Friday, November 16, 2012

Can I Get A Whoop Whoop? A Giveaway and a Special Whoop!!

Hi, all!!

Well, the day is finally here - the day I write my 500th post!! And as promised, there will be a giveaway - - - but more about that after I share my whoop whoop moment for the week....

I am such a proud "quilt-mama"!  This is my friend, Kathy, with the quilt she designed and made, from start to finish, for her father-in-law.  When I met Kathy nearly three years ago, she told me that she would love to come sew with us, but that she had been told by a professional (!), that she was totally unable to sew.  I am happy to say that we have proven that so-called professional totally wrong!  This is probably Kathy's sixth or seventh quilt, and it is amazing!  Take a look at her quilting...

....words even!!  She did an amazing job with this. Chose the fabrics and colors, designed the layout, did her own quilting and binding.  Awesome work, Kathy!!  One last shot...

My favorite block on the quilt.  Kathy's father has Parkinson's disease, and he will be undergoing surgery next week.  I can't think of a better verse for him to keep in his heart!

And another big whoop whoop this week for the quilt ministry - we gave away our 400th quilt last night!  The quilt ministry and this blog are just about the same age - not quite three years old.  And both have added so much to my life - and that's worth a whoop whoop too!!


And now - it's time for - - - the giveaway!!

I caught a great sale recently, and thought about this moment...

...and picked up one of these just for one of you!!

It's an OttLite High Definition Creative Series Task Lamp in Going Green!  I absolutely love mine - it gives me
just the right amount of light to do handwork!

So what do you have to do to get in the running?

Just leave me a comment!  Let me know if you're going to join in the Black Friday madness, or if you're just going to sit at home and enjoy the peace and quiet...

I'll draw a winner and announce it next Friday, just to give someone else something to whoop whoop about!!


And now it's your turn - 

What are you whooping about this week?

(Hopefully you can show what you are working on!)

Do tell!  We'd love to whoop right along with you!!

The party will remain open until Sunday night...

Be there or be square!!



This linky list is now closed.


  1. I worked retail for 12 years and could never understand the reasoning behind getting in line at 6 pm on Thanksgiving just to get a tv or computer when you can get one online for the same price. So.....I'll be enjoying my quilting time and eating leftovers on Friday while the madness happens.

  2. Lots of whoops to you for your 500th, for your group, and for your friend. What an amazing and beautiful quilt. :) I plan to do as always, and avoid black Friday like the plague. ;)

  3. Love your friend's quilt. I'm sure her father will truly appreciate it too! Congratulations on your 500th post!

    I plan to stay right here where it is warm and no one is trying to beat me to the good deals that aren't really that good since they had to give up family time to get in line and then they are super tired and grumpy because of it! (Can you tell I used to work retail?)

  4. I had to google Black Friday - so obviously I had no idea what it was - and well I won't do anything special, as it's not a special day here.
    [And as an afterthought - please don't throw me in the drawing bowl, international shipping can cause heart attacks, I just thought it a bit unfriendly to join the party and not leave a comment at all]

  5. Congratulations to you and to Kathy!
    We don't have Black Friday here in the UK! and I don't think I'm eligible to join in your giveaway but what a great prize!

  6. Never go to black Friday sales though I have a few friends that get some great deals. We give the grandkids money for their educational account (one day they will really appreciate it) and have given the kids beef for their freezer. No need to go I can pick up the few other gifts or do the homemade thing.

  7. Yay! on your 500th post. I'm not going out of the house on Black Friday! I'll be sewing, sewing, & more sewing. Love your friend's Kathy, quilt.

  8. Congratulations on the loving work done by your ministry and thanks for the inspiration from your blog. I have so enjoyed seeing the good works coming from your ministry. I have a long history of making quilts for a children's charity project and I smile whenever I go to that corner of my studio. Happy happy colors for the precious children of our world. Keep on doing this great work. Stoney

  9. Congrats on your many posts and charity quilts -- so impressive! I used to go out on Black Friday when it started at 6 am but when it moved to 4 am and even Thanksgiving evening it just seemed ridiculous to me, so I quit. There are many great online bargains and that's so much easier!

  10. I can't believe I'm doing this at my age, but I'm joining the Black Friday madness. My daughter drags me along with her. She says it gets us in the Christmas spirit. I'm not sure about that.

  11. Oh I do hope I can show it very soon. I am putting the binding on my hexagon quilt that I hand pieced and hand quilted. I have been working on it for 25 months!! I'm so very excited.. SO EXCITED! My goal is to finish it REALLY SOON.. plugging away each day.. :) Big smile.

