Friday, September 26, 2014

Can I Get A Whoop Whoop? A Little Love...

Hi, all!

It's Friday!!!  I hope you've had a spectacular week - it's been gorgeous in middle Tennessee, with lovely fall temperatures, clear skies and low humidity.  Perfect fall weather!!  But now it's time to get your whoop whoop on - I hope you're ready!


Have you seen the Moda Love quilts that are showing up all around the blogosphere?

I tried to resist the urge… but I had a layer cake burning a hole in my stash….

So I whipped this up!

An Urban Chiks Boho layer cake...

some beautiful chocolate tone-on-tone background fabric

…and some long-suffering straight-line quilting of this big heavy quilt (what was I thinking?) and it's done!  It's backed in an unbleached muslin to show off the quilting, which was done in white (for the print blocks) and chocolate (for the background blocks).

This quilt will join the pile of quilts for my daughter Nancy to auction or raffle off to help #bringNathanaelhome!  We are now 24 days and counting in the wait for the officials in China to approve Nancy and Chris's application to adopt Nathanael.


And now, if you've got the itch to make a quilt like this, here's a sale for you!!  Save up to 70% off ALL project kits, fabric, yarn and supplies at Craftsy's Stash of Possibilities Sale now through Monday, September 29th at 11:59 pm Mountain Time.  Shop now to save before popular products sell out!

Imagine your very own Moda Love quilt made with Sewing Box...

or radiantly glowing with Color Crush Batiks!

And remember (don't shoot the messenger!) Christmas is only 89 days away! This is a great time to find the supplies for all those beautiful Christmas gifts you know you want to make - or to get yummy fabric gifts for your crafty friends!


And that's what I'm whooping about this week!

So now it's your turn!

What's got you dancing the happy dance this week?

Share - we want to dance along with you!
(and dancing's always more un with friends!)

The party will stay open until Sunday midnight - 

Hope to see you there!



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if you make a purchase after clicking on my links.
Thank you for helping to support this blog!!

This linky list is now closed.


  1. Beautiful quilt finish! I love how the prints look set on that chocolately brown background.

  2. Good luck to Nancy and Chris! The quilt is stricking! And thanks for the party.

  3. Yum-yum 0n the Moda Love! I'm wanting to make one too. Whoop -whoop for you that yours is ready for loving. Janita

  4. Love your Moda Love, Sarah! The quilting is wonderful!

  5. Love that quilt! It's definitely "whoop" worthy.

  6. What a gorgeous quilt! And you are a much braver woman than I am! That's a LOT of quilting. Great job!

  7. I love that chocolate background and your quilting. Sorry about the double entry for my quilt. I got an error message that told me to log out and do it again. So I did.

  8. What a beautiful layer cake pattern. One of the best I have seen in a long time. Thanks for hosting!

  9. This quilt has really put me in the mood for some chocolate! It's gorgeous.

  10. I so understand how hard that wait is for the final approval but it is nothing compared to the prep for the trip.

  11. Love the dark background on your love quilt!! Great job. Good luck to your daughter on the adoption.


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