Monday, November 30, 2015

Make-A-List Monday - The Christmas Season Begins!

Hi, all!

And so it begins - the Christmas season is officially under way! Turkey day is over, the decorating has begun - and I refuse to think about how many days are left until Christmas!  I just put my nose to the grindstone and keep working on my long list of projects....

So let's see how last week's list went...

1.  Make a window seat cushion for a friend.
Done!  But of course, I forgot to take a picture of it.  Let's just say it looked really great in her window seat!

2.  Start another commission quilt for a friend.
Started and finished!  I love the way this turned out.  This is the best pic I have - it's been raining here ever since I started working on this one!

3.  Make a back for Lilli's quilt.
I did not get to this at all!  Bummer...

4.  Keep working on the origami butterflies for Emmy's quilt.
I did make a few more of these, and may re-evaluate how many I need to put on the quilt...

5. Piece letter blocks for the back of Nathanael's quilt.
Didn't get to this one either - hopefully Thursday or Friday of this week!

6.  Decorate the house for Christmas (after Thanksgiving dinner is over!)
Well, I've started!  The Christmas tree is up in the den...

...and I've started with a few things on the mantel, but most of it still needs to be done.

7.  Keep up with any quilt ministry needs that come up.
I guess everyone was too busy to feel sick this week - no requests came in.  A quiet week!

I did manage to re-make the back to a friend's quilt - an inexperienced quilter, she made the back too small for the front and I had to make some changes so I could load it on the frame.  I think it turned out nicely! You can see the top of the quilt in the list below...

So I pretty seriously overestimated how much I could get done last week, I guess.  Thanksgiving consumed all my time!  But let's see what's on this week's list...

1.  Quilt a friend's top - a year old UFO that was supposed to be a Christmas gift last year!  We're going to make sure it gets to its new home this year...  Isn't it pretty?

2.  Sew up Nathanael's Christmas stocking.  I found the cross-stitched front on my sewing table when I cleaned up the other day, and realized that I still needed to get it finished!

3.  Quilt two quilts for the quilt ministry.

4.  Pick up some donations for the quilt ministry.

5.  Piece alphabet blocks for Nathanael's quilt.

6.  Assemble the back for Lilli's quilt.

7.  Assemble the back for Emmy's quilt.

8.  Finish decorating the house for Christmas - we have two Christmas parties at our house on Saturday!

9.  Keep up with any quilt ministry needs that come up.

Another big list, but if I can get all this done I will be one happy camper!!  Hopefully I can get the first two done tomorrow, the third and 4th on Wednesday, and 5, 6, and 7 on Thursday and Friday while some friends come and use my long arm.  I'll be working on decorating the house in between things all week, I'm sure.

So now, the question is - - - what are YOU working on this week?



Friday, November 27, 2015

Can I Get A Whoop Whoop? Looking Ahead...

Hi, all!

We've managed to survive the mayhem that is Thanksgiving Day, and it's finally Friday!!  Are you ready to get your whoop whoop on?  I had to search hard for something to whoop whoop about - not much crafting has gone on here this week, just cleaning and cooking - but I've got a little something to share with you!


As I've been working on Christmas projects for everyone else this year, and seeing all the adorable things I'd love to make for Christmas, but just don't have time to do, I thought, "If I started working on Christmas in July, I wouldn't have this problem!"  

And the bare bones of an idea was formed - a blog hop in July to give us ideas and inspiration to start working on Christmas early!  I put out some feelers on my blog, and already have fifteen bloggers interested in participating - - - but there's always room for more!   

So - this is the last call!  If you'd like to be a part of this upcoming blog hop (July 14th through July 25, 2016), drop me a line at salliesue57 (at) gmail (dot) com.  I'm really excited about getting this organized, and it's a great time right now to get your supplies lined up for whatever you might want to blog about!

Do you want to blog hop with me?  This is what I'm whooping about this week - I hope you will be too!


And now it's your turn!

What's got you whooping this week?

What's making you dance the happy dance?

Share - we want to dance right along with you...