  12. Black Friday; I usually do my joining in on line!! Thanks for the chance.

  13. Congratulations to Kathy for a beautiful quilt! May she have many more in her future:)

    And congratulations to you for an inspiring blog and to the quilt ministry for all the good work and fellowship!

    For the life of me, I can't come up with a good reason to go shopping on Black Friday:)

  14. Congrats on 500 posts. I will be put and shopping on black Friday, I love the deals.

  15. I'm so excited about finishing my latest oil painting I really WAS whooping about it. So I had to show it off here.

    (yeah, I'm doing sewing type projects, too, but this painting has been a work in progress for a YEAR so I'm glad to see it finally finished)

  16. We don't have Thanksgiving or Black Friday here in teh UK so I willbe sewing as usual. I'm donating a Pretty Pleats tote bag to a raffle for a charity the school I work at is supporting so I will be busy making that!

  17. Congratulations on reaching such impressive milestones! I am planning to sit out the Black Friday craziness, but certainly would pick up a deal or two online :-) Thanks for the wonderful giveaway chance!

  18. I love your blog! Milestones are made to be shared! Thank you for sharing! (on both accounts: the milestones and the lamp! ;)
    I am planning on sitting out on black friday! I sewing to do!
    Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

  19. Black Friday is a regular workday for me, but I will be looking for some online deals

  20. Love black Friday Shopping. My sister and I go every year. I don't always buy a lot, but it's just a fun night.

    Love the green light, soo cute!

    Congrats on 500 posts!

  21. That's a beautiful quilt your friend made. What a heartwarming and touching story about her father. Saying a little prayer for him.

    Regarding shopping on Black Friday. I will do a little bit but mostly will shop on-line.

    Thanks much for the chance to win your lamp.


  22. Oh yeah!!

    Congrats on your 500th post. Lots of whoop, whooping!!


  23. Whoop Whoop! Congratulations!! My daughter and I used to make it out at dark thirty to hit some of the Black Friday sales. It was fun to do this together. We might just go to share the time together :-)

  24. Congrats on the 400 and 500! The only stores I might hit on Black Friday are Joanns and/or Hancocks. No malls or general retail establishments for this girl!

  25. Kathy's quilt is amazing!
    I think I'll probably skip the Black Friday sales this year. I'm not into all the crowd madness!
    Love that light...would love to win!

  26. Kathy's quilt is beautiful. I love the words she quilted on there. I definitely aspire to be able to do that someday! I will add her father to my prayers. Congrats to the quilt ministry... 400 is a LOT of quilts!!

    I avoid black Friday (and really any shopping after Thanksgiving). My daughters are off from school the day before Thanksgiving and I try to get all my shopping done that day. I would prefer to pay a few dollars more than brave the crowds!

  27. Congrats on 500 posts, 400 quilts, and to your friend Kathy! I usually skip black Friday shopping. I'm okay with paying a little more and avoiding the crowds and chaos!

  28. Whoop whoop on 500! And for Kathy - who tells someone they can't sew?? I hope her father's surgery goes well.

    Oh, and I do NOT do Black Friday. I don't like people that much.

  29. Whoop, Whoop!! For sure - that is an awesome quilt. (Where do people get off telling someone else they can't do something??) She did a fabulous job with this!

    No way on this planet will I be anywhere near a store on Black Friday. I despise the entire thing. ;D My sister, on the other hand, loves it and will be frenetically taking advantage of the commercial hooplah!

  30. congrats to your friend for proving that 'professional' wrong! I won't be black friday shopping - except maybe on my laptop. I plan on eating pie, playing with my boys, and cutting into a stack of Madrona Road FQs :)

  31. Some years I do, some I do not. This year I will not be shopping, the recession is alive and well at my house lol. Maybe I will make it a sewing day and spend all day in my pj's and eat leftovers!
    xoxo melzie

  32. Nice finish Kathy! That'll teach 'em to never say 'never'!! As for Black Friday, I've done that twice and it was for fabric. Not this year though...even the crowd at Joann's is a little too rowdy for me!

  33. What a great quilt story! I won't be joining in on Black Friday, I can't think of anything worse than all those people and queues! :)

  34. No Black Friday shopping for me. Maybe in my younger days, but now I'm 55 and would rather wait until everyone goes back to work and shop quietly alone :)
    Thanks for the giveaway!

  35. I plan to sleep late and then enjoy the peace and quiet :)

    Vail in TN

  36. I hate the black friday madness but then again I have just enough money to get a notebook which I have been wanting for quite some time so I might have to look for deals.

