Sunday, March 25, 2018

Hands2Help - It's Tips, Tutes, and Tasty Things Week!

Hi, all!

Welcome to one of my favorite weeks of each year's Challenge, when we share our favorite tips, tutorials, and tasty things!  Each year I discover some really great ideas and recipes - things that make my life so much easier and quilting more fun - so let's get started!!

First off is a tip.  This one seems kind of silly, but it certainly made my life much easier when I was working on my Long Time Gone quilt...

Washi tape saved my life while I was doing my first paper pieced blocks, keeping the piece of fabric in place when I flipped the paper over to stitch on the lines.  It didn't leave any residue on the fabric, and was easy to take off and use again on the next piece of fabric.  Priceless!!!!

And here's a great and really useful tutorial, written to help you know how many strips you need to make a specific sized jelly roll race quilt!  Most of us have made them, because they're so quick and easy, but what if you need a bigger or smaller size?  This tutorial is quick and easy and can help you make everything from a baby quilt to a king size!  

And here's one of my favorite recipes, when you need a little summer even when it's cold outside!  We got some great peaches and blueberries last year, and I froze a bunch of them when I had a bumper crop.  This peach and blueberry pie is the bomb!  

So those are my own tips, tutes, and tasty things - it's time for you to share your own!  Link up below to share.  You don't have to write a new blogpost, although you an if you want to.  You can just link directly to someone else's post if you want to!

Be sure to come back next week, when we'll be revealing the sponsors and giveaway goodies for this year's Challenge - you won't want to miss it!!



This linky list is now closed.


  1. Great little tidbits here! Thanks for the links. I will have to find some Washi tape.

  2. I can never get my pie crust to look that pretty:)

  3. Thanks Sarah! I love the pie recipe and think I'll have to make it soon. And I just noticed that I've linked up twice. The first time, I got a message saying there was a problem so I just linked again after returning home. I guess I should have checked before jumping. hahahaha Have a great week!

  4. Oh my goodness that pie picture just made my mouth water!!

  5. Just thought of a question. Do we put labels on the quilts?

  6. I'm glad to know the idea of using the washi tape. I have a bunch I'll never use for anything else.

  7. I've never made a jellyroll race quilt, but I might make one with flowers appliquéd like that one!


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