Monday, December 30, 2013

Make-A-List Monday - Plenty of Time for Sewing!

Hi, all!

Can I tell you how much I love high speed internet?  We're at the beach this week and the high speed internet in our cottage is so much faster than ours at home!  But I'm really grateful for what we have at home - because it's much faster than dial-up!  So I'm going to enjoy this here while I have it.  It's the little things!!

Last week's list was short, but let's see how it went…

1.  Quilt more quilts ahead for the ministry and deliver them to church Monday night.
Done!  I quilted three more quilts, and one of them found a home before I even made it to church.  But I think they have enough to keep them going until I get home!

2.  Finish wrapping the Christmas presents.
Done!  We don't spoil our kids and grandkids at all…

3.  Take pictures of the charm square project on Christmas Day.
Done!  I didn't get many, because the lighting was terrible, but I'll take more after I get home.  It turned out really nicely - a king-sized quilt for our bed, because my husband said he felt like the cobbler's child - sleeping under a store-bought quilt!

4.  Write a special Christmas blog post.
Done!   You can read it here if you missed it!

5.  Pick out a vacation quilt project to take to the beach!
(Yep, that's right, we're going to the beach for our 35th wedding anniversary this week!  Woohoo!!)
Done! I actually picked out four (because I got some cool stuff for Christmas!)  Here's what I've been working on since I got here…

Sharon sent us these beautiful paper pieced log cabin blocks.  I brought them along to strip the paper off during the car ride to the beach, and then decided to sew them together once I got here.

This quilt is made by a pattern from Julie Herman's book, Skip the Borders.  My DH got me a Kona color card and a FQ bundle of all the new Kona colors for Christmas, so I used all the brights and saturated colors out of the bundle plus some Kona Iron to make this top.  It's super simple and worked up so fast!  I made it in a day, including cutting the pieces out, and could have probably made it in a morning if I had sat down and worked at it straight through.  I can't wait to quilt it using some of the techniques I found in another Christmas present, Judi Madsen's new book!

And yesterday I made up this cute Connecting Threads table runner kit.  Lots of sewing and small pieces, but I love the way it turned out.  I really wish I had brought some basting spray or pins with me so I could finish it all the way!

And I've got one more kit with me for a quilt top - I cut it out this morning and will be working on that one tomorrow!  I'm so happy I've been productive on this vacation - I didn't get much done on my last one.  I guess that's the difference between a vacation at the beach during the summer and one during the winter.  It's pretty here, but a bit chilly and windy for the beach!

I don't have too much more with me to work on this week and I'll be on vacation most of the time between now and next Monday - so it's a very short list.

1.  Finish up the last quilt top I brought with me.

2.  Ring in the new year with my DH, and celebrate our 35th wedding anniversary at the same time!

3.  Make up a list of goals for 2014.

It's hard to believe that 2013 is almost over, isn't it?  It's been a busy and productive year for me - I hope it has been for you too.  I'm still working on my goals for next year.  I think I'll host a linky party on Wednesday if you want to share yours too!  Think about it and I'll hope to see you there…

And now the question is - - - what are YOU working on this week?



Friday, December 27, 2013

Can I Get A Whoop Whoop? Cobbler's Child No Longer!

Hi, all!

I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas - I know I did!  My DH did a great job of spoiling me (and all the other young ladies in his life) rotten!  But I spoiled him a little bit, too, and part of that is what I am whooping about this week!  

My husband mentioned about a month ago that he felt like the cobbler's child, because even though I've made hundreds of quilts, he has to sleep under a store-bought quilt.   Poor baby!!

You may remember that I participated in a Kate Spain charm swap earlier this fall?  Well, I took those pretty charms and cut up some KS fat quarters that I had on hand to supplement them.  Two hundred and fifty Kate Spain prints in 5" squares.  Then I went and found the perfect gray tone on tone print - perfect because it looked cool with the cool prints and warm with the warm prints.  It wasn't easy to find, let me tell you!  But I was happy I kept looking!  And here's what I ended up with…

I love it!  Bright and cheerful, but a little bit sophisticated with the gray background. And Bill loves it too! 

