the question is - - - - - What are you working on this week?



Friday, July 13, 2012

Can I Get A Whoop Whoop? Fabulous Finishes!!

Hi, all!

Friday again - are you ready to get your whoop whoop on?  

I've had a very busy week, with very little sewing on my end of it - but I've got some fabulous finishes to show you!!

The morning group...
...and the afternoon group!
Look at all those smiling faces!  They are so proud of their first quilt tops - and excited to know that they will be going to grade school children just like them in New Orleans this fall.

Here's a closer look at those quilts....

Aren't they gorgeous?  And the quilts aren't bad either!!


So that's my whoop whoop for the week!

It's your turn - what are you 
dancing a happy dance about?

Link up and share with the rest of us -

We want to cheer you on!!

The linky party will stay open until Sunday night...


And now, to give one lucky someone something to whoop about, here's the winner from Monday's giveaway....

Little Miss Random chose #64 - and it is...

Blogger Nancy said...
What an easy quilt and good way to use up the focus fabric that I love but really can't use in other quilt patterns
July 12, 2012 9:04 AM

Nancy, you are a no-reply blogger without a blog, so I can't e-mail you directly or post a comment on your blog.  I hope you read this and contact me about your prize!  If I don't hear from you by Monday, July 16th at 9 am CST, I'll pick a new winner and announce it on my Monday blogpost.  

