Monday, November 2, 2015

Make-A-List Monday - Get Stuff Done!

Hi, all!

Wow!  Can you believe it's November?  This year is just flying by! As I was shopping in Target Friday, I saw them putting out Christmas wrapping paper and ornaments in the aisles next to the Halloween goodies.  I don't know about you, but that kind of lights a fire under me - I need to get going on all my Christmas crafting!

But let's take a look first at what happened with last week's to-do list...
1.  Finish a pillow top for Emmy.
Done!  I'm just tickled pink with how this one came out!  There are details on how I made it on last Friday's post, if you are interested...

2.  Cut the sashing and cornerstones for the t-shirt quilt.
3.  Assemble the t-shirt quilt.
Done!  I can't show the whole top, because this is a gift for someone, but here's a little tease...

4.  Cut the background pieces for a ministry quilt.
5.  Assemble the ministry quilt.
Done and done!  I'm also very happy with how this quilt turned out.  More about it coming on Friday's post!

6.  Take my car to shop for recall work.
Done!  My sweet Honda Element was long overdue for a couple of earlier recalls, and then I got the recall for the airbag problem that's epidemic lately.  When the dealership called to schedule, I bit the bullet and set it up - and now it's done!  Woohoo!!

7.  Scan and email a quilt pattern to a friend.
Done!  I love my scanner - it makes it so much easier to do something like this!

8.  Take a picture of all fifty quilts for Ethiopia on Wednesday night with the members of the kids' classes.
Not done - because we forgot when we were scheduling it that all the kids would be dressed up in Halloween costumes and hyped up on sugar.  We intelligently rescheduled it for this coming Wednesday night.

9.  Start re-organizing the garage so we can park both cars in there again!
Done!  In the first shot, you can see the bookcases that were originally covered with part of my husband's professional library (he had already cleared off the top shelves when I took this picture)...

...and here they are all cleared off and ready to hold tools, supplies and other "garage stuff"!

We'll be taking a small "shop" room off the garage and turning it into a man cave, with lots of shelving for books up high and some of the workout equipment in it.  The books that he kept will be put in there, and with added shelving, hubby can bring home the additional fifteen boxes of professional library he has a work!  

10. Keep up with any quilt ministry needs that come up.
Done!  This quilt is going to a new baby in our church family...

And these two quilts are going to her grandparents, members of our church, who were injured in a head-on crash while coming home from meeting their new granddaughter.  Fortunately, neither were seriously injured - they sustained some pretty significant injuries but nothing like what could have happened.

This quilt went to a 15-year old girl who is undergoing brain surgery this week...

This one is going to a woman just diagnosed with cancer who is having a difficult time dealing with her diagnosis...

And this one to a man who just received a prostate cancer diagnosis.

This quilt is going to a gentleman diagnosed with stage 4 lung and liver cancer...

And this one is going to a woman who will be having brain surgery this week.

This quilt is going to a woman just diagnosed with pancreatic cancer.  

And this quilt will be going to another new baby in our church family!

OK, so not so bad last week.  I didn't think I had managed quite this much on the list, but looking back, I feel better!  So now to see what needs to be done this week...

1.  Finish the commission t-shirt quilt.

2.  Complete a commission quilting job.

3.  Make the back for a gift quilt for a friend.

4.  Write a blog post about my China trip.

5.  Drop off books at Goodwill.

6.  Start getting the house ready for Thanksgiving company.
(My daughter usually hosts the combined family Thanksgiving dinner, but she is currently "homeless" as they are living with her husband's parents while their new house is being built.  So I get to host it this year - for about twenty folks!  Time to do some deep cleaning....)

7.  Keep up with any quilt ministry needs that come up.

That looks like a skinny list for this week, but if I can knock out some of the commission work this week, I'll be happy - that will take a huge weight off my shoulders and allow me to relax a little bit!  My mantra this week is "Get Stuff Done!"

So now the question is - - - what are YOU working on this week?




  1. Love, love, love all the quilts! Where did you get that large flower fabric? You do so well on your lists - amzing.

  2. You ROCK! Wonderful quilts as always. Kudos for getting things done. You have motivated me to make a weekly list like this and make myself accountable. Maybe it will help get things done? LOL

  3. That was quite a list for only one week! Good job checking most things off! All those quilts are wonderful. I know they will be very much appreciated.

  4. I just saw the beautiful string quilt on Facebook. I love this quilt. So many lovely quilts for people who are sick. Prayers for all the receivers. My plans this week is to put a label on my granddaughter's Christmas quilt, finish the binding on a baby quilt, and sew two quilt tops into flimsies. Have a great week.

  5. Wow, you always get so much done! I love the ministry quilt with the string blocks and I'm looking forward to seeing more of it on Friday. Really nice layout! Good luck with the kids and the photo shoot for the Ethiopia quilts - smart move to reschedule!

  6. All the ministry quilts are beautiful.
    Hope you get your car back soon.
    Love the string quilt!

  7. What a lot of work! I especially like that second quilt that is going to those grandparents who were injured. I'd be interested to know how those fussy cut blocks are done. Are they four-patch blocks? Gosh it's just so pretty!

  8. Oh, shoot! You reminded me that we need to schedule recall work for our car. (thanks!) You always get so much work done - I love these posts.


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