I used two layers of cotton batting - first time I've ever done that - and quilted it in a large pointed random spiral pattern.  The quilting is a nice counterpoint to the squares.  And those two layers of batting make it nice and heavy!  But not too heavy to sleep under comfortably.  The weight of it sure surprised me when I took it off the frame, though - I haven't made a quilt that large before!

Sorry I don't have more pictures of it - making it in secret with my husband home for a week and a half before Christmas was really exciting!  I pieced it while he was watching tv or working on his computer during the day, always with something else handy to throw on the machine if he headed my way.  Then, fortunately, two friends of his wanted to meet him at a restaurant on the Saturday before Christmas, one for breakfast and one for lunch.  So I quilted it during breakfast and did the binding, washing and drying during lunch!  But the weather was horrible before I had to box it up, so I didn't get any good pictures.  I'll try to remember to take some when we get home and put them on a future blogpost - because the texture of this quilt is amazing! 

And one other thing - I just realized today that this quilt fulfills one of my new year's resolutions from last year - to make a king-size quilt for my own bed!  Woohoo!!

To make up for the lack of pictures, though, let me share a funny story with you.  Today, as we were driving to the beach, my daughter texted me - she was busy trying to find homes for all the Christmas presents the girls received.  She was putting the girls' new quilts in their bedroom, and I think Emmy was helping her.  Here's the picture she sent and her text message….

"I put Lilli's quilt on Lilli's bed 
and Emmy made me put her up on Lilli's bed 
and she threw off all her sister's stuffed animals 
and laid there like "all mine!"  
So I put Emmy's quilt on Emmy's bed and she got right in 
and laid there like she was going to take a second nap…"

Isn't that sweet?  She loves her new quilt!  That makes my day!

So I've got lots to whoop about today!  Whoop whoop whoop!!


And now it's your turn!

What are you whooping about today - 
The last whoop whoop of the year?

Share with us so we can dance the happy dance too!

The party will stay open until Sunday at midnight - 

Hope to see you there!



This linky list is now closed.

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

I Got A Tiara!!!

Hi, all!

It all started with this card.  This pretty card came to me from a person I never expected to receive a Christmas card from (someone who shall remain nameless, because otherwise it feels a little like stalking!)  But this person is fairly famous, and I certainly never thought she'd think to send me a very personal Christmas card.  I was over the moon!!  I texted my husband and daughter with a picture of the card, and my daughter (always a joker) texted back, "Well, aren't you fancy!"  But my husband's text back to me was the one that got me thinking…

Now, if you're a fan of the show Big Bang Theory, you probably know what that tiara reference means.  But just in case you don't, watch this little video…

When my husband mentioned it, I realized that this was exactly how I felt.  And I realized that I felt like that because this was from an important person, and I felt like I wasn't important or worthy enough to receive something special from her.   Which made me think.

A very important person (God) thought enough of us (very unimportant compared to God) to send us 
a very special Christmas gift..

"For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish 
but have everlasting life."  John 3:16, NKJV

My very special Christmas wish for each and every one of you is that you realize that you've been given a tiara, too!  May the joy of the season fill your heart and inspire your year to come!!

Merry Christmas!!

Monday, December 23, 2013

Make-A-List Monday - Whatever Shall I Do??

Hi, all!

Two days until Christmas - and can you believe it? I think I've got all the Christmas projects done!!!  I see a world of possibilities in front of me - whatever shall I start on next?  Oh well, first of all, let's see how I did on last week's list…

1.  Keep working on the charm square project.
Done!  Still can't show pictures, but if you'll check back on Friday, I should have some then.

2.  Finish the non-quilting project in time for Christmas.
Done!  Can't show this one yet, or another that I also did, but trust me, it's done!