    My wife says we are getting a roll of batting too so I guess sadly I am in.

  37. Hooray! Such an exciting time. God is doing wonderful things through You and this Ministry.

    I most definitely will NOT be shopping on Black Friday. Shopping is not my thing, so it is really easy to avoid such a nutty day. I much prefer to stay home and sew!!

  38. Awesome quilt! I haven't decided whether I am going shopping on Friday...I need to buy a coat and a doll for my LOVE STOCKINGS child from our church.

  39. Well done on your 500th post! I'm another from overseas so we don't do Black Friday here (NZ), I'm guessing I'm not in for the giveaway either, but had to post, I'm getting close to 500 myself, lol.

  40. Isn't that always the way... somebody says we can't - then we do. Egg on her face. Your friend made a beauty, and it's inspirational, too. I hope her FIL does well in surgery.
    As far as BF... I never go in for crowds, and the traffic here in the Sacramento area, ICK. I'll stay home til the madness subsides and sew some.

  41. Isn't that always the way... somebody says we can't - then we do. Egg on her face. Your friend made a beauty, and it's inspirational, too. I hope her FIL does well in surgery.
    As far as BF... I never go in for crowds, and the traffic here in the Sacramento area, ICK. I'll stay home til the madness subsides and sew some.

  42. Isn't that always the way... somebody says we can't - then we do. Egg on her face. Your friend made a beauty, and it's inspirational, too. I hope her FIL does well in surgery.
    As far as BF... I never go in for crowds, and the traffic here in the Sacramento area, ICK. I'll stay home til the madness subsides and sew some.

  43. You are amazing, and your friend's quilt is gorgeous.

    As for Black Friday: no way, Jose. I'm staying in my jammies and working on Christmas projects.

  44. Green is one of my favorite colors and I think that lamp would be perfect for providing light for my hand crank sewing machines! Yes, I do participate n Black Friday, but I always have a plan. I look at the ads, and pull the ones of the items I want and write the store on them. This way, I get only what I am looking for and am in and out, and I don't show up until the store has been opened for an hour. I only go to 1-3 stores.

  45. There are so many incredibly generous quilters, and most of them are so very encouraging. I'm sorry your friend ran across one of the other kind, but glad you have shown her that she really CAN do it! And what a beautiful job she's done. Gorgeous quilt!

    Congratulations on your milestones. I know that you have blessed so many lives. May you have many more of those wonderful milestones!

  46. Congrats Kathy on that quilt! Great quilt! My first professional quilt class was with a quilter who has her own fabric line and several quilting books out. She showed us lots of her quilts before she started teaching the class. She kept saying that she didn't do mitered corners (couldn't do them). Well, I was a new quilter (only a few quilts at that point) and I'd mitered 16 corners by that point, self taught. Congrats on 3 years and 500 posts! Whoop! Whoop! Love that green light! Thanks.

  47. Hi!!! Yaa!!! Kathy!!! I used to enjoy the black friday shopping when my kids were little!!! I have grand children now but not wanting to get out in the crowds as much anymore!!!! I will wait till the fuss is over to do my shopping!!! Thanks for the fun!!!

  48. One can never have too much crafting light! I'm avoiding ALL stores on Black Friday (even the grocery store). :) Thanks for the chance!

  49. Unfortunately, I OWN a retail quilt shop, so I will be working Black Friday. Never messed with it before I opened my store. And we don't do insanity specials so we don't really have big crowds. But we do serve cider and cookies and give our loyal customers little gifts - the giving is really what it should be about!

  50. Congrats on your 500th post! And, Kathy gets a big whoop for that lovely quilt. I avoid all shopping on Black well as Saturday & Sunday. WOW, what a super giveaway! Thanks for the chance to win.

  51. I'm not a fan of shopping at the best of times never mind Black Friday! But maybe I'll do "on-line" shopping! Thanks so much for a chance at the give-away
    mgw070 at shaw dot ca

  52. I will be sleeping in and spending time with my in-laws and my family on Black Friday. I have never and never plan to get up early to risk being trampled for some sales.

  53. Kathy's quilt is beautiful, her FIL will love it. You should be a very proud "quilt mama".


    Black Friday, I plan on being there. I don't camp out or anything like that. I don't wear my PJ's, I take the time to dress. I usually get some great deals, don't buy anything that isn't on sale.

