Friday, November 20, 2015

Can I Get A Whoop Whoop? A Little More Christmas Sewing!

Hi, all!

Friday has rolled around again - and do you realize that Christmas is six Fridays away, including today?  Yikes!!  But I've got a few Christmas projects to whoop about this week - and I bet you do too!  So let's get started!


First of all, I'm whooping about finishing the appliqué on Lilli's annual quilt for this year - The Princess and The Pea!

This top is now ready for quilting, probably after Thanksgiving, since I can't have it on the frame when the family comes over for dinner - that might spoil the surprise!

I deviated from the pattern to make the princess look a bit like Lilli - pretty blonde hair, and a purple nightgown - her favorite color!  I can't wait to quilt this one - I plan on using different quilting designs in each of the "mattresses", and I'm thinking about something special for the negative space in the background.  I've got to do some sketching to see if I can make it work, though!

I also finished this pretty fence rail Christmas quilt this week!

Aren't those colors yummy?  I really like pastel Christmas colors for a change - they look so light and fresh!

And I did some more of the "blustery wind" swirls - I love the texture it gives the quilt!

Top it all off with a great Christmas backing, and this one is in the books!  

I love the birds on this backing, and the colors work fabulously with the front of the quilt!

This quilt finished up at about 60" square, and is available for purchase for the bargain price of $150 (plus shipping if needed) - I hit a great sale and got the fabrics for next to nothing.  So if you've always wanted a Christmas quilt, but never manage to get one made in time for Christmas, here's your chance!  


That's what I'm doing the happy dance about this week - 
can I get a whoop whoop?


And now it's your turn!  

What are you whooping about this week?

What's making you do a little happy dance?

Share - we want to dance right along with you - 

and it's always more fun to dance with friends!

The party will stay open until Sunday midnight - 

Hope to see you there!



PS - While we're thinking about Christmas, I'm considering hosting  a "Christmas in July" blog hop this summer - if you'd be interested in being one of the stops on the hop, email me at salliesue57 (at) gmail (dot) com.  I'm still bouncing some ideas around about the best way to do it, and I'd love to get feedback from some of the people who would be involved in it!

This linky list is now closed.


  1. I am in love with your top. So funny!!! What a surprise this must be!!!

  2. Hilarious, especially the portrait princess, but Lilli might complain if there's no pea to be seen. A bit of emergency appliqué, perhaps?

  3. The Princess and the Pea quilt looks fantastic! I can't wait to see how you quilt it up :)

  4. Your Princess quilt top is beautiful. I love the princess' face with her rosy cheeks. When quilted, this quilt will be a treasure!
    And your right, pastel Christmas colors are a good change. They give the quilt a "feeling" of youth, I find. Gorgeous!
    Thank you for hosting!

  5. I love Lilli's quilt and really like the idea for the quilting, it sounds like you'll have a lot of fun with it. The Christmas fabrics are so pretty, it makes me want to buy more :)

  6. Lilli's quilt is fabulous! My daughter has made me promise to make one for her little girl when she has one.

  7. I agree, pastel christmas colors can be festive. I especially like light turquoise with minty green and red.

  8. That Princess and the Pea Quilt is a hoot! I can wait to see what you'll do with the quilting designs Sarah!
    Love the soft, low contrast colors of your Christmas quilt!

  9. What an adorable Princess Quilt! I would have wanted one so bad as a kid...I'm not sold on the idea of pink and teal as Christmas colours, but they are becoming more tolerable to me :) maybe I'm just more of a stubborn traditionalist!

  10. Oh my goodness - the princess and the pea is fantastic!!

  11. Wow! You're amazing to have two finishes in one week! And both are gorgeous. Congrats.

  12. The Princess quilt is coming along nicely - cute pattern.. Wonderful Christmas quilts - not fond of seasonal fabric, but love the backing.

  13. The Princess and the Pea quilt is so sweet! I'm sure she's going to love it! Love that Christmas quilt too!

  14. She's going to love it! Such a beautiful Christmas quilt, too.

  15. Your Christmas quilts are so fun, Sarah -- and I LOVE the Princess and the Pea! One of my favorite fairy tales. :-)

  16. Whoop Whoop!!! Adorable Christmas quilt...and it is definitely a bargain. If it hasn't been snatched up yet, it will be in no time. Something special in the negative space of Lilli's quilt will NOT be a problem for you. Looking forward to seeing that finish.


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