3.  Quilt at least one quilt per day to get ahead of ministry needs.
I've managed to quilt three - but today I'm planning to hit the frame and get several done.

4.  Wrap Christmas presents!
Mostly done - all I have left are the girls' quilts and my husband's gifts.  I should have this done today!

5.  Finish the rest of the Christmas shopping.
Done!  Hopefully I won't have to go to any stores again until after Christmas!

6.  Help a new young quilter discover the joys of long-arming as she finishes up a Christmas gift!
Done!  We had a great afternoon and she finished up a very special gift!!

7.  Come up with a pattern for a soft (quilted) guitar case for Lilli! (She got a 3/4 size guitar for her 6th birthday today…)
Done!  And wouldn't you know, I wrapped it this afternoon before I took a picture of it!

8.  Keep up with any ministry needs that arise.
Fortunately, it's been a quiet week on the ministry front!  No new needs arose so I was able to get all that other stuff done!

And just because it stinks not to have any pictures to show off, let me show you who I spent my week with…

Lilli had her sixth birthday last Monday - this is Lilli and her dad at school on Monday…

Bill and Emmy spent some quality time watching The Disney Channel together…

Lilli spent Friday with Bill making cookies.  Doesn't she look cute in my new Kate Spain apron?

And here's a big wave from Emmy!

 So now to figure out what I'll be working on this week…

1.  Quilt more quilts ahead for the ministry and deliver them to church Monday night.

2.  Finish wrapping the Christmas presents.

3.  Take pictures of the charm square project on Christmas Day.

4.  Write a special Christmas blog post.

5.  Pick out a vacation quilt project to take to the beach!
(Yep, that's right, we're going to the beach for our 35th wedding anniversary this week!  Woohoo!!)

I think that's all I've got on my plate this week - pretty light, but we'll be leaving on the 26th for some sun and sand so I don't have time to do too much between now and then!

And now the question is - - - what are YOU working on this week?

Hugs and Merry Christmas wishes!


Friday, December 20, 2013

Can I Get A Whoop Whoop? Another One Bites The Dust!

Hi, all!

It's Friday again, and our last chance to whoop whoop before Christmas is upon us!!  I hope you're ready - I know you've been creating lots of wonderful things that will inspire us all!  So join in the fun and let us all whoop with you….


I am so excited to be able to say that I have finally finished my eldest granddaughter's quilt for Christmas this year!

The pattern is Perfect Ten, and is a great way to showcase really cute prints...

…like little girls wearing wings…

…dancing bears…

…little girls looking at birds (with their bear)…

…blanket forts…

…fingerprint hedgehogs and elephants!  This fabric is the "Let's Pretend" line by Sarah Jane and is just perfect for Lilli, as you'll see below.  

I pieced the back using the leftover scraps from the front.  This is made using Amanda Jean's slab technique - it was a lot of fun to do, and a great scrap buster!

You can see the slab technique a little bit better here, plus you can see that great border fabric - a linen curtain I found at IKEA for $10! You can't beat that price for more than three yards of linen!  It washed up really soft, too.  

And here's a shot to show the pretty texture of the quilt - I used random sharp pointed spirals to quilt this, and after washing, it's lovely and crinkly!

This quilt will help remind Lilli of the year she turned six - a year of pretending and make believe.  She has two imaginary friends, Jonathan and Stacey, and I've been told stories all year of the things they do, both with her and in their own separate lives!  Just the other day she told me that Jonathan was graduating from college, and Stacey's dad fell off a chair and broke his foot (in Japan) and so he was in the hospital for ten weeks.  That means she wouldn't be able to see Stacey for eight weeks, because he's already been in the hospital for two weeks now…  Such a detailed story, and math too!  And I can't begin to tell you of all the bear and lion hunts I've been on with her, in my own front yard - who knew I had such exotica living nearby!  

So that's my whoop whoop for the day!