  54. I don't shop on Black Friday - hate the traffic & the crowds. But unfortunately this year I have a 7:30 a.m. optometrist appointment, so I don't even get to sleep in. Thanks for the giveaway.

  55. Yeah for Kathy. Her quilt is beautiful. No Black Friday for me. I don't like all those crowds.

  56. Congrats on your 500th post and thanks for sharing your friend's beautiful quilt!

    I'm not going anywhere near the stores on Black Friday...rather stay home and sew (or just shop online). Thanks for the sweet giveaway!

    Woop Woop

  57. No Black Friday for me, no patience! awolk at rogers dot com

  58. Kathy did a wonderful job. Yea. 500 posts, awesome. I will be traveling toward VA and kids/grands. I don't usually go out on Black Friday; I don't like crowds and reading the ads, I don't see anything. Our stores have been have sales for a couple weeks. Working on quilt for grand and finished the blocks today.

  59. WOW! So much to Whoop about! Congrats on your 500th post :) Your friends quilt is just beautiful! She must remember, there are no quilt police! :) Praying her father's surgery goes well. He's lucky to have such a wonderful daughter; I'm sure the quilt will be very comforting :) I will NOT be going out for Black Friday shopping. Can't afford it :( and I really don't like the crowds or how ugly people can be when its supposed to be a happy holiday. Thanks for a terrific giveaway! Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours :)

  60. I absolutely will not be participating in Black Friday. I hate being described as a "consumer"--when you think about it, it has a really ugly connotation. I will, however, take part in Small Business Saturday by shopping at our local quilt shop, Momma Made It in Longview, Washington.

  61. Whoop Whoop! I am so glad for your 500th post. I love to visit on Fridays to see what everyone else is working on!

    Black Friday-Black Plague. They are the same to me...I avoid BOTH of them!

  62. No shopping craziness for me! I will be home continuing to unpack endless boxes after a cross-country move.

  63. Congrats on your 500th post. Also, Kathy did an amazing job. Sometimes professionals are just too full of themselves. I have never really shopped on Black Friday unless you count on-line shopping. I can not see getting up at the butt crack of dawn to be mobbed and insulted and assaulted just to get a few bucks off a product. I will stay home and wait until Christmas Eve and will still get some really amazing sales with a whole lot less insanity.

  64. Congratulations. I so enjoy reading this blog each week and seeing all the comfort quilts that are created. I make it a point to not go anywhere on black friday - This year, I am happy to say that I have already made a significant dent in my shopping! Hopefully this will be a sewing day for me

  65. I will try to stay out of the Friday madness!

  66. Congratulations all around! Black Friday shopping, no thanks, but I have already snagged a couple of pre-BF deals online, including a cutting table that I'm waiting for--woo hoo!

  67. Hi, we don't have Black Friday here in Canada but will peruse some on-line sales from the quiet of my home!

  68. CoNgRaTuLaTiOnS on 500 and your Kathy's accomplishment. I am whoop whooping over my 6yo having her first (simple) quilt half done. She's amazing. Her older sisters want her to make them one!


  69. I want to go to the sales but I have to see what they have for sale. I might want a new computer.

  70. I have never gone shopping on the Friday after thanksgiving and can't imagine ever choosing to. I will be kid free on Friday though so I think I might tackle a few Christmas sewing projects for them thy day.

  71. After spending years on the other side of the counter, I will not be Black Friday shopping, at least not in a store. I may shop online if my dial-up doesn't give me too much trouble.


  72. I will definitely be in my sewing room on Black Friday making my Christmas gifts!!!

  73. Congrats on your 500th -- you don't look one post over 400 :-) Heehee. On Black Friday, two of my buddies are coming over to stitch and eat leftovers! Have a joyous Thanksgiving, and hug those beautiful little girls a lot.

  74. Congratulations on reaching a major milestone. 500 posts and 400 quilts made with love is definitely something to celebrate.

    Kathy's quilt is beautiful. I love that she quilted words as part of the design, I remind myself each day to "Be still," and wait for His word. Some days it's harder than others.

    The thought of Black Friday makes me sad. A Walmart worker was trampled to death at a store near us last year. Such heartbreak caused by greed and the acquisition of material things. I haven't sewn in months, but I have cut out fabric to make 2 quilts for Hurricane Sandy victims. Hopefully, I can sew them on Friday.

  75. I need to see the circulars first before I decide if I will venture out with the crazies!

  76. I am staying home and enjoying leftovers with my family!

    congrat's on your 500 th post!


