Monday, July 16, 2012

Make-A-List Monday - The Storm Before The Calm...

Hi, all!

Monday again, and thankfully I don't have a list to confess to from last week - my whole list was to survive summer camp, and I did!  (Check out last week's posts if you want to see what we did...)

But this week I'll be making up for it in spades - there are ten quilt requests on the list for the quilt ministry, and I'm leaving for vacation on Friday!  Yikes!!!!!!!!

So here's my list for the week - - - 

1.  Quilt and finish the brights quilt that's on the frame.

2.  Make a back for the 1600 quilt, then quilt and bind it.

3.  Finish the binding on two quilts.

4.  Go to church and pull six more quilts for the remainder of the requests.

5.  Quilt as many of them as possible before Friday!

6.  Dole them out for binding to other ministry members.

7.  Cut the pieces for my "vacation" quilt!
(If you missed it last year, I took a sewing machine with me
on vacation and made a quilt top for me while I was gone.
Now it's a tradition!)

Yes, I've lost my mind - - - no, I can't possibly get all this done - - - but I'm going to give it a try!  Wish me luck!  (Oh, and don't expect a post on Wednesday - I'll do an update on the quilt ministry in two weeks, after vacation!)

Do be sure to come back on Friday, though - if you'll look at the Followers section on the left side bar, you'll see the number 700 - woohoo!!! So it's time for a giveaway!!  And I've got a fabulous giveaway for you - don't miss it!!

So now the question is - - - - - What are you working on this week?




  1. You need a vacation from sewing, ha ha. I am still pulling stuff for you! Have fun! Looks like camp was fun!

  2. I loved the quilts! so simple, but still piecing for them to learn.
    I have about 4 things to work on:
    1) 4th of July Placemats for the Grands (late!)
    2) Baby quilt for gnephew born in May (late)
    2) wedding quilt on hold due to my design changes wedding is next summer.
    3) Bonnie Hunter workshop quilt I have like a 1000+ pieces pieced but not all together.
    4) Childrens Hospital quilt for seniors group.
    hummmm I think I will work on 1 &4 this AM

  3. I want to finish the shirt quilt top, make the blocks I owe for a couple of block exchanges, quilt the doll quilt for that exchange, start my next round on the international round robin, and go shopping for my assigned list for VBS next week. I signed Bella up, so now I have to contribute to the supplies. No wonder they only charge a tiny amount for the week! Enjoy your week!

  4. I so enjoy your posts! Congratulations on number 700. Saturday I went to a day retreat and made four mug rugs/coasters and two potholders (along with other things) and now that I've figured out that if I make the binding first (my least favorite part) and then piece the mug rug/potholders, I am a very productive woman -- I want to make more! Trying to get ahead for the social fall/Christmas season. So getting the supplies together to do just that for my sit and sew this Saturday evening. (No, I don't usually get to do this many sewing sessions but it just works out that way this month.)

  5. Go Sarah go! Good luck, and have fun on vacation - it's well-deserved!

  6. I'm stressed out just reading your list - hope you got through it all ok! I ADORE your header picture - it looks more relaxing than your life sounds! xCathy

  7. I have in mind to make a quilted zipper pouch for the meds that I need to carry with me in my tote bag. Right now they are just floating around in there. I also need to make a new purse as the el cheapo one I was using has a broken strap.


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