And now it's your turn!

What's making you whoop it up today?

Do tell - we want to whoop right along with you!!

It's a lot more fun with friends!

The party will stay open until Sunday midnight. 

Hope to see you there!!



This linky list is now closed.

Monday, December 16, 2013

Make-A-List Monday - Seeing The Light….

Hi, all!

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!  Nine days and counting but I've made great progress and my stress level is considerably better!  I hope you are all doing as well.  It's much more fun this way!!  So let's see how I did on last week's list

1.  Finish Lilli's quilt back.
Done!  I used Amanda Jean's slab technique to use up scraps from the front, then surrounded it with an IKEA linen curtain that I found for $10!

2.   Quilt Emmy's quilt.
Done!  Here's a quick pic, but if you want to see more, go check out last Friday's blogpost.

3.  Wrap up our Angel Tree gifts.
Done and delivered!  But wouldn't you know, I forgot to take a pic!

4.  Introduce a friend to Jolene to help her out in her search for the best long arm machine for herself!
Done!  I spent a wonderful afternoon getting to know a blog friend better and watching her discover the fun of long-arming!

5.  Quilt a few quilts ahead for the ministry if no requests come in.
Done!  I managed to quilt one baby quilt, and my friend quilted an adult quilt in her long arm trial.  Those will be stashed away for future needs.

6.  Quilt Lilli's quilt if time allows.
Done!  Here's a teaser pic - I'll post more on Friday as my whoop whoop!!

7.  Work on a non-quilting Christmas project.
Halfway done!  I can't show pics of this yet (it's a Christmas gift) but I'll show some after Christmas.

8.  Cut out some charm squares for a special project.
All the squares are cut and some of the sewing has been done.  Another Christmas present, so no pics yet.

9.  Keep up with all ministry needs that arise.
Done!  I quilted two baby quilts, one for a sick baby and one for a newborn in our church family. 

These quilts are smaller than they look in these pics - both measure about 36" square.  Rita pieced the top quilt for the little boy - it has great color, doesn't it? The lower quilt top was donated to us - so pretty!  It was fun to see all the different fabrics in those patchwork blocks.

And here's what's on tap for this week…

1.  Keep working on the charm square project.

2.  Finish the non-quilting project in time for Christmas.

3.  Quilt at least one quilt per day to get ahead of ministry needs.

4.  Wrap Christmas presents!

5.  Finish the rest of the Christmas shopping.

6.  Help a new young quilter discover the joys of long-arming as she finishes up a Christmas gift!

7.  Come up with a pattern for a soft (quilted) guitar case for Lilli! (She got a 3/4 size guitar for her 6th birthday today…)

8.  Keep up with any ministry needs that arise.

I feel like there's something I'm forgetting, but I'm sure it will occur to me later!  But I am seeing the light at the end of the tunnel, and I don't think it's a train!  Remember to slow down and enjoy the season - - - and I promise to take my own advice too!  

And now the question is - - - what are YOU working on this week?



Friday, December 13, 2013

Can I Get A Whoop Whoop? One Down!!

Hi, all!

Twelve days until Christmas - have you hit panic mode yet? I bet each and every one of you are on top of your Christmas crafting - sitting back with a hot cocoa by the Christmas tree planning your 2014 quilting projects!  I say this because last week we had 89 people link up to share their whoop whoops!  That's a record - the most since we started Whoop Whoop Fridays!!  I haven't been able to see as many as I'd like - my internet has been very sketchy because of the bad weather - but the pictures you've linked up look amazing!!  Hopefully I'll get to see more this week

Well, I am whooping it up tonight because I managed to finish Emmy's quilt for Christmas in time to post it here!! 

Please excuse the quality of the pictures - I finished the quilt after sunset
 and had to take them inside.  I'll try to get better pictures soon!!

Isn't it pretty?  It's made with a jelly roll and panel of Flirt by Sandy Gervais.