  77. Congratulations on all of the milestones and especially on giving kathy the incentive to prove herself. What a great quilt she made.
    I have too much quilting to do to shop on Black Friday. Seriously, I buy very few actual presents in stores any more. The kids in my life would much prefer cash and I'm the aunt who does not disappoint. Mj Wants an annual pass to Disney world and my sister is getting an airline ticket for a cool trip to Florida in January. All of which gives me a guilt free sewing day on Friday.

  78. I will be working on Good Friday so no shopping for me. Have fun with the crowds!

  79. I haven't been able to sew this week, so no whoop whoop for me. And unfortunately I work in a grocery store, so I am not only working black Friday, I also have to work on Thanksgiving. Sad me...

  80. Congrats on your wonderful milestone! I will be sitting at home thinking of all of you fighting those crowds! I've actually got all my Christmas shopping already done, don't like the crowds. I do have another box ready to be sent for your ministry...just need to get it in the mail.

  81. Congrats on your 500th post!! And it is so wonderful that your friend did not give up when told she didnt have it in her to sew!

    I will not be participating in the black friday events. Would love to get some sewing time in, but more likely I will be at my parents house finishing up the leftovers.

  82. Congratulations on you 500th post! I will be at home for Black Friday. I am working on Thanksgiving and I will be at home on Friday. The only way I will venture out, is if my sewing machine is finished with it's tuneup.

  83. Oh, Sarah, no amount of money could make me venture out on Black Friday . . . I used to work at Macy's, and I had enough of the long lines of people (many with bad attitudes) and customers "stealing" other customers' goods. If I buy anything on that particular day, it will be from the comfort of my own home, via the internet. :)

    Congrats on your 500th post! Keep going strong - I so enjoy reading about what you're working on each week. :)

  84. Oh, Sarah, no amount of money could make me venture out on Black Friday . . . I used to work at Macy's, and I had enough of the long lines of people (many with bad attitudes) and customers "stealing" other customers' goods. If I buy anything on that particular day, it will be from the comfort of my own home, via the internet. :)

    Congrats on your 500th post! Keep going strong - I so enjoy reading about what you're working on each week. :)

  85. my whoop-whoop; I started another quilt for a veteran, as for "black Friday" I will stay home and visit with family and work on said veteran quilt!

  86. You know, I won't do the Black Friday thing. I never did it until three years ago, when a neighbor suggested it. But, been there done that. I will spend the day setting up our Christmas tree and decorating the house. Maybe baking some bread, too!

  87. I will be staying home and decorating with my kiddos.

  88. I don't really do Black Friday. Will probably have to go to our local WalMart for something, but our store is fairly small and not as busy as the ones in the larger cities. Beautiful quilt of Kathy's. Congrats on the 500 posts and the 400 quilts.

  89. Congrats on your 500th post!! And for the lovely quilts you have created also. I do NOT get involved with the craziness of Black Friday. There is nothing I need or want that badly to fight those crowds. I am more content to just be at home for the long weekend and "chill" with the family.

  90. I love Kathy's quilt and know that it will be a comfort to her father. I will probably skip the Black Friday stuff as usual. But sometimes I go into our little town and do a little shopping there - it's not so crowded. I'm woo-hooing over the last block in my BOM quilt, even if I am behind one month.

  91. We don't do the black friday every year. There are time that we have done it, but it hasn't been that big of a need to fight the crowds. I love your quilts. Congrats on your posts.

  92. What a great share. So awesome on your posts. I hope to get some online shopping but I'm going to so a sew-in w/ a local friend.

  93. Congratulations on your milestone! You are a real live angel!!

  94. Hi Sarah! I'm thankful for my online friends. Because of you, I've met some new friends and that is very important to me.

  95. I haven't decided if I am going to brave black Friday or not. The likelihood is not :) Thanks for the chance to win and congratulations on the 500th post.

  96. I will be staying home and resting up for work that evening.

  97. I won't be participating in any Black Friday sales... the madness of it all exhausts me just thinking about it!! Nope, I am going to chill at home!

  98. Last night, on-line, Kohl s started its black Friday madness. I took advantage of some sale items for my grandchildren-with an added 15% off my total order & free shipping.We went to friend's home for Thanksgiving dinner.I regained the sane by concentrating on being thankful. Thanks for this give away!

  99. I have to work today, so no. thanks for the chance!

  100. I have to work today, so no. thanks for the chance!

  101. I've finished all my shopping, so no Black Friday shopping for me.

  102. This is exactly why fabric printing companies are so important when you're dealing with fabric materials. It's easier and much more productive to do it this way because of all the complications.


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