And it's always more fun to dance with friends!

The party will stay open until midnight Sunday - 

Hope to see you there!



This linky list is now closed.

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Let's Take a (Very) Short Break...

Hi, all!

Here we are, smack dab in the middle of Thanksgiving week - and I don't know about you, but I've been so busy I haven't had even two minutes to sit down at my sewing machine this week!  Neither have I had time to choose and review a book for What's On The Bookshelf Wednesday this week - and so I'm going to take a very short break for a week!  There will be another review next Wednesday, so be sure to stop by then - and don't forget to come back this Friday for a little whoop-whooping and happy dancing!

Oh, and one more thing - every year, I vow to get my Christmas presents done early, and every year (so far) I am still scrambling in December to get it all done.  Next year I am planning to host a Christmas in July blog hop in hopes of getting us all a step ahead!  If you are interested in being one of the blog hop blogs, please email me at salliesue57 (at) gmail (dot) com and let me know.  There are already about ten bloggers who have agreed to participate, but the more the merrier!  Come join in!!  

So for now, take your time, breath deeply, and prepare for the mayhem that is Thanksgiving...

Hugs and Happy Thanksgiving!!


Monday, November 23, 2015

Make-A-List Monday - Happy Thanksgiving Week!!!

Hi, all!

I hope you're each surviving the buildup to Thanksgiving well - I thought I was doing really great today until this happened...

Yes, I managed to back into my garage door before it opened completely!  That's what happens when there's too much on your mind, distracting you from the little things....  Needless to say, I've slowed down a bit and am being much more careful now!!

My husband (who is the absolute best) took care of covering the open door - the garage people can't get here until tomorrow to help us get it fixed - and he said, "Ain't no walkers getting in here tonight!"  I think we've watched just a little too much Walking Dead...

OK, enough of that!  Let's see how last week's list went...

1.  Stitch down the appliqués on Lilli's quilt.
Done!  This top is ready to quilt - now I need to work on the back.

2.  Plan the quilting on that quilt.
In progress!  I had a brilliant idea that I may or may not be able to actually make work...

3.  Quilt at least two quilts for the quilt ministry.
Done!  I actually did these two, plus another one that's in the list of this week's ministry quilts.  These two will be used by our homeless "room in the Inn" ministry this winter.  Both beautiful tops were pieced by Gayle B. and donated to the ministry - 
thanks again, Gayle!!

4.  Work on the fabric origami butterflies for Emmy's quilt.
In progress!  These are pretty simple to make while I'm watching tv at night, and I made a bunch of them last night.  Still need to go back and stitch some of the folds down so they don't come apart.

5.  Clean and shine up the wood floors in my house.
The floors are clean, but I still need to put down the "shine"!

6.  Shop for and pack up my Operation Christmas Child boxes.
Done and delivered!  Four boxes full of fun!

7.  Do the Thanksgiving grocery shopping (so my turkey can actually thaw in the refrigerator this year as recommended!)
Done!  I finished up the last of it this morning, but the turkey has been thawing in the fridge since Saturday - hooray!  It should be well and truly thawed by Thursday morning, just in time to go in the oven!

8.  Keep up with any quilt ministry needs that come up.
Done!  This quilt went to a young woman whose husband died very unexpectedly...

This quilt went to a woman with terminal cirrhosis of the liver...

This pretty quilt, made with orphan blocks, was given to a woman just diagnosed with uterine cancer.

This quilt went to a 15-year old boy whose father died last year, and whose mother died last week.  He is living with his grandparents, but has experienced such significant loss, we wanted to give him something to remind him that people are praying for him.

This quilt went to a young Marine with PTSD...

...and this quilt went to a man just diagnosed with colon and liver cancer.

This week I also got to have a sleepover with this lovely little lady, and we stopped by to see Alvin and the Chipmunks on our way to see The Peanuts Movie!

And this not-so-lovely lady decided to play with a skunk (her sister, too!) and we spent Sunday afternoon de-stinkifying our dogs!

So all in all, it was a busy, busy week!

