Friday, September 12, 2014

Can I Get a Whoop Whoop? It Must Be Baby Season….

Hi, all!

Wow - it's Friday again! I woke up this morning with the realization that I had forgotten to write my Whoop Whoop post last night - which is why this is late.  Oh well - dinner with the grandgirls and my daughter and son-in-law just blew everything else out of my head, I guess!  But - - - - it's Friday, so let's whoop it  up!!

This week I have a couple of baby quilts to share with you.  I didn't piece either of these quilts, but I had a good time quilting them!

Here's the first one - Sail Away!

This quilt is made from a printed panel, with two additional borders on each side. 

I had a lot of fun with the quilting on this one - swirlies for clouds and wind in the sky, outline quilting and pebbles in the sails

Wavy lines in the water, boards on the boat

…and stars in the starry border!!

And the really cool thing about this quilt?  It's for a new member of our church,  a lady from Czechoslovakia who is new to the area, with few friends locally.  One of our Sunday school classes had a baby shower for her last night, and when she opened up this quilt, they found out that the sheets she had for her little boy's room have…  wait for it….

ANCHORS on them!!  Isn't that amazing?  God always knows just the right quilt to give to each person!

And this pretty shadowbox quilt was originally going to be a bed sized quilt, but when Donetta found out that a friend at church needed a baby quilt, she realized that the colors in this were perfect for that quilt.  So now instead of a UFO, she has a great baby quilt to her credit!!

Using the backing as inspiration for the quilting, I quilted spiraling vines all over this quilt - so feminine and pretty!!

Both of those quilts were given away as part of the quilt ministry. Lots of babies these days!


In adoption news, the kids' dossier has made it to China, and they now have an LID - Logged In Date - of 9/2/14, so they are now eleven days into the waiting period for their LOA - Letter Of Acceptance!  Estimated wait time is 60-90 days.  Once they have that, all they'll be waiting for is their travel approval, and they can go #bringNathanaelhome!!!

Whoop whoop whoop!!!

And one more thing, just because it's cute - enjoy this little video, an ASL interpretation of Pharrell Williams' "Happy" produced by a team of Deaf campers and staff from Deaf Film Camp 2014 at Camp Mark Seven.

If that doesn't make you smile, I don't know what will!


And now it's your turn!!

What are you whooping about this week?

What's got you dancing the happy dance?

Share - we want to dance right along with you!!

The party will stay open until Sunday midnight - 

Hope to see you there!



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  1. Those are some great baby quilts! The panel - wow!! and the shadow box is beautiful, too. I like how you've quilted both of them.

  2. Those are both such cute baby quilts. Love that shadowbox pattern. Your quilting makes both of them sing! Hope the countdown to bringing Nathaniel home goes very smoothly all the way through.

  3. Such cute baby quilts. I especially love the nautical one, and the quilting on it is wonderful.

  4. Oh so wonderful. They are both terrific and I know they will be cherished. Of course the LID news is the BEST!

  5. Love the quilting on the baby quilt. Awesome!

  6. That sailboat quilt is SO ADORABLE! I can't believe it's a panel print. Your quilting makes it look amazing!

  7. So glad you shared the video. My teen grandson uses ASL to talk to us. So, I'm glad to watch something helping others who need ASL.
    Thank you for sharing. Joyce B. living in the Ozark Mountains.

  8. Yes. God knows and cares about quilting fabric! ;)

  9. Great baby quilt!! Congrats on your LID ( did I abbreviate that right?) I see a happy Christmas morning in your future!! ;-)

  10. Your quilting on the baby quilts is gorgeous! What a beautiful ministry!

  11. Boxy pouches!!! I love those and still haven't made one. Ironic considering this weeks finish for me is zipper pouches. Also love the baby quilt! :)

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