Hi, all!
Oh happy day - I have finished my taxes and filed them, so now I can sew without guilt!!! Am I alone in feeling that way? Surely not! But boy, do I have a lot of sewing to do!
First, let's look at what I got done last week...
1. Make a back for the baby quilt and quilt it.
Done! We haven't had any pretty weather yet to take pics, but I'll be posting about it on Friday with lots of pictures!
Done! We haven't had any pretty weather yet to take pics, but I'll be posting about it on Friday with lots of pictures!
2. Keep cutting scraps and working on the March scrap project.
Done! The "C" tub is empty, and I'm halfway through piecing a great big scrappy top with the contents!
3. Start deconstructing that old quilt top.
Done! The "C" tub is empty, and I'm halfway through piecing a great big scrappy top with the contents!
Started! Today this top went from this....

...to this! A pile of 20 blocks just waiting to have the turtles salvaged from them. The rest of the quilt will be replaced.

...to this! A pile of 20 blocks just waiting to have the turtles salvaged from them. The rest of the quilt will be replaced.

4. Mail the H2H sign-up giveaway swag!
Done! Terri is in possession of all those gorgeous blues!
5. Keep up with any quilt ministry needs that come up.
Done! Terri is in possession of all those gorgeous blues!
5. Keep up with any quilt ministry needs that come up.
Done! Only one quilt went out this week. This quilt went to a young man whose house burned down last week. He lost everything, but we're hoping that a little quilt-y hug and comfort will help him get through some dark days.
And, I got the taxes done! The dogs still haven't gone to the vet for their shots yet, but I've got that scheduled for this Thursday, so we'll be good! It's spring break for the kiddos, so I'll be spending a couple of days with them too.
Here's the plan for this week....
1. Finish the scrappy top.
2. Start deconstructing the turtle blocks.
3. Cut out a commission quilt.
4. Take pictures of all the H2h giveaway items and write the blog post for Sunday.
5. Finish a "guy" quilt for the quilt ministry.
6. Pick out a vacation project.
7. Mail the triangle baby quilt to my niece!
8. Keep up with any quilt ministry needs that come up.
It's also Easter week, so I'll have to pull together three Easter baskets for the kiddos - that's always a lot of fun!! I try to find things a little "out of the box" because they also get baskets from their parents and the other grandparents. This year I'm thinking I need to look for some books they would like!
So now the question is - - - what are YOU working on?
I love your scrappy creation!!
ReplyDeleteBooks in my Easter basket?! I would be one happy camper/reader. Those turtles are so charming. Look forward to seeing what happens to them.
ReplyDeleteGrowing up, my grandmother gave us a nice hard back book every Easter. I love it!
ReplyDeleteTrying to get my March OMG done before March is done!
ReplyDeleteThe librarian in me loves that you will put books in the Easter baskets. Unlike chocolate, they can be read over and over again.
sewing up more scrappy DWR arcs...only 100 to go!
ReplyDeleteI wish I could be this organized! Maybe one day when things get to a better normal.
ReplyDeleteI know the recipient of the quilt was really happy. I can't imagine!
What a lot you have accomplished-it has to feel good!
ReplyDeleteEven better than the good feeling of getting your taxes done!
You sure get a lot done. I finished our taxes a week ago and it is always a relief. I don't know why I put it off so long and it just hangs over my like a black cloud
ReplyDeleteMan! The entire month of March seemed to zoom by. I feel like I haven't accomplished much yet I stayed so darn busy. Did get some tops finished for H2H:)