Here's a full-on shot so you can see how it's made.  The red border around the panel is part of the panel itself.  The other strips are from the jelly roll, built around the center panel.

I quilted around the designs in the center panel with invisible thread, outlining all the motifs and some of the detail in them, then stitched on both edges of the red border.

Then it was off to the straight-line quilting races, quilting 1/4 inch lines with a very pale pink thread in every other ring around the center panel.  

The back is pretty, too - I used two different prints from the Flirt line, plus I sewed the remaining jelly roll strips together like a 1600 quilt, then cut them to put between the Flirt prints.  It really came out nice!

And here's one last shot of the quilt, just because!  One down, one to go - and that's my whoop whoop for the week!!


And now it's your turn!  

All you little Christmas elves…

…dancing away by your Christmas tree…

Share what you're whooping about this week!

We want to dance along with you!!

The link party will stay open until Sunday midnight - 

Hope to see you there!!



This linky list is now closed.

Monday, December 9, 2013

Make-A-List Monday - Progress Made!

Hi, all!

Can you believe it's just a little bit more than two weeks until Christmas?  I have to believe that you are all making great progress on your crafty gifts - we had 89 people link up on Whoop Whoop Friday!!  How exciting - that's the most we've ever had!  I'm sorry I haven't gotten over to see everyone's posts - our internet has been hit or miss for the past seven days, hopefully just because of the weather.  We live out in the country and have to rely on "holding our mouth right" to get internet reception……

But anyway - I'd better make hay while the sun shines and finish this blogpost!  Let's see how I did on last week's list...

1.  Quilt a ministry quilt for a young woman with breast cancer.
Done!  I love this pattern - I need to find out how the lady who made the top did it!

2.  Quilt a ministry quilt for a woman who just had a hip replacement.
Done!  Rita, the lady who pieced this top, is really coming into her own - she has taken on the orphan block pile and is creating some beautiful quilts!

3.  Quilt two quilts for a friend to give as Christmas gifts.
Done!  Not the greatest pics, but at least you can see what I was working on…

4.  Make five Christmas stockings (commission job).
Done!  You can read more about them here

5.  Make a back for Emmy's quilt.
Done!!  Woohoo!!!

6.  Make a back for Lilli's quilt.
In progress - this one may take a while, because I'm building slabs (a la Crazy Mom Quilts) out of the scraps left over from making the top…

7.  Keep up with any other ministry needs that arise.
Done!  We had three other requests come in this week, three men's quilts and one woman's quilt, and we pulled a baby quilt for a newborn baby out of the "already made" pile.  I'm missing a picture of one of the men's quilts and the woman's quilt, unfortunately…

Both of those adult quilts were pieced by Rita, using orphan blocks.  Amazing!

And here's what I'm hoping to get to this week…

1.  Finish Lilli's quilt back.

2.   Quilt Emmy's quilt.

3.  Wrap up our Angel Tree gifts.

4.  Introduce a friend to Jolene to help her out in her search for the best long arm machine for herself!

5.  Quilt a few quilts ahead for the ministry if no requests come in.

6.  Quilt Lilli's quilt if time allows.

7.  Work on a non-quilting Christmas project.

8.  Cut out some charm squares for a special project.

9.  Keep up with all ministry needs that arise.

That should be more than enough to keep me busy - it's nice to have some time to work on my own projects now, although if ministry needs arise, I'll put them aside again for a while.  But if I get both quilt backs done for the girls, I could quilt their quilts as late as Christmas Eve and still have them ready for Christmas morning - although I'd rather not do them at the last minute!!

So now the question is - - - what are YOU working on this week?



PS - just a reminder, Kate Spain has generously offered a 25% discount to you all to use in her shop through the end of 2013 - just use the discount code FabAd25!  She's got some really gorgeous textiles for the home - I just received my order, the mistletoe table runner, and it is GORGEOUS!!  Go get yourself something pretty for Christmas!