One busy week past, but still lots to do!  So here's what's on the list for this week...

1.  Make a window seat cushion for a friend.

2.  Start another commission quilt for a friend.

3.  Make a back for Lilli's quilt.

4.  Keep working on the origami butterflies for Emmy's quilt.

5. Piece letter blocks for the back of Nathanael's quilt.

6.  Decorate the house for Christmas (after Thanksgiving dinner is over!)

7.  Keep up with any quilt ministry needs that come up.

Definitely enough to keep me out of trouble this week - all on top of cooking Thanksgiving dinner (or at least part of it) for fourteen people this Thursday!  

So now, the question is - - - what are YOU working on this week?



PS - With Christmas projects on the brain, and not enough time to make everything I'd like to make before Christmas, I'm considering hosting a Christmas in July blog hop next July.  If you're interested in participating in the hop, please drop me an email at salliesue57 (at) gmail (dot) com.  We've already got eight bloggers lined up, and I'd love to have lots more.  So if you want to be part of it, speak up now!  (Those of you who have already indicated that you're interested, you don't need to respond again!)  Thanks!

Friday, November 20, 2015

Can I Get A Whoop Whoop? A Little More Christmas Sewing!

Hi, all!

Friday has rolled around again - and do you realize that Christmas is six Fridays away, including today?  Yikes!!  But I've got a few Christmas projects to whoop about this week - and I bet you do too!  So let's get started!


First of all, I'm whooping about finishing the appliqué on Lilli's annual quilt for this year - The Princess and The Pea!

This top is now ready for quilting, probably after Thanksgiving, since I can't have it on the frame when the family comes over for dinner - that might spoil the surprise!

I deviated from the pattern to make the princess look a bit like Lilli - pretty blonde hair, and a purple nightgown - her favorite color!  I can't wait to quilt this one - I plan on using different quilting designs in each of the "mattresses", and I'm thinking about something special for the negative space in the background.  I've got to do some sketching to see if I can make it work, though!

I also finished this pretty fence rail Christmas quilt this week!

Aren't those colors yummy?  I really like pastel Christmas colors for a change - they look so light and fresh!

And I did some more of the "blustery wind" swirls - I love the texture it gives the quilt!

Top it all off with a great Christmas backing, and this one is in the books!  

I love the birds on this backing, and the colors work fabulously with the front of the quilt!

This quilt finished up at about 60" square, and is available for purchase for the bargain price of $150 (plus shipping if needed) - I hit a great sale and got the fabrics for next to nothing.  So if you've always wanted a Christmas quilt, but never manage to get one made in time for Christmas, here's your chance!  


That's what I'm doing the happy dance about this week - 
can I get a whoop whoop?


And now it's your turn!  

What are you whooping about this week?

What's making you do a little happy dance?

Share - we want to dance right along with you - 

and it's always more fun to dance with friends!

The party will stay open until Sunday midnight - 

Hope to see you there!



PS - While we're thinking about Christmas, I'm considering hosting  a "Christmas in July" blog hop this summer - if you'd be interested in being one of the stops on the hop, email me at salliesue57 (at) gmail (dot) com.  I'm still bouncing some ideas around about the best way to do it, and I'd love to get feedback from some of the people who would be involved in it!

This linky list is now closed.

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

What's On The Bookshelf Wednesday - We All Love Freebies!

Hi, all!

We all look to our books for new patterns, or to learn new things, right?  I know I do!  But there are so many other resources available to us beyond books these days, and today I want to share one of my favorite places to go for free patterns and great free classes - Craftsy!

I conducted a search of free quilting patterns, looking for fun things to make for Christmas.  Here's just a few of the things I found...

A sweet Christmas table runner ...

Super simple Christmas bell ornaments ...

A no-sew quilted Christmas tree ...

And an adorable paper-pieced trio Christmas tree quilt!

And here are a few great free quilting classes...

I don't know about you, but I've always wanted to learn how to make pixel quilts!

And this is one of my favorite classes - bring some life and style to your quilts with creative quilt backs!

