Friday, December 19, 2014

Can I Get A Whoop Whoop? This Year's Quilts Are In The Books!

Hi, all!

It's Friday again, and I am so happy to say that it's time for all of us to do some whooping - and today I have something to whoop about!!  The girls' annual quilts are done!

For those of you who may be new around here, I started quilting shortly after my granddaughter Lilli was born, and I decided that I would make her a quilt every Christmas.  That way when she grew up and moved out, she'd already have a stack of quilts for her house.  Well, as usually happens, along came another granddaughter, and I started making a quilt each year for her too!  Here are some of the quilts I've made them

Lilli, 2010

Lilli, 2011

Lilli, 2013

Emmy, when she was born.

Emmy, 2012

Emmy, 2013

Try as I might, I can't find pictures of two of Lilli's quilts!  Anyway, each year I try to find fabric that reminds me of what they were interested in that year.  I make labels for the quilts that tell them about that particular quilt and what they were like that year.  

Here are this year's quilts - first of all, Miss Lilli's!

Lilli chose her own focus fabric...

white unicorns on a purple field.  Because every princess needs a unicorn!

Here's a shot of the pieced back.

I found this cute ballerina print for the back.  Lilli likes to show me her ballet positions all the time (her cousin taught them to her!)

And take a look at the wonderful "I Love You" paper-pieced block that Terri made for Lilli's quilt!  It's hard to see, but the fingernails on the hand are sparkly - Lilli knew immediately it was made for her!  Thank you, Terri!

And here is Emmy's quilt - same pattern, but a different focus fabric and snowball corner color.  Amazing how different they look, isn't it?

Emmy's been all about boats this year - so I found some cute boat fabric for her focus fabric.

She's also been rather fond of horses since about mid-summer - so of course I had to have some of the Cotton & Steel Mustangs for the back!  And when I was cutting the pieces for her quilt back, I found the coolest thing on the Mustang selvage...

that fit Emmy so well it became part of her label!

And of course, Terri also made an "I Love You" paper-pieced block for Emmy's quilt, too.  This is one of Emmy's favorite ASL signs - she's finally learned how to do it herself, but when she does it, she says, "I you too!"

(Terri does the most amazing paper piecing - if you've never visited her blog before, you really should!)

So - - - can I get a Whoop Whoop?

And I wasn't the only one doing whoop-whoop worthy things this week - we've had a few at church, too!  I'd  better only show you one, though - the other is a Christmas present and I'd hate to inadvertently spoil a surprise.  I'll save that one for next week!

Meet Callie!  She's Rita The Quilting Queen's granddaughter, and the reason that Rita got started with us.  Callie was in our summer camp quilting class two years ago, and went home to her grandmother and told her she ought to come try it out!  That little quilt is Callie's fourth or fifth quilt, and it went to a new baby this week.  I think it's safe to say that Callie is the youngest active member of the quilt ministry!

So let's give Callie a big whoop whoop too!!


And now it's your turn!

What's got you whooping this week?

Are you doing the happy dance?

Share - because it's more fun to dance with friends!

The party will stay open until Sunday midnight,
so I hope to see you there!



PS - Just in case you missed it, I'm having a 5-year, 800-post, 1000-quilt giveaway!  You can enter until 5 pm Wednesday, 12/24, so hop over to this blogpost and throw your hat in the ring!!

This linky list is now closed.


  1. Your granddaughters will be very happy with your quilts. They are beauties!!! I love the story behind the quilts. Give a big whoop too Callie to. Het quilt is a beauty too!!!!
    Happy Xmas and New Year.

  2. I love the idea of a quilt each year and the labels and fabric and thought and love in each one is so precious.

  3. What a great tradition you've started! You've made a fab collection of quilts for your granddaughters :)

  4. I just love this, I can see them looking through the quilt labels years from now.

  5. What a fun tradition.
    Love Callie's quilt.

  6. Such pretty quilts! I love the difference you can see in the two pinwheel quilts, and I love that "I love you" pp block!! Also do you ever find some great fabric. Woo hoo, for Callie! So impressive.

  7. Oh! I love that last photo! YEAH Callie!

  8. I am glad to hear that it's good to have a big stack of quilts. My 4 kids have about 6 on their beds (at all times) and I keep making more. My hubby tries to convince me to do something else with the art (like sell them) but they're too much work. I'm glad it's good to have a stack.

  9. What a wonderful quilty heritage you are creating for those grandchildren! Beautiful quilts! And I am so impressed with Callie!!! What a great start she has made!

  10. I've also been making the grandkids quilts every year for Christmas since they were born. The oldest just turned 10. I love the label Teri designed and your idea of adding a bit about the year to the label. What a lot of cute quilts!

  11. I love seeing young people quilting. I wish my niece would like to learn!

  12. Lucky grands! :) So many pretty quilts and that big smile at the end is a whoop for sure! :)

  13. Great Post, I loved everything. It has been a great 5 years, and I have been with you almost that long. Whoop Whoop

  14. Those quilts are fabulous! What a difference the same pattern can be just by using different fabrics!

  15. What an amazing tradition to have started (though also quite a lot of commitment!). Your granddaughters will have quite a rich store of memories to go with those quilts, I am sure.

  16. Isn't Terri a sweetie! I have 2 of her blocks on my computer desk. I love them. Merry Christmas!

  17. A new quilt for Christmas is an interesting concept. I may have to revisit that again in 2015. My grand baby is 2 and I have made her4 quilts already.

  18. Those quilts are incredible; totally stunning and so lovely for the girls to have their childhood mapped out in quilts. It's amazing seeing how much difference changing the focus fabric makes too and I bet they'll love having matching but not matching quilts!

  19. A quilt a year for the grandbabies? What a fantastic thing to do! And they're all fantastic!

  20. Every unicorn needs a sweet princess. I would be hard pressed to decide which of the Christmas quilts you have made for the girls over the years is my favorite.

  21. I loved this post! Capturing the interests of each child in fabric is so clever and thoughtful. They will absolutely treasure these in years to come.

  22. This is such a cool set of quilts!! I absolutely love the stories that go with them, and that you make one every year. I may just have to do the same thing when I have grandkids!

  23. Oh they both are so adorable and I know that they will treasure them. Next year you'll be making 3!!!!!

  24. Has it really been five years? My how the time flies!


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