Monday, September 10, 2012

Make-A-List Monday - The Slowed Down Version...

Hi, all!

Another week begins, and it is absolutely beautiful here in Middle Tennessee!  The sun is shining, it's a great temperature outside, warm but not hot, and my yard got mowed this morning - no more jungle!!  Some things are just worth paying for..... ;-)

I didn't have a long list last week, but let's see how it went...

1.  Cut out Lilli's quilt for Christmas.
Done!  This is going to be fun to sew up...

... I love this fabric!

2.  Cut out Emmy's quilt for Christmas.
Done!  Love this fabric, too - Ric Rac Rabbit!

3.  Take a last load of quilts and fabric to church.
Done!  There's a lot more room in my sewing room now... again!

4.  Start working on the pattern book for the quilt ministry, and for kitting directions for the patterns.
Done!   Or, at least, started!  This will be a long term ongoing
project, but it's good to start it now while I can't be
doing any quilting - it keeps me occupied!!

Don't ask me why this pic is upside down - it's just been
one of those days!

So I did ok on last week's list - I wonder what kind of trouble I can get into this week?

1.  Keep working on the pattern book for the quilt ministry.

2.  Start sewing on the quilts for Lilli and Emmy.

3.  Make two quilt backs for the quilt ministry.

4.  Put borders on a small quilt top for the ministry.

5.  Teach a couple of friends how to use Jolene!

6.  Work on Emmy's cross-stitched Christmas stocking.

This is how I've gotten done so far - let's see how much more I have done next Monday!

So that's my list for the week - no quilting, just light sewing for those of you who tell me not to overdo!  

So now the question is - - - what are you working on this week?



  1. I am working on my mom's Dresden plate quilt.

  2. Well, all my swaps,challenges, and to-do's for the month are done - yeah, speed queen. Maybe a just for fun project needs to be done this week.

  3. Hi! I've been waiting to ask you what you did for your kitting directions. I would love to have someone else do it besides me! Make the kits I mean!:) Send me an email if you have time!

  4. I hope you'll soon be able to get back to work! SHEESH, girl! Do you even know HOW to rest? Hope you're feeling good this week! :)

  5. LOL - that's slowing down? I think you just shifted down a gear. Your cross stitch project looks darling - cross stitch is on the 'approved activity' list. :) Sending prayers for speedy healing.

  6. Get better soon! My machine is in the shop for a week (boo!), so I'm doing hand embroidery (my first love is hand embroidery, but I'm bedazzled by my new love for quilting)...

  7. :)
    I'm working on a quilt with Out to Sea as well! And about 30 other things... Scarlet's birthday is less than a month away, and I'm determined she'll have handmade gifts. :)

  8. I made the backing for a doll quilt for Bella and now need to get that quilted. I have also started cutting pieces for a doll quilt exchange quilt. I have a stack of UFOs on the work table I should be working on, but I got some new Marsha Derse fabric I may have to play with first. But mostly, I will be playing with Bella for the next three days. She did approve the fabric for her Christmas quilt, so I should start that some time. I just haven't figured out a pattern yet. Maybe I should add pattern design to the list.

  9. I cut out some fabric for a quilt top and made one block. You always get so much done!!

  10. Not a bad week for someone who's supposedly resting up! Don't overdo it!

  11. Cute Christmas stocking! It reminds me of making embroidered stockings for my girls years ago:)

    How's the recovery going?

  12. My brothers-in-law are coming from England for a day, and I am cleaning for the three days before that! Hubby is doing the yard!
    Take it easy.

  13. You have been busy. Love the upside down pic. I was looking at the pictures of the quilts on the patterns and didn't catch the fact that they were upside down. haha.
    I have been working of finishing up my tetris quilt. Won the grand prize. Yahoo : )
    You take care of yourself, girlfriend.

  14. This week I'm working on blocks for my Dancing With The Stars quilt. It sounds as though you have a doable list. The Christmas stocking is coming along beautifully - how cute!


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