And maybe you like to look at quilt blogs, but haven't taken the plunge into quilting yourself.  This is a great free class that will help you learn the basics easily!

And while free is always good, sometimes you want to take a longer, more in-depth class taught by one of Craftsy's great instructors, such as...

Christina Cameli's great class on free motion quilting...

Or a great class that can help you get a jump on Christmas with Tammy Silver's quick quilted gifts!

Have you always wanted to learn how to design your own quilts?  Take a class with a fabulous quilt designer, Weeks Ringle!

And guess what? Craftsy is really thankful for you, and they want to show you just how much!  For 24 hours only, shop their most popular online classes for just $14.99.  Check them out!  Don't miss this great opportunity!!


Next week, we'll be back with a review of a great book!  Until then, have you looked at your bookshelf lately?  



This post contains affiliate links, and if you click on those links, I may receive compensation.  Your click is sincerely appreciated - it helps support this blog!  Thank you!

Monday, November 16, 2015

Make-A-List Monday - On A Roll!

Hi, all!

I think fall has finally arrived in Middle Tennessee, just in time for Thanksgiving!  Our weather has been consistently cooler, and getting cold at night, and we actually had frost the other day.  I'll be glad to see the ragweed freeze and die, that's for sure!  It really helps to get in the mood for the holidays when the weather feels right, though.

OK, now it's time to see how last week's list went...

1.  Work on a new Christmas quilt for myself!
Nope!  But I did make a Christmas quilt for a friend, and another one that I'm hoping to sell to raise some Christmas spending money. Here's the one for my friend...

...and here's the one I'm selling.

2.  Clean the guest room and get it ready for my niece's visit in a couple of weeks.
Done!  I'm glad to be able to close that door and keep it nice until Thanksgiving...

3.  Clean out the pots and pans cabinet in the kitchen.
Done!  This cabinet looks a whole lot better now!

4.  Work on the appliqué for Lilli's annual quilt.
In progress.  I've made all the appliqués and attached them to the quilt with fusible web, but still need to stitch them down to the top  But that's tomorrow's job!

5.  Plan the menu for Thanksgiving dinner and prepare a shopping list.
Done!  I probably won't shop until Thursday, but at least it's ready to go.  I sure hope sixteen people can eat a LOT of food!

6.  Clear out the garage enough so we can get a second car in it.  Preferably before there's frost on the pumpkin!
Done, just in the knick of time!  I surprised my husband with this...

It's not organized yet (that's HIS job), but at least we can both park our cars in it!

7.  Keep up with any quilt ministry needs that come up.
Done!  We had several individual needs come up this week...

This quilt went to a couple whose adult son just died unexpectedly...

This quilt went to a woman just diagnosed with stage 4 lymphoma...

...and this one went to a young woman who suffered a traumatic head injury and is currently on a ventilator.

We also made seventeen Christmas quilts that will be given to the shut-ins that our church takes dinner to each Wednesday night with their Thanksgiving dinner this year.  Here's a glimpse of all seventeen - many of them thanks to donations from Gayle B. and KatieQ!  I'm happy to say they will be finding good homes this week!

OK, so last week was pretty productive!  I hope this week will go as well - here's the list of things I need to get done...

1.  Stitch down the appliqués on Lilli's quilt.

2.  Plan the quilting on that quilt.

3.  Quilt at least two quilts for the quilt ministry.

4.  Work on the fabric origami butterflies for Emmy's quilt.

5.  Clean and shine up the wood floors in my house.

6.  Shop for and pack up my Operation Christmas Child boxes.

7.  Do the Thanksgiving grocery shopping (so my turkey can actually thaw in the refrigerator this year as recommended!)

8.  Keep up with any quilt ministry needs that come up.

Light on quilting, but Thanksgiving preparations have to take precedence this week!  I also get to spend time with Emmy Wednesday morning (I had both the little ones this morning), Thursday morning I spend sewing at church with some of the ministry members, and Friday night is a sleepover with Lilli!  So it's going to be a busy week!

And now, the question is - - - what are YOU working on this week?

